
pop'n music 解明リドルズ (AC)

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Post #1 · Posted at 2020-12-08 06:25:45am 3.8 years ago

Offline Lampshade
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"what do i put here"

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EosZ_hEU0AAVBi8?format=jpg&name=small [/img]

DDR Code: 61628944

Post #2 · Posted at 2020-12-08 08:53:43am 3.8 years ago

Offline VideoGameKaiser96
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"More uptempo in rhythm games pls"

Last updated: 2020-12-08 08:53am
pop'n not dead ayyyy

Looking forward to hear what songs we'll get, hopefully uptempo

Post #3 · Posted at 2020-12-08 01:59:13pm 3.8 years ago

Offline Silver Spirit
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"i was born at a very young age"
So I'm guessing Welcome To Wonderland! isn't happening anymore and this is still using the same cabs?

Post #4 · Posted at 2020-12-08 02:18:26pm 3.8 years ago

Offline AxelWasHere
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Quote: Silver Spirit
So I'm guessing Welcome To Wonderland! isn't happening anymore and this is still using the same cabs?

I heard complete different cabinet, same pcb.

Post #5 · Posted at 2020-12-08 08:21:35pm 3.8 years ago

Offline CYSYS8993
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And no location test? Hmm...Neutral

Post #6 · Posted at 2020-12-08 10:08:42pm 3.8 years ago

Offline ROUND!
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Not new, festo didn't have a location test, peace didn't either.
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Post #7 · Posted at 2020-12-09 06:51:48am 3.8 years ago

Offline DJjeff2010
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Last updated: 2020-12-09 06:51am
Quote: Silver Spirit
So I'm guessing Welcome To Wonderland! isn't happening anymore and this is still using the same cabs?

Wonderland I think is going the "Quietly Cancelled" route like the last couple of new entries like OTOIROHA and Risminance. I heard it was not well received at all when it was shown off at the trade show, players were immediately turned off by the much smaller buttons and the unnecessary touch slider mechanic which face it, nobody asked for any of that on a new Pop'n music. And also the fact that games that introduce too much change on top of a tride and true formula like Pop'n's current mechanics are doomed, like with what happened to RB Reflesia of Eternity and the bunch of unnecessary gameplay mechanics it introduced. Safe to say at this point Welcome to Wonderland is cancelled. This new pop'n is an OTA update to all current cabs.

Quote: AxelWasHere
Quote: Silver Spirit
So I'm guessing Welcome To Wonderland! isn't happening anymore and this is still using the same cabs?

I heard complete different cabinet, same pcb.

Wrong. No new cabs. This new pop'n is an OTA update to all current gen cabs.

Post #8 · Posted at 2020-12-28 04:22:27pm 3.7 years ago

Offline axrimiram
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"How Low, P.M.?"

Last updated: 2020-12-28 04:22pm
Quote: Silver Spirit
So I'm guessing Welcome To Wonderland! isn't happening anymore and this is still using the same cabs?

It makes me just a little sad that Welcome To Wonderland is getting quietly cancelled because I only remember that they were gonna make acryllic charms or stands something like that so that you can play as certain characters. Not the greatest idea (throwback 2 animal crossing amiibo festival) but cool little merch of pop'n characters ..............

Will say though, I really adore the theme of the game much more than the wonderland theme, and it makes me hope some characters comeback soon with new portraits. Pretty happy with the art direction going back to the og style and so far the songs releasted for this version have been GOOD .

Post #9 · Posted at 2020-12-29 09:20:11am 3.7 years ago

Offline DJjeff2010
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Last updated: 2020-12-29 09:22am
Quote: axrimiram
Quote: Silver Spirit
So I'm guessing Welcome To Wonderland! isn't happening anymore and this is still using the same cabs?

It makes me just a little sad that Welcome To Wonderland is getting quietly cancelled because I only remember that they were gonna make acryllic charms or stands something like that so that you can play as certain characters. Not the greatest idea (throwback 2 animal crossing amiibo festival) but cool little merch of pop'n characters ..............

