
DanceDanceRevolution A3 (AC)

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Post #961 · Posted at 2024-02-27 09:05:47pm 5 months ago

Offline Burtzman
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Quote: salt814

Quote: RGTM
God, let the mix DIE already...
We're approaching 2 years on this mix, a new one sure wouldn't hurt...

If for no other reason, then so you don't have to keep searching through almost 200+ songs in just the A3 folder.

Post #962 · Posted at 2024-02-27 10:10:59pm 5 months ago

Offline Silver Spirit
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"i was born at a very young age"
I still think they should have made a separate folder for the songs that first debuted in GRAND PRIX.

Post #963 · Posted at 2024-02-28 03:12:10am 4.9 months ago

Offline RevAddict5
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"Bigger avatars when?"
They're probably cooking a 25th anniversary edition as the next release or something. Maybe in a few weeks (or months) we'll get a new thing.

Post #964 · Posted at 2024-03-01 01:15:55am 4.9 months ago

Offline Dancebelt
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Anyone can now play the Challenge charts for ALGORTIHM and Blue Rain as of today


Post #965 · Posted at 2024-03-01 03:44:29pm 4.9 months ago

Offline RGTM
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"BBCode Not Allowed"
According to this tweet, SD cabinets will no longer be supported, while HD cabs (Black, White, and Gold) will still be supported.

This could possibly mean that HD cabinets might get hardware upgrades, hopefully 1080p display (at least) and 120hz refresh rate, just in time for a new mix and BPL S3. Let's see what happens.
ZIv Mod Squad: "shark jumpscare"

Post #966 · Posted at 2024-03-01 07:02:25pm 4.9 months ago

Offline RevAddict5
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"Bigger avatars when?"

Last updated: 2024-03-01 07:03pm
Does anyone happen to know if SD cabs are still common in Japan? I feel like at this point they wouldn't be, but I can't really say.

Post #967 · Posted at 2024-03-02 01:59:31pm 4.8 months ago

Offline PureBlue
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"I'm your thorn."
And those of us still saddled with DnB's cabs as our only convenient access yet again just have to be like "damn bro that's crazy"

Post #968 · Posted at 2024-03-03 03:41:11am 4.8 months ago

Offline DBHxgiga92
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Given the previous posts on this page:

1. Personally, I haven't felt like A3 had overstayed its welcome, but I did think it has been quiet for a while aside from Baby-lon's Galaxy.
2. I forgot A3's folder has that many songs on its own, but then again I haven't paid for Grand Prix and don't intend to; I can wait. GP not having its own folder is surprising, though.
3. We will probably get new news in general after the current Golden League ends (March 27). BPL S2's draft was on March 24 of last year, so it's likely we'll hear about entry time for it soon if they want to keep it close to a yearly basis.
Music is always running in my mind... Everyday, songs old and new come to mind.
I wonder how a DJ Hero-esque mix of an AFRONOVA medley and Fascination MAXX would sound...


Post #969 · Posted at 2024-03-03 03:51:59am 4.8 months ago

Offline Pandemonium X
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I swear if they call the next game A4...

Post #970 · Posted at 2024-03-03 04:26:51am 4.8 months ago

Offline black4ever
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That would honestly make for a sick logo design, so I'm hoping for A4 Very Happy
View my simfile category. ------------- Or visit my dA.

Post #971 · Posted at 2024-03-05 05:40:05am 4.7 months ago

Offline Oxyacetylene
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Quote: PureBlue
And those of us still saddled with DnB's cabs as our only convenient access yet again just have to be like "damn bro that's crazy"

maybe DnB will get A4 before A3
given their track record the answer is probably neither LOL

Post #972 · Posted at 2024-03-10 04:45:34pm 4.6 months ago

Offline _|/-\43D
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9th Outburst ESP

deez nuts

Post #973 · Posted at 2024-03-10 05:16:55pm 4.6 months ago

Offline n00b_saib0t
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"F***ing exhausted."
Quote: DBHxgiga92
2. I forgot A3's folder has that many songs on its own, but then again I haven't paid for Grand Prix and don't intend to; I can wait. GP not having its own folder is surprising, though.
GP does have its own folder, it has GP "exclusive" songs (there are a few licenses in there that debut in other games but aren't in A20 Plus or A3) and is only in GP not A20 Plus or A3. There is a misconception that the DLC song packs contain GP songs but they didn't. All the songs packs in GP get you access to arcade songs, so even in GP songs like B4U Acolyte remix will be in the A20 Plus folder, Megalara Garuda is in the A3 folder, and so on. You're paying for early access to arcade songs, not actual GP songs, which is why after a year of early access the songs will unlock for everyone on cabs but stay locked in GP. All the GP folder songs are included in the subscription. But considering how many songs are in the A3 folder and how many of them had early access through GP, Konami should have considered putting them all in the GP folder in the first place.
Quote: sharibetsu in The Unwritten Rules of ZIv thread
Any popular thread must have at least one debate between n00b_saib0t and someone else.

Post #974 · Posted at 2024-03-10 11:50:58pm 4.6 months ago

Offline Landpaddle
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Quote: Pandemonium X
I swear if they call the next game A4...

It's either A4 or Letter.

But really, I'm hoping for something fresh. The A games have run their course, and it's a good opportunity for the series to make another clean break. My pipe dream is for more convenience and quality of life features, more emphasis on Western artists contributing, and more permanent licenses. Colored freeze arrows are long overdue, but those would just get locked behind a subscription option if anything.

Post #975 · Posted at 2024-03-11 07:24:58am 4.5 months ago

Offline Dancebelt
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No Tears Left To Cry is being removed on the 25th


Post #976 · Posted at 2024-03-11 07:55:59am 4.5 months ago

Offline SomethingRandom
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Last updated: 2024-03-11 07:58am
> SD cabs being retired
> 9th Outburst slaps
Zekk can do no wrong
> No Tears Left To Cry being removed
now i have many tears to cry, at least the other licenses are safe for a few months now

Post #977 · Posted at 2024-03-12 12:39:02pm 4.5 months ago

Offline RGTM
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"BBCode Not Allowed"

Last updated: 2024-03-12 12:39pm
New song to be added March 13:
• DDR System Songs+Replicant Mix // BEMANI Sound Team

ZIv Mod Squad: "shark jumpscare"

Post #978 · Posted at 2024-03-12 03:12:01pm 4.5 months ago

Offline Quickman
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"five minute white boy challenge"
I guess the past times they've charted the system music with EDSM and Ace Out were popular enough that they're doing one for an older mix. Interesting, wonder if we'll get more of this.
Quote: Quick Man
Approximately nobody asked for this song to be included. Least popular decision by the Japanese since Nintendo released the Wii U.

Post #979 · Posted at 2024-03-12 03:32:17pm 4.5 months ago

Offline RGTM
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Nintendo Network ID: xRGTMxNintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-6034-2315-7724Game Center Nickname: xRGTMx
"BBCode Not Allowed"
Apparently the mashup was played during one of the BPL DJ sets last year.
ZIv Mod Squad: "shark jumpscare"

Post #980 · Posted at 2024-03-12 06:42:29pm 4.5 months ago

Offline SomethingRandom
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Game Center Nickname: blearymoos
"bootylicious "
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