
Appreantly a random Russian guy named Andrey Duksin trademarked SCP

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Post #1 · Posted at 2020-12-09 11:41:34am 3.6 years ago

Offline jch02140
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Last updated: 2020-12-09 11:51am
It seems like this guy originally backed down the first time when he started the whole fiasco last year. Now he is back with a vengeance... Apparently, he has already closed down 2 SCP communities with his unlawful trademark claims.

Now the SCP foundation is trying to fund the legal battle against this person and his illegal trademark claims.

Source: https://reclaimthenet.org/markiplier-scp-foundation-legal-fund/

GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/scp-legal-funds

Post #2 · Posted at 2020-12-09 02:22:59pm 3.6 years ago

Offline Sigrev2
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"suffering from success"
Article is from January 28, 2020 and the last pledge to the GoFundMe was over half a year ago. Why is this being brought up again?

Post #3 · Posted at 2020-12-09 04:41:28pm 3.6 years ago

Offline aidan9030
aidan9030 Avatar Member
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Last updated: 2020-12-09 04:42pm
hey, if you're going to make a thread about this you should at least post the most recent update
(Nov. 23, 2020)

Quote: GoFundMe page
"The Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service has ruled that Duksin violated Fair Competition laws by using the trademark against Russian social media groups and content creators. One content creator in particular was deemed to be owed unspecified monetary damages from the losses Duksin's actions caused them.

In addition, the committee has officially stated the following:
1. The SCP Foundation name and logo were created by parties other than Duksin.
2. Duksin did not commission their creation.
3. The parties which created the SCP Foundation name and logo did not transfer their rights to Duksin nor did they ever intend to do so.
4. The actions taken by Duksin may be an act of unfair competition in and of themselves, and could lead to an illegitimate monopoly due to using said trademark towards wares, works, and services not protected by said trademark.
The committee chose not to rule on whether or not the registration of the trademark was legal, as Russia is a first-to-file country meaning the barrier for their particular jurisdiction to overturn the mark is very high. It was our hope that FAS would decide to do so, as it would have been significantly faster than an intellectual property lawsuit, but the ruling is still a victory as it has established multiple pieces of evidence we will use in a copyright infringement lawsuit we have been preparing against Duksin. This will not be a quick process sadly, with Covid, language barriers, multiple national legal jurisdictions, and the peculiarities of the case all slowing things down.
That being said, the SCP Foundation Wiki, SCP-RU, and our legal representation are all committed to seeing the case through. With the facts and rulings we've established via the Federal Antimonopoly Service, the support of our legal counsel and the creators of the SCP Intellectual Property, and the blatant disregard Duksin has shown to IP law we will win the lawsuit. As always, thank you to everyone who made this possible, and we hope you are staying safe."

Quote: Trip Machina
Insanity on a flatscreen!

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