
Simfiles missing from pack (and more)

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Post #1 · Posted at 2020-06-28 05:36:37pm 4 years ago

Offline L1NU5
L1NU5 Avatar Member
1 Post
Reg. 2020-06-28

Hi! I noticed some things relating the "official" MungyoDance simfile packs.

- There is a pack called "Mungyo Steps" that solely contains songs already released on MGD3. There is already a MGD3 pack so that "Mungyo Steps" pack is redundant and unnecessary, so it would better be deleted IMHO.
The only "difference" I noticed is that MGD3's song "The April Sunshine Shed" is uploaded on Mungyo Steps under the name "April Sunshine Shed". Same with "C.C.L.M.M.M.M.P.P.B.N.R.R." that appears on Mungyo Steps using its full name, "Chu.Chu.Lovely.Muni.Muni.Mura.Mura.Purin.Purin.Boron.Nururu.Rero.Rero."

- There are missing info on some simfile pages of the Mungyodance 3 pack, for example https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/v5.2/viewsimfile.php?simfileid=16863 and a couple more.
As you can see, the section "Simfile Progress Information" is empty, no difficulties are listed. Please fill it using the info from the simfile.

- The Nonstop simfiles from MGD2 on https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/v5.2/viewsimfilecategory.php?categoryid=655 have incomplete names on the simfile list.
The full name of the simfile is wrongly credited as the song artist, (for example if you check https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/v5.2/viewsimfile.php?simfileid=16488 you can see Nonstop 01's artist is credited as "Brown Street".
I suggest to change the format to something more clear, like "(Nonstop 01) Brown Street" for the name of the simfile and simply "Nonstop" as the artist (because some Nonstops have multiple artists)

- Talking about Nonstops, I noticed the ones from MGD 3 (like Elysium Embrace https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuhhEjNQ088&t=2s) are not uploaded like the MGD2 were.
Can you upload them, please? I think they are only 4 simfiles. I can post a download link if you don't have them.

Post #2 · Posted at 2020-06-28 07:15:21pm 4 years ago

Offline Silver Spirit
Silver Spirit Avatar Member
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Reg. 2008-09-14

Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-2249-7707-55923DS Friend Code: 2578-3309-2697
"i was born at a very young age"
The MGD categories are unofficial and not maintained by the site - they were uploaded by independent users. Ask the people who uploaded those files to make those fixes.
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