
[SM 5.1-new / OutFox LTS and Alpha V] DDR A3 Theme

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Post #401 · Posted at 2024-04-17 05:11:10am 6.9 months ago

Offline Curilang
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Quote: makoflagkk
Would you be able to add border and center guidelines and make them optional between p1 and p2?

I don't exactly know how to do that, I use GuideLines "by default" (SM config)

Post #402 · Posted at 2024-04-17 05:17:31pm 6.9 months ago

Offline broidmode
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I noticed a small issue. When the theme is enabled, Good's do not break combos, but in Outfox the notes don't disappear. The Outfox setting is HIDENOTE JUDGEMENT, which is TNS_W3 by default and needs to be set to TNS_W4 in order to display properly. This can be changed in settings, but since it's not in the theme's menus you have to disable the theme, change the setting, and then re-enable.

Post #403 · Posted at 2024-04-17 07:03:51pm 6.9 months ago

Offline Curilang
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Quote: broidmode
I noticed a small issue. When the theme is enabled, Good's do not break combos, but in Outfox the notes don't disappear. The Outfox setting is HIDENOTE JUDGEMENT, which is TNS_W3 by default and needs to be set to TNS_W4 in order to display properly. This can be changed in settings, but since it's not in the theme's menus you have to disable the theme, change the setting, and then re-enable.

Thanks for reporting this! We're going to check that.

Post #404 · Posted at 2024-04-26 06:50:23am 6.6 months ago

Offline Landpaddle
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I noticed a possible issue with this theme's results screen. If this is the A3 theme that yuisin uses in their videos, then the O.K. count and EX Score calculations may be incorrect.

Yuisin video for Starlight in the Snow CDP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P52y2xubdmQ
Results screen: https://i.ibb.co/7N6Rwvz/Capture.png

あお video for Starlight in the Snow CDP on a cab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzHq31M6ynE
Results screen: https://i.ibb.co/jLCKKsw/Capture2.png

The O.K. count in the theme counts the number of hold arrows exactly (26). The cab counts the lines that have one or more hold arrows starts (21) and adds the total shock arrows dodged (71) for a total of 92. The EX Score is off as well because it adds the O.K. judgements and steps by judgment. The yuisin video has a max EX Score of 1353, which is below the real total of 1551 in あお's video if you account for Perfects adding 2 instead of 3.

Post #405 · Posted at 2024-04-26 05:26:15pm 6.6 months ago

Offline n00b_saib0t
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Nintendo Network ID: n00bsaib0tNintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-7875-2425-72033DS Friend Code: 4871-6557-4900
"F***ing exhausted."
Quote: Landpaddle
I noticed a possible issue with this theme's results screen. If this is the A3 theme that yuisin uses in their videos, then the O.K. count and EX Score calculations may be incorrect.

Yuisin video for Starlight in the Snow CDP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P52y2xubdmQ
Results screen: https://i.ibb.co/7N6Rwvz/Capture.png

あお video for Starlight in the Snow CDP on a cab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzHq31M6ynE
Results screen: https://i.ibb.co/jLCKKsw/Capture2.png

The O.K. count in the theme counts the number of hold arrows exactly (26). The cab counts the lines that have one or more hold arrows starts (21) and adds the total shock arrows dodged (71) for a total of 92. The EX Score is off as well because it adds the O.K. judgements and steps by judgment. The yuisin video has a max EX Score of 1353, which is below the real total of 1551 in あお's video if you account for Perfects adding 2 instead of 3.
I think this is a StepMania issue. Shock Arrows don't exist, they're mines and the noteskin makes them look like Shock Arrows. Mines don't add to combo or grant "O.K.!" like a Freeze does. Also, I'm like 99% sure a jump Freeze in DDR is one "O.K.!" but in StepMania it's two. So you will see a lot of inconsistency from DDR to StepMania around the "O.K.!" judgment and I don't think there is much to be done, a custom scoring.lua file can only do so much and this really boils down to StepMania being a different game being themed to look as much like DDR as possible.
Quote: sharibetsu in The Unwritten Rules of ZIv thread
Any popular thread must have at least one debate between n00b_saib0t and someone else.

