
Warnings and Bans - Haley Halcyon

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Post #1 · Posted at 2021-01-29 04:06:04pm 3.4 years ago

Offline RGTM
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Last updated: 2021-01-29 07:48pm
Content Warning: Grooming, Transphobia, Sexual Harassment

I made this a separate thread from Warnings and Bans about this situation due to its severity.

I’ve recently made a vague status on social media about needing to remove someone on Zenius-I-vanisher.com as well as a simfile project I am a part of. The reason being is that the person in question has been accused and ousted as a predatorial pedophile and groomer. By demand, there have been requests of disclosure as to who is responsible.

The person in question is HaleyHalcyon, also known as Akira Sora, Klug, not klug, ItsSpelledHaley, thefizzynator, HaruruChanDesu.

On Thursday, January 28, 2021, fellow ZIv moderator Alex Richards (Oni-91) showed me and the rest of ZIv staff a screenshot (taken by another ZIv user) of an announcement made in a Discord server for a Puyo Puyo Tetris community, with details of Haley and her actions. Here's the announcement:


I’ve discussed with ZIv staff and forwarded the screenshot to the managers of DDR XX, and we all came to the decision that Haley would be banned from the website and removed from the simfile project. The details that were given out are disgusting and sickening. Here's the announcement made in the DDR XX Public Discord:


Alan James (TaroNuke) also told me that Haley had been recently banned from the UKSRT Discord server for misgendering individuals, being argumentative when told to stop, and, I quote, “being a fucking asshole.”

I am currently getting in contact with some of the victims of Haley’s actions, but I was indirectly requested by one of them to not disclose interactions or details in public.

As of today (Friday, January 29, 2021), I’ve been notified by DDR XX managers that Haley had PM’d her response, but never went in full discussion. Here’s her post on Tumblr: https://thefizzynator.tumblr.com/post/641621034418700289

Thank you all for keeping up, and I’m sorry to keep you waiting for this to come out.

Update: Haley's response to the Puyo Puyo Tetris Discord announcement: https://thefizzynator.tumblr.com/post/641642216167702528
ZIv Mod Squad: "shark jumpscare"
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