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Post #1041 · Posted at 2022-06-02 05:44:25pm 2.1 years ago

Offline vikkyt
vikkyt Avatar Member
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Reg. 2022-06-02

Quote: darkanine
Quote: vikkyt
hey everyone! My name is Vikki, i'm new to signing up on the forums but i've been appreciating everyone's songs for a couple months now! one specific shoutout to braedans beats, so good!! im a pop junky. also the new Floorfiller diamond disco is PERFECTION!

I've played various DDR games here and there(lvl 7 at best) but with covid i couldn't really get out to the arcades. and now they've jacked up their prices! i was gifted a hard pad for my birthday, which has changed EVERYTHING! i had no idea stepmania existed and that i could hook up a pad! i am now obsessed again and can't stop playing, and i've started to dabble into creating my own songs (although they prob suck) which has been tons of fun!

nice to officially meet ya'll Happy

Welcome to Z-I-v! If you want, you can submit the songs that you create to the Summer Contest happening soon! It's a great way to improve Very Happy

yeah that sounds fun! i'll keep my eye out for that

Post #1042 · Posted at 2022-06-02 06:38:34pm 2.1 years ago

Offline XLev450X
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Where are my manners?

Hey guys, XLev450X here! I had this account for 3 years and I've been enjoying everything that Z-I-V has been giving me. I'm looking forward to create some new charts and memories with everyone! Green Grin

Post #1043 · Posted at 2022-06-10 12:22:49am 2.1 years ago

Offline PoweredUp Mike
PoweredUp Mike Avatar Member
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Nintendo Network ID: PoweredUpMikeNintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-1674-5284-46093DS Friend Code: 1392-6945-3725
Hello! I'm PoweredUp Mike, and I've finally made an account on this website! I've been on and off going to this website for almost a decade, but I didn't make my account until now. I've been playing DDR since 2008, and I also play a lot of Nintendo games. My favorite DDR games? SuperNOVA 2 JP CS and A.
Green GrinBeginnerLightStandardHeavy

Post #1044 · Posted at 2022-09-23 12:14:53am 1.8 years ago

Offline angiebabie1413
angiebabie1413 Avatar Member
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Reg. 2022-08-24

Hi my name is angie. Could someone please tell me quickly how to upload a simfile to this website. I have a registered account.
Zipperhead Productions

Post #1045 · Posted at 2022-09-23 02:41:58pm 1.8 years ago

Offline NewbStepper
NewbStepper Avatar Moderator+
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"Crybabies unite~ ♡"
Hello! Looks like you found the right thread for requesting a category shortly afterwards. Once al2k4 adds your category, you can click at and then click "Upload Simfile", after which you can enter all the details.
ZIv Mod Squad: "The Eternal Crybaby"
Quote: 01angel
We're the Fangirl Sisters~
The Meitu Fangirl & the Alt Fangirl Laughing Hard
Dear Lord Toon, you are simply amazing! Happy

Post #1046 · Posted at 2022-09-23 07:05:13pm 1.8 years ago

BANDITxPGH Avatar Member
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Reg. 2022-01-13

Hello World!

My name is Bandit and I'm a MusicGameAholic Big Grin



Post #1047 · Posted at 2022-10-05 11:09:44pm 1.8 years ago

Offline RaveRacer91
RaveRacer91 Avatar Member
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Hello all. I'm RaveRacer.
I'm here to share my own simfiles and a have a good time also.

Nice to meet y'all!

Post #1048 · Posted at 2022-10-07 12:06:23am 1.8 years ago

Offline debisco
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Last updated: 2022-10-07 12:17am
Hi I'm Mike and TECHNICALLY I've known about Ziv since its inception but forgot my old username lmao

Also I make tunes and design things for a living~

Post #1049 · Posted at 2023-04-15 07:56:49pm 1.2 years ago

Offline marurururururu
marurururururu Avatar Member
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I guess this thread doesn't get used much, but I'll post anyway... if that's okay - that anti-necro warning is pretty serious. xD I found this site some months back thanks to the arcade finder, and now that my area has a game worth playing regularly (for me), I figure I can contribute a little... I love Project Diva, TnT, GC... not that into dance games, but I'll play them anyway if no one is around and there are only passerby old people there to judge me, LOL.

Post #1050 · Posted at 2023-05-10 06:09:51pm 1.2 years ago

A+K0NLOWEND Avatar Member
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Reg. 2023-05-03

"uhhhhhh lol idk"

Last updated: 2023-05-11 02:54am
I'm A+K0N, a 13 year old goofy peanut from the U.S. in NY, The bronx
I chart songs for stepmania/ITG with arrowvortex and i play mobile and PC/laptop rhythm games
I started playing rhythm games when i was 10 or 9 and the first rhythm game i played was either osu!standard or stepmania (i have bad memory so i cant remember :b)
I have played DDR in dave n busters before, playing with only feet is hard so i might have a long way to learn how to play with a pad once i can get one
old rhythm games interest me like a lot
I might try to learn different languages of code
I draw sometimes
I sleep a lot sometimes
I stumbled upon this site when i was looking for stepmania5 noteskins
I sometimes go on a look out for more rhythm games i haven't heard of
i hope everyone has a good day, night, or evening Big Grin
get back here you θ!

Post #1051 · Posted at 2023-08-08 03:46:44pm 11.7 months ago

Offline GravityUnown
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"Lost in the Music"
Hello, I'm more formally known as ChaosUnown in other places. I was very heavily involved in the ITG simfile community back in the early 2010's, most well known for the "We Love Noise" pack series and my collaboration with mute on "iStep." Although I still play the game on my computer a lot, I definitely don't make as many charts as I used to, though I'm looking to rectify that at some point.