Post #406 · Posted at 2024-04-26 08:50:00pm 6.6 months ago

Offline Curilang
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Quote: n00b_saib0t
I think this is a StepMania issue.

Not exactly, StepMania doesn't have Mines Counts to Judgements so, I think mines in StepMania with ShockArrows NoteSkins are just for fun.

Post #407 · Posted at 2024-04-26 08:53:29pm 6.6 months ago

Offline n00b_saib0t
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"F***ing exhausted."

Last updated: 2024-04-26 08:53pm
Quote: Curilang
Quote: n00b_saib0t
I think this is a StepMania issue.

Not exactly, StepMania doesn't have Mines Counts to Judgements so, I think mines in StepMania with ShockArrows NoteSkins are just for fun.
That's exactly what I just described, though. How is that not a StepMania issue? You can't fix that in the theme, so it's a difference between StepMania and DDR.
Quote: sharibetsu in The Unwritten Rules of ZIv thread
Any popular thread must have at least one debate between n00b_saib0t and someone else.

Post #408 · Posted at 2024-05-17 10:19:21am 5.9 months ago

Offline Biku
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Last updated: 2024-05-19 02:22am
I had a question but im not sure if this is the right place to ask, i look at the ensiso characters and DS download links and says that the las upload include SN DanceStages but there not showing when i check the content, someone knows where can i download and if is compatible with sm 5.1?

By the wayi had a problem with stepmania 5.1, when i try to play any song the game close and shows an error saying that i can't find "F river.txt" and "M world1.txt" but when i check the DanceRepo" those archives are there.

Post #409 · Posted at 2024-06-12 02:05:10am 5 months ago

Offline JMitch
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Everytime I play a song, for some odd reason the speed modifier comes up and I didn’t even adjust it and every time I hit left and right, it adjusts the speed modifier. Please help.

Post #410 · Posted at 2024-06-12 02:13:23am 5 months ago

Offline n00b_saib0t
n00b_saib0t Avatar Member
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Nintendo Network ID: n00bsaib0tNintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-7875-2425-72033DS Friend Code: 4871-6557-4900
"F***ing exhausted."
Quote: JMitch
Everytime I play a song, for some odd reason the speed modifier comes up and I didn’t even adjust it and every time I hit left and right, it adjusts the speed modifier. Please help.
This is addressed in the first post.
Quote: sharibetsu in The Unwritten Rules of ZIv thread
Any popular thread must have at least one debate between n00b_saib0t and someone else.

Post #411 · Posted at 2024-06-12 02:44:19am 5 months ago

Offline Monty_Usui
Monty_Usui Avatar Member
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Last updated: 2024-06-12 02:47am
Any plans about to make the DDR WORLD theme?

Post #412 · Posted at 2024-06-12 04:17:17am 5 months ago

Offline elbrachan1
elbrachan1 Avatar Member
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haha the A3 one is not completely finished yet and they are already asking for DDRW

Post #413 · Posted at 2024-06-12 05:32:32am 5 months ago

Offline VR0
VR0 Avatar Member
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Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-2602-0918-1312
"ムーン ゴーシュス メヂィデーション"
And also deleted my 3.9+ REDUX theme, due to support ended.
AC Score Tracker: DDR EXTREME // SN2 (JP)
My username in these games:
StepMania 3.9+ REDUX: VRC
DDR Supernova onwards / IIDX ID: VR0

Post #414 · Posted at 2024-06-26 12:51:01pm 4.5 months ago

Offline MyNamelsNotJohn
MyNamelsNotJohn Avatar Member
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Great work on this theme to all those involved! I recently switched from Stepmania 3.9 with the Supernova 2 theme to this one and I don't see myself going back. Took me a bit to adjust and learn the buttons/menus but the theme is smooth, looks great and I am looking forward to recreating the arcade style on my LTEK pad.

Post #415 · Posted at 2024-06-29 04:36:58pm 4.4 months ago

Offline afrozenpeach
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Last updated: 2024-06-29 04:56pm
Edit: Ignore me. Just realized I wasn't on LTS but on the pre release


Every time I pick a song with this theme installed on OutFox the game crashes. I'm on Ubuntu 24.04 if that makes a difference.

