
[SM 5.1-new / OutFox LTS and Alpha V] DDR A3 Theme

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Post #241 · Posted at 2022-12-07 06:12:32pm 1.6 years ago

Offline SpyHunter29
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Quote: iceboy1053
Currently using Stepmania 5.1b2 and 5.0.12.
I got blocked at Login screen every time, even ESC key also doesn't work either.
Any solutions?
If you've been having the same issue I did once, you may need to add a region.lua file to your base Themes directory. It's included in the main repository for this theme (see first post).
98% of teenagers do or have tried caving into peer pressure. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, DO NOT copy & paste this in your signature.

Post #242 · Posted at 2022-12-10 01:49:08pm 1.6 years ago

Offline Stanford
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Last updated: 2022-12-10 02:20pm
I'll fix the font for Helvetica Compressed.
The 9 looks like the font Impact, which I can go into FontForge and Modify it.

EDIT: I will use calligraphr to make the 9.

Post #243 · Posted at 2022-12-10 04:54:29pm 1.6 years ago

Offline waterdraik346
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"Wish I could change my username"
So are you going to fix the difficulty rating number font in the music select and gameplay screens?

Post #244 · Posted at 2022-12-10 05:42:58pm 1.6 years ago

Offline RaiRai
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So I'm not sure if this is a stepmaina problem or a theme issue with A3 but is anyone else having the glitch where after you get a 100+ combo, the arrows vanish as soon as you match the arrow with their outline instead of having the little sparkle effect they normally do?

Post #245 · Posted at 2022-12-10 05:56:06pm 1.6 years ago

Offline n00b_saib0t
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Quote: RaiRai
So I'm not sure if this is a stepmaina problem or a theme issue with A3 but is anyone else having the glitch where after you get a 100+ combo, the arrows vanish as soon as you match the arrow with their outline instead of having the little sparkle effect they normally do?
That’s a problem with your note skin. It’s looking for the explosion in the theme but it’s not there, I think some very old Curilang noteskins made for the A20+ theme worked this way which might be what you’re using. If those are what noteskins you’re using, maybe consider switching to either Peter’s DDR noteskins or Schneider’s DDR noteskins.
Quote: sharibetsu in The Unwritten Rules of ZIv thread
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Post #246 · Posted at 2022-12-13 03:33:48am 1.6 years ago

Offline Stanford
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Last updated: 2022-12-13 03:33am
Quote: waterdraik346
So are you going to fix the difficulty rating number font in the music select and gameplay screens?
Of course!

Also the combo numbers and difficulty numbers too!

BTW, for my SDVX Booth DDR A3 styled theme has an alternative.
Gold = Booth
Blue = Floor Infection

Post #247 · Posted at 2022-12-13 04:16:30am 1.6 years ago

Offline SchneiderAFX
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Last updated: 2022-12-13 04:17am

Hi, so the theme will be on a hiatus for a little bit, of course this doesn't mean that we will stop working on it, actually is the complete opposite, we'll use that time to work on re-write virtually all the theme so it's more compatible with newer versions of Stepmania (5.1 and OutFox), and that will fix most of the major bugs that we have on the current version. So, hope that you guys understand and expect good things for the future ;)

Post #248 · Posted at 2022-12-19 12:54:25pm 1.6 years ago

Offline Stanford
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Turns out that the "9" which I've explain is a font called Helvetica Inserat. I don't need to use Calligraphr, since I found out where the number 9 comes from.

I will remake the combo Numerals and use FontForge for the Difficulty Numerals!

Post #249 · Posted at 2023-01-08 09:30:57pm 1.5 years ago

Offline RogueSniperX
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Last updated: 2023-01-08 09:33pm
Im so confused why. But on one of my machines. The characters and dancestages that are installed correctly, just doesnt show up. Im left with either a black screen or the BGA of particular songs that have them (ex: anti matter). I don't know why this is happening. I have changed settings around and everything. made sure it was selected on dance stage, and random character in theme options. They simply just don't show up. My other rig (my main gaming pc) has this theme and everything installed exactly like the other one does and it just works. I don't know why. Any info to help fix this would be greatly appreciated.