Will say though, I really adore the theme of the game much more than the wonderland theme, and it makes me hope some characters comeback soon with new portraits. Pretty happy with the art direction going back to the og style and so far the songs releasted for this version have been GOOD .

I would have been fine with Wonderland if they didn't make the buttons super small and pushed up further against the screen and added that dumb touch slider from Project Diva, very bad design choices, too much gameplay clutter. Konami should have learned from past games that changing too much on a tride and true formula like Pop'n will turn off players and it will be a failure, just like what happened with Reflec Beat Refleia of Eternity and all the new gameplay gimmicks no one asked for, the game was fine the way it is. It wasn't well received at the show and I'm not surprised it was quietly canned. If it's not broke don't fix it and Pop'n didn't need these drastic changes to it's control and gameplay scheme and nobody asked for this. The theme was cute but disappointing and I'm glad they went back to just OTA updates on current cabs than this revamp they were trying to push.

Post #10 · Posted at 2021-01-09 07:27:43am 3.7 years ago

Offline axrimiram
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"How Low, P.M.?"
Quote: DJjeff2010
Quote: axrimiram
Quote: Silver Spirit
So I'm guessing Welcome To Wonderland! isn't happening anymore and this is still using the same cabs?

It makes me just a little sad that Welcome To Wonderland is getting quietly cancelled because I only remember that they were gonna make acryllic charms or stands something like that so that you can play as certain characters. Not the greatest idea (throwback 2 animal crossing amiibo festival) but cool little merch of pop'n characters ..............

Will say though, I really adore the theme of the game much more than the wonderland theme, and it makes me hope some characters comeback soon with new portraits. Pretty happy with the art direction going back to the og style and so far the songs releasted for this version have been GOOD .

I would have been fine with Wonderland if they didn't make the buttons super small and pushed up further against the screen and added that dumb touch slider from Project Diva, very bad design choices, too much gameplay clutter. Konami should have learned from past games that changing too much on a tride and true formula like Pop'n will turn off players and it will be a failure, just like what happened with Reflec Beat Refleia of Eternity and all the new gameplay gimmicks no one asked for, the game was fine the way it is. It wasn't well received at the show and I'm not surprised it was quietly canned. If it's not broke don't fix it and Pop'n didn't need these drastic changes to it's control and gameplay scheme and nobody asked for this. The theme was cute but disappointing and I'm glad they went back to just OTA updates on current cabs than this revamp they were trying to push.

I totally forgot about the stupid touch slider, after playing Future Tone i realized that any game featuring a touch slider like that one I will eternally HATE it. As much as I liked the acryllic charm idea for popn wonderland, its not enough to weigh me to like a *new* style of pop'n and like you said, new versions just tend to fail because they want to be different when in reality its just fine the way it is...... no need to change popn after the current formula has worked for SO MANY YEARS

Post #11 · Posted at 2021-03-04 03:32:12am 3.5 years ago

Offline SquashiniKun
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"Mario Pissing"
Ok, when the hell are we gonna get another new song, it's the 7th week of the event and so far we only got 1 original song, after that it was a shit ton of new charts for old songs and 2 crossovers from a dead mobile game. My guess is that they're gonna save it for KAC 2021, but idk man, so far this event has been a major letdown considering the two previous unlock events from peace.

Post #12 · Posted at 2021-03-04 05:47:16pm 3.5 years ago

Offline ROUND!
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The content has been very underwhelming so far. Also I'm sick of the laziness with non key sounded songs. It's not a sprint hopefully soon more new songs and be key sounded.
Serpent is my hero

Post #13 · Posted at 2021-03-08 05:25:07am 3.5 years ago

Offline axrimiram
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"How Low, P.M.?"
I was so excited for this installment but man lately the releases and events have been just boring.... its real disappointing especially because the theme is SO COOL but the actual content is so underwhelming

Post #14 · Posted at 2021-04-22 03:04:22pm 3.4 years ago

Offline ROUND!
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This is a banger.
Serpent is my hero

Post #15 · Posted at 2022-06-16 04:28:06am 2.3 years ago

Offline Sigrev2
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"suffering from success"

king virkato with a classic as the newest entry, chart is (as to be expected) mental
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