Here's a crash log. The only error in the theme log is that it can't find OptoinRowLanguage.cfg but that file exists and has the text "en" in it.

2024/06/29 11:33:55 603978

Received fatal signal: SIGSEGV(11) PID: 92950


******* STACKDUMP *******
stack dump [1] _ZN12_GLOBAL__N_113signalHandlerEiP9siginfo_tPv at crashhandler_unix.cpp:?
stack dump [2] ?? ??:0 +0x45320 [0x732ca5a14320]
stack dump [3] _ZNK14MessageManager9BroadcastER7Message at ??:? MessageManager::Broadcast
stack dump [4] _ZN17ScreenSelectMusic9MenuStartERK14InputEventPlus at ??:? ScreenSelectMusic::MenuStart
stack dump [5] _ZN6Screen5InputERK14InputEventPlus at ??:? Screen::Input
stack dump [6] _ZN13ScreenManager5InputERK14InputEventPlus at ??:? ScreenManager::Input
stack dump [7] _Z17HandleInputEventsf at ??:? HandleInputEvents
stack dump [8] _ZN8GameLoop16UpdateAllButDrawEb at ??:? GameLoop::UpdateAllButDraw
stack dump [9] _ZN8GameLoop11RunGameLoopEv at ??:? GameLoop::RunGameLoop
stack dump [10] main at ??:? main+0x258c [0x7ef94c]
stack dump [11] ?? ??:0 +0x2a1ca [0x732ca59f91ca]
stack dump [12] ?? ??:0 __libc_start_main+0x8b [0x732ca59f928b]
stack dump [13] _start at ??:? _start+0x25 [0x9ae6b5]

Exiting after fatal event (FATAL_SIGNAL). Fatal type: SIGSEGV

Post #416 · Posted at 2024-07-22 03:52:14am 3.7 months ago

Offline makoflagkk
makoflagkk Avatar Member
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Curilang just curious are you gonna retire this theme or add a final patch or will it be looked over in future. Because things I would like to see is beat bars being separated the player 1 and 2. Also an animation where beat bars disappear along side the screenfilter. Just very small animation tweaks nothing drastic. I did rework the announcer with this code to make it play more like Ace in Screen Gameplay Overlay local t = Def.ActorFrame{}
local soundPlaying = false
local lastComboMilestonePlayed = 0
local lastCheeringComboPlayed = 0
local lastTimeMilestonePlayed = 0
local comboCooldown = 5 -- Cooldown period for combo milestones
local cheeringCooldown = 5 -- Cooldown period for cheering
local firstBPMComboPlayed = false -- Flag to ensure the first BPM-based milestone is a combo
local alternateSoundIndex = 0 -- Index to alternate between combo and cheering
local lastFixedComboMilestonePlayed = 0 -- Track the last fixed 50 combo milestone played
local firstStepMade = false -- Flag to check if the first step is made

for pn in ivalues(GAMESTATE:GetHumanPlayers()) do
t[#t+1] = LoadActor("FullCombo", pn)

t[#t+1] = LoadActor("GameOver")

local currentSong = GAMESTATE:GetCurrentSong()
local bpm = currentSong and currentSong:GetDisplayBpms()[2] or 120 -- Default BPM if currentSong is nil
local songLength = currentSong and currentSong:GetLastSecond() or 180 -- Default length if currentSong is nil

if currentSong and currentSong:GetDisplayFullTitle() == "LET'S CHECK YOUR LEVEL!" then
t[#t+1] = LoadActor("LET'S CHECK YOUR LEVEL!")
elseif currentSong and currentSong:GetDisplayFullTitle() == "Lesson by DJ" then
t[#t+1] = LoadActor("Lesson by DJ")

-- Function to determine combo thresholds based on BPM
local function getComboThresholds(bpm)
local milestones = {}
local baseThreshold = 50

if bpm >= 200 then
baseThreshold = 20
elseif bpm >= 180 then
baseThreshold = 25
elseif bpm >= 160 then
baseThreshold = 30
elseif bpm >= 140 then
baseThreshold = 35
elseif bpm >= 120 then
baseThreshold = 40
baseThreshold = 45

for i = baseThreshold, 1000, baseThreshold do
table.insert(milestones, i)

