
Simfile search suggestion - tags

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Post #1 · Posted at 2020-09-28 08:24:52pm 3.8 years ago

Offline AngledLuffa
AngledLuffa Avatar Member
111 Posts
United States
Reg. 2015-05-14

It's a little hard to discover simfile content with the way the database is set up right now. It's possible to search for title or author, which is great. However, suppose I want to search for all k-pop songs, for example, or all metal songs, or all PIU loan songs? It's impossible to do that.

A feature which would make that a lot easier would be tags on the simfiles. For example, a few of my simfiles could be tagged Chinese, a few could be tagged Oldies, etc. Obviously for this to be useful it would require existing songs to be retagged by the original poster or the ability for users to suggest tags for existing simfiles. Still, going forward, it would make the search function much more useful in terms of discovering new content.

Post #2 · Posted at 2020-09-28 09:48:09pm 3.8 years ago

CLOUDIO Avatar Member
474 Posts
Reg. 2012-11-28

"also known as MEGAtive"
I'm seconding this. It would be really helpful as some song can also have the same title but it came from different artist, let alone a different pop culture.

Also I don't think we can actually search for simfiles from specific step artists so maybe that would be a really helpful feature as well.

Post #3 · Posted at 2020-09-28 10:23:00pm 3.8 years ago

Offline NewbStepper
NewbStepper Avatar Moderator+
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Reg. 2013-05-23

"Crybabies unite~ ♡"
You know what I would like? To be able to search for simfiles using the song artist, on top of the song title. That, I could actually see being implemented without a great deal of hassle, either.
ZIv Mod Squad: "The Eternal Crybaby"
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