Also on this particular machine, the lifebar that's supposed to be at the top is also MISSING. Just gone. I don't know why that is. Scaling different resolutions, etc. didn't do a thing. its just..... gone....

P.S This happens on both Stepmania 5 and Stepmania 5.1

Post #250 · Posted at 2023-01-14 01:55:19pm 1.5 years ago

Offline Stanford
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Last updated: 2023-01-14 01:55pm
Turns out... I was right when I said this:

The 9 looks like the font Impact, which I can go into FontForge and Modify it.

And I made good progress this far!


I finished and generated the font. It took me like 10 minutes to modify the 9.
Go download it here:

Also, Feel free to fix some glyphs, If you find any problems!

Post #251 · Posted at 2023-03-09 08:52:29pm 1.3 years ago

Offline ZZUnlimited
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I made a work around to hold start button to access options!

If using a dedicated options button drives you mad like it does to me, this might be for you.

I made an AHK Script that will send an options key press when you long press the start button.
The script only runs when Stepmania 5 is Open. If you are using a different program I'll explain how to change it on Step 6.

AutoHotKey is free and open source. https://www.autohotkey.com/

I used V1.1 but V2 should be fine too.

Step 1: Download and Install AutoHotkey

Step 2: Open a text editor such as Notepad and paste the following script:

#IfWinActive, Stepmania 5

KeyWait, Enter, T0.5
if (ErrorLevel) {
SendInput, {Enter Up}/
KeyWait, Enter
if (ErrorLevel)
SendInput, {Enter Down}
SendInput, {Enter Up}
else {
SendInput, {Enter Down}
KeyWait, Enter
SendInput, {Enter Up}

KeyWait, NumpadEnter, T0.5
if (ErrorLevel) {
SendInput, {NumpadEnter Up}{Numpad0}
KeyWait, NumpadEnter
if (ErrorLevel)
SendInput, {NumpadEnter Down}
SendInput, {NumpadEnter Up}
else {
SendInput, {NumpadEnter Down}
KeyWait, NumpadEnter
SendInput, {NumpadEnter Up}


Step 3: Save with .ahk extension

Step 4: Run the script by double clicking on the file you just made.

Step 4.1: (Optional) To run automatically with windows, create a shortcut.
Press "Win + R" to open the "Run" dialog box.
Type "shell:startup" and press "Enter". This will open the "Startup" folder.
Paste the shortcut here.

Step 5: (Optional) If you have different Key Bindings than the Default, Right Click on the .ahk file and open with Notepad.
Simply Replace the key with your binding
"Enter" = P1 Start
"/" = P1 Select
"NumpadEnter" = P2 Start
"Numpad0" = P2 Select

Step 6: (Optional) If you are running a different program than Stepmania 5, Just open the .ahk with Notepad and on the first line just replace "Stepmania 5" with the program you are using.

Step 7: (Optional) You can change the hold press time if you'd like. Default is 0.5 seconds. Just change the value where it says T0.5

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Post #252 · Posted at 2023-03-20 05:45:53pm 1.3 years ago

Offline ~Guiltytenshi~
~Guiltytenshi~ Avatar Member
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Hi there!
I just downloaded this theme and tried for my son and noticed that the options "FailOffForFirstStageEasy" and "FailOffInBeginner" don't work. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Post #253 · Posted at 2023-03-24 08:43:04am 1.3 years ago

Offline Curilang
Curilang Avatar Member
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MAJOR UPDATE 2022-03-24