I honestly don't know how active I can typically be, what with my graphic design job taking priority these days. But I'll be happy to chime in whenever applicable.

I hope everyone has a good afternoon.

Post #1052 · Posted at 2023-08-21 09:49:55pm 11.3 months ago

Offline Jubban
Jubban Avatar Member
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Reg. 2023-08-21

Last updated: 2023-08-21 10:21pm
Welp - here goes. Just joined the site, not having known of its existence. I started playing DDR back in the PS1 Konamix days of 2002 when I was 15/16. Played DDR like a fiend for years, even competitively, until I got seriously injured and had to take a many-year hiatus. Work and life got the better part of me, and I've been less active in the DDR scene for the last 5-10 years. I want to get into better shape again and got a Polish pad recently, and tried unsuccessfully to get some RL friends back into the hobby. Always been a no-bar player, and I could never keep up with the super fast-paced songs where it seems a bar is required.

Over the years, I collected around 2000 songs through Stepmania, found that the site hasn't really been updated in almost 2 years, and that led me to find ZIV. Gotta say, I'm glad to see that the community seems to still be very strong.

I used to compete, and could pass Max 300 with 1-2 away from a full combo, but now my stamina is garbage.
"The mind is willing, but the body is soft and squishy" comes to mind.

I'm not too up-to-date on the new scoring system, but can still pass 7-8 feet / (when 9 was hardest) songs no problem.
EDIT: Looks like 12-13 I can sight read comfortably, 14+ I struggle to get through.

I'm always looking for fun songs, and I'm more than happy to share some of my favorites. Mostly into drum and bass or industrial type songs, not really into Japanesey-anime type songs.

Feel free if you want to PM me for song suggestions or chat.

Post #1053 · Posted at 2023-09-04 02:53:25am 10.8 months ago

Offline Lemoncheesecake
Lemoncheesecake Avatar Member
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Reg. 2023-09-04

Hello Big Grin, I've just joined this site after being surprised and sad that I hadn't joined sooner, this would have been a great site to go on during my DDR obsession days! I've known about it for years but never bothered to look at it much until now. I was originally just browsing looking for DDR event photos and info, nearby arcade locations, and various game and music information. I've played many games mentioned on here such as DDR, Jubeat, Crossbeats, Stepmania, Pop'n Music and others in the past.

I'm pretty good at DDR, and I love the game soundtracks, although I sadly don't play as much as I'd like to anymore due to time constraints and not having a nearby arcade with a machine anymore. But I am really hoping to find an arcade with DDR A3! I've been playing DDR since 2004. I've played almost all versions now at least once except for A20+ and A3 but I'm hoping to try them soon!

I'm also open to new music and song recommendations, I'll listen to almost anything genre wise but I like some types of music better than others Laughing Hard.

Currently I mostly play Nintendo games, Steam games, Roblox games, and PS2-PS5 games whenever I have the chance Smile.

I've never been involved with online communities like this one before so I'm excited for the new things I might learn Green Grin. I do go on other forums but related to other topics.

Anyways have a good night! CoolGreen Grin

Post #1054 · Posted at 2023-09-11 05:46:01pm 10.6 months ago

Offline personguy
personguy Avatar Member
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Reg. 2023-09-07

Hello all.

I'm personguy. Currently based in Colorado, USA.
I love arcades in general. My main love is playing Ms. Pac-Man with the speed-up chip.
Found this site when trying to track down any MsPax machines closer to me after I moved away from the nice arcades Denver.
I intend to fill in as much updated and accurate information as I can about arcades in this state, as well as any I can find when I travel. Hopefully it will come in handy for someone else who's looking for a particular machine like I was.

Looks like this site has a strong DDR following - I'll confess that I've never played! Blushing

Post #1055 · Posted at 2023-09-18 07:39:21pm 10.4 months ago

Offline usagi
usagi Avatar Member
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Reg. 2023-09-18

hi everyone! i’m bunny, i’m a rhythm game player from Kansas City— i’ve been playing music games my whole life but have recently taken a serious liking to DDR, which brought me here :) i usually play either DDR A20 PLUS at D&B, or i go to the slightly closer D&B location for PIU XX whenever i want to switch it up a little.

i just got my e-amuse pass this month (and I have an A.M. pass coming in the mail as well) so i’m not particularly great at the games yet, i can usually play level 7-8 charts at the hardest, but i have a lot of fun regardless!

i recently ordered some softpads so i can start playing at home, and i’m looking forward to making use of the simfiles directory on here ^^

nice to meet you all!
take it easy!

Post #1056 · Posted at 2024-05-25 04:03:57am 2 months ago

Offline dandelion101
dandelion101 Avatar Member
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"I love Tone Sphere too much"

Last updated: 2024-07-25 06:05pm
I'm Dandelion, I use she/her. I don't have any Bemani games near me, let alone any rhythm games except DDR and PIU. I’ve played Arcaea, Dynamix, Tone Sphere, Cytus II, Bemuse (if that counts), Lanota, and a DDR bootleg that barely worked but it was okay because it was a gift from somebody but I actually have no clue where it went. Sadly, I've never played an actual arcade music game. On a happy note, I've got some ASCII ducks for everyone
_ _ _
<(.)__<(.)__ <(.)__
(___/ (___/ (___/

Besides that, I love Puyo Puyo and Madou Monogatari
And I love Tone Sphere and Lanota way too much a normal amount Very Happy
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