-- Always include every 100 combos as special milestones
for i = 100, 1000, 100 do
table.insert(milestones, i)

return milestones

local comboThresholds = getComboThresholds(bpm)

-- Function to determine cheering thresholds based on BPM
local function getCheeringThresholds(bpm)
local milestones = {}
local baseCheeringThreshold = 75

if bpm >= 200 then
baseCheeringThreshold = 45
elseif bpm >= 180 then
baseCheeringThreshold = 50
elseif bpm >= 160 then
baseCheeringThreshold = 60
elseif bpm >= 140 then
baseCheeringThreshold = 70
elseif bpm >= 120 then
baseCheeringThreshold = 75
baseCheeringThreshold = 85

for i = baseCheeringThreshold, 1000, baseCheeringThreshold do
table.insert(milestones, i)

return milestones

local cheeringThresholds = getCheeringThresholds(bpm)

-- Function to determine time thresholds based on song length
local function getTimeThresholds(songLength)
local baseThreshold = 30
local milestones = {}

for i = 1, math.floor(songLength / baseThreshold) do
local milestone = baseThreshold * i
table.insert(milestones, milestone)

return milestones

local timeThresholds = getTimeThresholds(songLength)

-- Custom announcer lines for specific combo milestones and time intervals
t[#t+1] = Def.ActorFrame{
ComboChangedMessageCommand=function(self, params)
local combo = params.PlayerStageStats:GetCurrentCombo()
local maxCombo = params.PlayerStageStats.GetMaxCombo and params.PlayerStageStats:GetMaxCombo() or 0
local songPosition = GAMESTATE:GetSongPosition()
local currentTime = songPosition:GetMusicSeconds()

-- Check if the first step is made
if combo > 0 then
firstStepMade = true

-- Prevent announcer from playing before the first step is made
if not firstStepMade then

-- Handle special milestones for 100 - 1000 combos (always play these)
if combo > 0 and combo % 100 == 0 and lastComboMilestonePlayed ~= combo then
SOUNDTonguelayAnnouncer("combo_" .. combo)
lastComboMilestonePlayed = combo

if combo > 0 then
-- Check fixed 50 combo milestones first (not divisible by 100)
if combo % 50 == 0 and combo % 100 ~= 0 and lastFixedComboMilestonePlayed ~= combo then
lastFixedComboMilestonePlayed = combo
soundPlaying = true

-- Check BPM-based combo milestones
if not soundPlaying then
for _, milestone in ipairs(comboThresholds) do
if combo == milestone and lastComboMilestonePlayed ~= combo then
if combo % 100 ~= 0 and combo % 50 ~= 0 then -- Skip special milestones and fixed 50 milestones
if not firstBPMComboPlayed then
firstBPMComboPlayed = true
print("Playing first BPM-based combo_50")
-- Alternate between combo_50 and cheering
if alternateSoundIndex == 0 then
print("Playing combo_50")
print("Playing cheering")
alternateSoundIndex = (alternateSoundIndex + 1) % 2 -- Cycle through 0, 1
lastComboMilestonePlayed = combo
soundPlaying = true

-- Check cheering milestones if no combo milestone was played
for _, milestone in ipairs(cheeringThresholds) do
if combo == milestone and lastCheeringComboPlayed ~= combo then
print("Playing standard cheering")
lastCheeringComboPlayed = combo
soundPlaying = true

-- Handle combo break and ensure fixed 50 combo milestone still goes off
if combo == 0 and not soundPlaying then
if maxCombo > 0 and maxCombo < 50 then
soundPlaying = true

lastComboMilestonePlayed = 0
lastCheeringComboPlayed = 0
lastFixedComboMilestonePlayed = 0

-- Adjust for song length if combo is broken before 50 combos
if maxCombo < 50 then
local elapsedTimeRatio = maxCombo / 50
local expectedMilestoneTime = songLength * elapsedTimeRatio
if currentTime >= expectedMilestoneTime then
soundPlaying = true

