
WTB: ITG2 Dedicab.

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Post #1 · Posted at 2020-05-07 04:08:24pm 4.4 years ago

Offline Nikki
Nikki Avatar Member
1 Post
Reg. 2020-05-07

Last updated: 2020-05-07 04:28pm
WTB: ITG2 Dedicab

I played DDR quite a lot as a teen and young adult and have always dreamed of having my own machine. with my increasing social anxiety as I age, I can't get out to arcades anymore, or participate in much online discourse. it's too stressful. however I do have an excess of time and finally access to enough money to buy one of these babies. if I could only find one.

google hasn't helped me much. but my google-fu is very weak. does anyone here possibly know of an ITG2 dedicab for sale, or the way to properly look for one? the closer to western canada the better for shipping purposes, but I'm prepared to purchase and pay shipping from anywhere in north america. something well maintained and well loved is better and I will pay more for, but I'll take a beat up dedicab that I need to put the love and maintenance into if that's all there is out there.

any advice or suggestions or help with my search would be very much appreciated. thank you for your time and thought.
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