
Introduction Thread

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Post #1 · Posted at 2006-05-27 05:10:34am 18.1 years ago

Offline al2k4
al2k4 Avatar Admin
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Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-6451-2397-9509
"BEMANI Sound Team"
Introduce yourselves in this thread. Big Grin

I'm Alan, one of the admins and creator of this site. 8)

Post #2 · Posted at 2006-05-27 05:14:53am 18.1 years ago

Offline Air12567
Air12567 Avatar Member
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Reg. 2006-05-27

Im Aaron
*hopes to take alans place*
i am from essex and live near alan and andy *lime*

Post #3 · Posted at 2006-05-27 05:43:31am 18.1 years ago

Offline Joshy ♥
Joshy ♥  Avatar Member
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Hi, I'm Josh, the co-admin. I'm friends with Alan in real life.
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Post #4 · Posted at 2006-05-29 01:27:30pm 18.1 years ago

Offline taka942
taka942 Avatar Member
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Reg. 2006-05-29

Hey I'm Luis aka. taka942.
I live in San Jose, California, U.S.A.
Glad to be here. =D
The style is 12 and there's always a HAPPY SKY.

Post #5 · Posted at 2006-05-30 09:34:10am 18.1 years ago

Offline MKwiakaku
MKwiakaku Avatar Member
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Reg. 2006-05-30

Greetings from the Dutchlands (no, I do not have weed for you)

Name is Jimmy, age 19, got here via mr. Estilix.
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Post #6 · Posted at 2006-06-28 01:20:39pm 18 years ago

Offline TimeSpaceMage
TimeSpaceMage Avatar Member
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My name's TimeSpaceMage. I can't wait for my college's arcade to get SuperNOVA, since our Extreme is going downhill. I went back there about a week ago and 1P's right arrow wasn't registering; I failed Hold On Me as my first song Confused
Play my game Arcana Seal of Rimsala (SNES)!

Post #7 · Posted at 2006-07-11 03:48:53am 18 years ago

Offline Trip Machina
Trip Machina Avatar Member
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Reg. 2006-06-09

I know I'm about a millenium late, but here's my introduction on this wonderful site!
I'm Trip Machina. =)

I love beatmania and beatmaniaIIDX just as well as DDR and other BEMANI games.
Well, that was quite generic...>.>

This site PWNS okay!! >=O
Support Project Hope: IIDX CS Revival -> beatmaniaIIDX ULTIMATE CS

All you DDRist's, try Trip Machine with the bass turned up!!
Alan's my hero! ^^

Quote: Alan and Trip Machina 2007-2008
Trip says: lol guessing TROOPER songs are funner XD
Alan says: oh noes
Alan says: nintendo license ... KOOPA TROOPA? XD
Trip says: LMAO!!!

Post #8 · Posted at 2006-07-13 01:06:07am 18 years ago

Offline Dethev
Dethev Avatar Member
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Reg. 2006-05-28

Hi all, I'm Colin. I sorta know Alan in real life, and he told me about here so I joined up Surprised

Post #9 · Posted at 2006-07-13 01:16:52am 18 years ago

Offline Dizard
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Hi, i'm Daniel aka Dizard I live in London,close to Dethev Smile

Post #10 · Posted at 2006-07-16 05:51:06am 18 years ago

Offline blade2000
blade2000 Avatar Member
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Hi everyone I am Marcus im a friend of alans in real life.
He told me to look at his site and join if i want so i did.
Big Grin and it is great on here Big Grin
All the people talk nice and polite on here.
There are no bad mouthing or curse-in.
and the administrator's are very helpful.
i play neally any music games my fav is ddr.
I lilke guitar hero quite abit.

But anyway it is very nice here and alan you rule Happy

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Post #11 · Posted at 2006-08-26 06:46:50pm 17.9 years ago

Offline TyTigeriku
TyTigeriku Avatar Member+
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Reg. 2006-08-26

"Magic Parade with me!"
Hey everyone, I'm TyTigeriku from The Lylat System!


..OK, I'm Denver and I live in Tennessee, America. Tongue

Anyhoo, I've known about this site for a little bit, but lost the link until I re-found it on DDR:UK. Some of you may know me form Bemanistyle for my FAXX (let's not get into that... Happy;; ) I really hope this place grows alot, it's a really fun place to be! No, wait, not A place to be...

IT'S User Image ! Big Grin

lol bad pun
E. TN Machines!

Post #12 · Posted at 2006-09-01 07:57:27am 17.9 years ago

Offline Tibs
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Hello. I am Tibs. I am a funky plutonic orgasmic space mushroom from a planet that your mind could not possibly comprehend the full spelling of.

I enjoy tea and cakes on a sunday evening.

Post #13 · Posted at 2006-09-11 11:23:47am 17.8 years ago

Offline Joey
Joey Avatar Member
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I be Joey. Alan and most of the people he hangs around with DDR-wise have met me.
I gained the nickname 'the chicken man' for some reason at the Troc.
Before you criticise someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticise them, you're a mile away and have their shoes.

Post #14 · Posted at 2006-10-08 04:23:36pm 17.8 years ago

Offline Amy
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Hi there.
I'm Amy from Blue Dance. Some of you may know me by the BG scripts I created using S2U's movies. My latest project is the movies from EX2, DS Max, and Strike. I'm hoping to have a host soon along side with S2U.

Post #15 · Posted at 2006-10-23 04:44:03am 17.7 years ago

Offline CMG
CMG Avatar Member
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Wuzzup? The name is Chris and now you know that the C in CMG stands for, lol.

I'm a man of few words when it comes to introductions so everything/anything you want to know about me can be found on my myspace profile. The link is located in my signature.
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Post #16 · Posted at 2006-11-25 06:00:58am 17.6 years ago

441 Posts
United States
Reg. 2006-11-25

Hello Everyone! I am DDRDAIKENKAI. Not really much to say about me... I love Bemani and Stepmania... but then again... who doesn't on here? lol

I make Original Simfiles. (Which can be found on bemanistyle and FFR [I don't upload them on those places often, so I have a few simfiles that are unreleased.])

My MySpace can be found here.

My Screen Name (AIM) is DDRDAIKENKAI0

Thats Really It about me... IM me if you would like to know more...

Post #17 · Posted at 2006-12-08 10:32:11pm 17.6 years ago

Offline DDRmaster2007
DDRmaster2007 Avatar Member
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Reg. 2006-12-08

Hello to everybody.

My name's Paul. I'm from Lima in Peru. I'm 16 years and I love to play DDR. It's my favourite videogame (I like to play bm, too). The DDR AC first version that I played was DDR 3rd Mix and I'm actually playin' DDR EXTREME and MAX 2, becasue in Peru there isn't any DDR SN machine.

Well, I hope to enjoy posting in the forums. (^^)v

Post #18 · Posted at 2007-01-17 02:01:28am 17.5 years ago

Offline HappyCat
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My name is Danya.
DDR, SM, PIU(sometimes) player. Basically, I play almost every rhythm game when I have a chance and time to do so.)

Post #19 · Posted at 2007-03-20 11:43:50pm 17.3 years ago

Offline 0gg
0gg Avatar Member
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I'm Ogg, a DDR/SM/BM/PIU/ITG player...
I'm 19 years and I'm from Brazil!
Nice to meet you all!
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I'm that one playing at the pad, in an anime event

Post #20 · Posted at 2007-03-21 01:16:10am 17.3 years ago

Offline Sh4dowFlare
Sh4dowFlare Avatar Member
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Reg. 2006-10-24

My name's Danny, and I live in Essex. Mostly play DDR in Maldon, but sometimes go to Southend Smile
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