-- Make the announcer catch up based on song timing
for _, milestone in ipairs(timeThresholds) do
if math.floor(currentTime) == milestone and lastTimeMilestonePlayed ~= milestone then
SOUNDTonguelayAnnouncer("time_interval_" .. milestone)
lastTimeMilestonePlayed = milestone
soundPlaying = true
soundPlaying = false

local songPosition = GAMESTATE:GetSongPosition()
local currentTime = songPosition:GetMusicSeconds()

-- Check for 3 seconds before or after fixed 50 or 100 combo milestones
local milestones = {}
for i = 50, 1000, 50 do
table.insert(milestones, i)

for _, milestone in ipairs(milestones) do
local milestoneTime = milestone / bpm * 60 -- Convert combo to time
if math.abs(currentTime - milestoneTime) <= 3 and not soundPlaying and lastCheeringComboPlayed ~= milestone then
lastCheeringComboPlayed = milestone
soundPlaying = true

return t

Post #417 · Posted at 2024-07-22 09:59:19am 3.7 months ago

Offline Biku
Biku Avatar Member
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Please i need help i try to use DanceStages and characters on stepmania 5.1 butbefore try a song the game crash and shows this erro

Model:: Could not open "/Characters/DanceRepo/F/F Breath.txt": No such file or directory

but i look and those ".txt" are in, what can i do? Neutral

Post #418 · Posted at 2024-08-12 06:37:53am 3 months ago

Offline Siete
Siete Avatar Member
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I recently installed ITG Mania and also downloaded this theme. I thought I was crazy but after playing a few times I noticed the following.

For some reason some of the options do not work (or work at random times).

- Default Fail Type: I have it set up at "End of song" but still fails as soon as I fail.
- Fast load: It's set to "on" but still takes forever to load the songs.
- Danger screen: Set to "hide" but still shows
- Caution and instructions: Set to "hide" but still shows them.

These are the settings I used with the default ITG Mania but they don't work with this theme.

Am I the only one having this issue?


Post #419 · Posted at 2024-08-12 11:16:42am 3 months ago

Offline n00b_saib0t
n00b_saib0t Avatar Member
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Nintendo Network ID: n00bsaib0tNintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-7875-2425-72033DS Friend Code: 4871-6557-4900
"F***ing exhausted."
Quote: Siete
I recently installed ITG Mania and also downloaded this theme. I thought I was crazy but after playing a few times I noticed the following.

For some reason some of the options do not work (or work at random times).

- Default Fail Type: I have it set up at "End of song" but still fails as soon as I fail.
- Fast load: It's set to "on" but still takes forever to load the songs.
- Danger screen: Set to "hide" but still shows
- Caution and instructions: Set to "hide" but still shows them.

These are the settings I used with the default ITG Mania but they don't work with this theme.

Am I the only one having this issue?

There are ways for themes to override some settings. Fast load means StepMania doesn’t check your songs folder for changes when it starts up, it has nothing to do with gameplay so the theme isn’t getting in the way there.
Quote: sharibetsu in The Unwritten Rules of ZIv thread
Any popular thread must have at least one debate between n00b_saib0t and someone else.

Post #420 · Posted at 2024-08-19 06:41:11pm 2.7 months ago

Offline Curilang
Curilang Avatar Member
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Reg. 2021-01-17

Last updated: 2024-08-19 06:41pm
Quote: makoflagkk
I did rework the announcer with this code to make it play more like Ace

I will check this, I don't like announcers but this looks interesting :)

Quote: Biku
Please i need help i try to use DanceStages

I'm so sorry :( but in this theme there's no DanceStages system anymore. It causes a lot of issues.

Quote: Siete
These are the settings I used with the default ITG Mania but they don't work with this theme.

DefaultFailtType, I use this option in any StepMania and it works perfectly. Could it be an ITGMania issue? We will check it too.

DangerScreen, Caution and Instructions screens, it is not an issue but those are default setings for "Home" theme, but I could do this
for this theme. :)

This theme is not dead (yet) soon you will have CourseMode. :)
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