- Added a better scoring system and combo (Thanks for the all help tertu).
- Added EXScore system in Gameplay and Evaluation (Thanks for the all help tertu).
- Added fixes to Select Profile stuck issues reported before.
- Added a new ScreenSelectMusic wheel to better match the AC.
- Fixed most * of the OutFox issues.
- Added Jacket, Ready and Go animation to the gameplay screen to better match the AC.
- Added beginning song timing, if you are playing songs from ITG, the beginning timing would be late as DDR.
- Added a new menu in Custom Options, you will have Theme options, Player options (like ScreenFilter, EXScore, GuideLines, etc.) and DanceStages options, where you can choose anything related to Enciso0720's DanceStages.
- Added Display Timing option in PlayerOptions for authenticity sake and to fool around a bit lol.
- Added NoteSkins options to be compatible with SchneiderAFX NoteSkins. (Rainbow, Note, Vivid, Flat and SMNote).
- Added VisualRenderer option, you can choose within D3D Renderer or OpenGL rendered (OpenGL and GLAD on OutFox).
- removed unnecesary and junk code and textures.
- a LOT of "under the hood" optimization.

*known OutFox issues:

- On ScreenSelectMusic, the score lamp wont work properly, this is a visual bug and it wont affect your scores. If anyone can help us out finding a fix for this we would really apreciate it
- On ScreenGameplay, some modifier block wont show correctly.this is just visual bug. If anyone can help us out finding a fix for this we would really apreciate it

The download link is on the first post


Post #254 · Posted at 2023-03-24 06:48:18pm 1.3 years ago

Offline makoflagkk
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Last updated: 2023-03-24 06:48pm
Did you add lamp animations to the song folder?

Quote: ~Guiltytenshi~
Hi there!
I just downloaded this theme and tried for my son and noticed that the options "FailOffForFirstStageEasy" and "FailOffInBeginner" don't work. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Your son sounds like he can be a future programmer some day.

Post #255 · Posted at 2023-03-24 10:51:44pm 1.3 years ago

Offline Monty_Usui
Monty_Usui Avatar Member
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i hope fix the EXTRA EXCLUSIVE issue

Post #256 · Posted at 2023-03-24 11:14:54pm 1.3 years ago

Offline Biku
Biku Avatar Member
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The theme is no campatible with my sm anymore so i wanna try on 5.1 but i can't find how to change the default theme for the A3 Confused

Post #257 · Posted at 2023-03-24 11:20:01pm 1.3 years ago

Offline makoflagkk
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Last updated: 2023-03-24 11:20pm
use the old patch. This patch has a lot of problems that I noticed. If you need it I have it on a google drive if it not around anymore.


Post #258 · Posted at 2023-03-24 11:47:17pm 1.3 years ago

Offline SchneiderAFX
SchneiderAFX Avatar Member
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"the funny"

Last updated: 2023-03-24 11:48pm
Quote: Biku
The theme is no campatible with my sm anymore so i wanna try on 5.1 but i can't find how to change the default theme for the A3 Confused

You can change see that option on Options>Display Options>Appearance Option.

Quote: makoflagkk
Did you add lamp animations to the song folder?

Sadly, that's a feature that's still not possible at the moment.

Quote: makoflagkk
use the old patch. This patch has a lot of problems that I noticed. If you need it I have it on a google drive if it not around anymore.


Please elaborate, we can't do anything without a constructive answer on what is wrong with the theme or what are the problems that you're encountering. if you are using SM 5.0 i swear to god...

Quote: Monty_Usui
i hope fix the EXTRA EXCLUSIVE issue

I tested the extra stage system on both 5.1-new and OutFox and both seems to work fine, let me know if you find any issues.

Post #259 · Posted at 2023-03-24 11:47:18pm 1.3 years ago

Offline Biku
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I look it up all the theme and there is no "display option" and i dont know why

Post #260 · Posted at 2023-03-24 11:50:53pm 1.3 years ago

Offline SchneiderAFX
SchneiderAFX Avatar Member
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"the funny"
Quote: Biku
I look it up all the theme and there is no "display option" and i dont know why

kind question, what version of StepMania 5.1 are you using? As stated on the first post, only StepMania 5.1-new works with this theme, you can find a compiled version by myself on the GitHub page, just click the 5.1-new on the readme.
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