
XX Composition Contest (XXCC)

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Post #1 · Posted at 2020-04-05 11:25:56pm 4.4 years ago

Offline Marten
Marten Avatar Moderator+
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United States
Reg. 2014-08-03

Nintendo Network ID: hypnoticmarten77Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-6804-5156-27043DS Friend Code: 3265-5806-9022Game Center Nickname: HypnoticMarten77
"touch n go ride the flow"

Last updated: 2020-04-05 11:27pm
Click on the image to be taken to the official website.

Hey everyone! Midflight Digital is proud to announce the XX Composition Contest, an opportunity for your work to be showcased in our project for the world to enjoy. We are accepting original musical compositions up until the submission deadline. After that point, submissions will be reviewed for a set period depending on the number of submissions. Results will be announced shortly after this period has ended. The four winning submissions will be charted and given graphics, unless creators choose to provide these along with their submission, and will be added to the DDR XX project.

For those of you considering whether or not you want to create an XX original, now is your chance. Please visit the website for the submission schedule, rules, and form.

We hope to see your name pop up on our list soon!


The submission deadline has been changed from April 30 to staying open indefinitely until further notice. We understand that some of us have family members who may be fighting COVID-19 or any other illness, and that some people's lives have become very hectic. Because of this we have decided to push the deadline back until when we see fit. Ballpark estimate would most likely be around one extra month. For those of you who have submitted, thank you, and we thank you for bearing with us. For those who haven't, you've got some extra time if you still wish to do so.

Thank you all and stay safe.
ZIv Mod Squad: "Actual Florida Survivor"
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