
ノスタルジア Op.3 (AC/PC)

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Post #1 · Posted at 2019-11-26 12:58:53pm 4.8 years ago

Offline NikkiS
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""Hands Up Will Live On""

Last updated: 2021-12-01 03:35pm

To be released on Monday, December 2.


- A brand-new category, TREND.

- The ability to switch between modes at any point during a game session.

- Playable tutorial, following the trend of other BEMANI games.

- A revamped story-based unlock system, where you unlock individual charts instead of full songs.


This game's theme is based on tricoro three different worlds.


And now, the New Songs and BEMANI crossovers:

Post #2 · Posted at 2019-12-02 09:51:37pm 4.8 years ago

Offline gotmilk0112
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Man, I wanna play this game so bad. Any word on it coming to US R1 locations?

Post #3 · Posted at 2020-01-23 02:52:18pm 4.7 years ago

Offline _|/-\43D
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New song from TAG, and it's a banger!

deez nuts

Post #4 · Posted at 2020-02-20 02:16:35pm 4.6 years ago

Offline RGTM
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"BBCode Not Allowed"
Catapulted Arch ranked #1 in the BEMANI Fan Site CHECK!SONGS Monthly Ranking list for December 2019.

ZIv Mod Squad: "shark jumpscare"

Post #5 · Posted at 2020-05-29 01:26:12pm 4.3 years ago

Offline NikkiS
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""Hands Up Will Live On""

Post #6 · Posted at 2020-10-20 09:50:08am 3.9 years ago

Offline midnightclubx
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Last updated: 2020-10-21 12:03pm

Basic gist with this alpha test is that you can play the game with the home row number keys, OR, you can use a midi keyboard to make it more like the arcade version, kinda like the PC version of KeyboardMania. You only have 6 songs to play, but for a lot of us, this is the first time we actually get to play this game outside Japan. Big Grin

Post #7 · Posted at 2020-10-20 02:06:42pm 3.9 years ago

Offline Marten
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Nintendo Network ID: hypnoticmarten77Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-6804-5156-27043DS Friend Code: 3265-5806-9022Game Center Nickname: HypnoticMarten77
"touch n go ride the flow"

Last updated: 2020-10-20 02:19pm
I cannot get this game to run on my machine (Dell G7 15) for the life of me. Every single time I open it it just kills itself when it starts to boot. Doesn't matter if I have my system locale and region set to Japan and the OS language set to Japanese prior to installing it or even just running it. I understand that laptops aren't completely supported, but I have a gaming laptop with specs well over what the recommended ones on the site are, and yet I hear people reporting that their desktops are old or slow or that they have a normal laptop and it runs for them. This is a problem I have with KONAMI and their PC versions of these kinds of games. I would understand if I could get the game to boot and it runs slow, or is offsync, or something like that, but why can't I even boot into it for two seconds without it killing itself without some kind of error so I can troubleshoot it? I know it's an alpha but I'd at least hope that basic functionality would be a focus. I don't think there's any good reason why I can't even open the game just because I'm on a laptop, even though it's got enough power and components to outclass a normal workstation desktop.

This isn't just a problem with NOSTALGIA, GITADORA runs but I have no audio at all and the song charts don't scroll (this is really strange) and I haven't tried pop'n but I've heard that one is more tricky than the others so I haven't even bothered.

I hope others are enjoying this game, and that something good comes out of it. I've heard that playing it with a MIDI keyboard is a lot of fun and I appreciate the fact that KONAMI is allowing us to play these kinds of games with these devices.
ZIv Mod Squad: "Actual Florida Survivor"

Post #8 · Posted at 2020-10-20 11:34:17pm 3.9 years ago

Offline Imationer
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Quote: hypnoticmarten77
stuff said.

I tried running it on windowed and it didn't work, but a switch to fullscreen and ran as it nothing was wrong. Weird, but you could try that as well.

Post #9 · Posted at 2020-10-21 12:18:27am 3.9 years ago

Offline VR0
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Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-2602-0918-1312
"ムーン ゴーシュス メヂィデーション"
Newer PC Bemani req. 64-bit Windows 10, 8 GB of RAM, Intel Core 7th GEN, 60 GB of HDD/SSD per Bemani game, and 1 GB of VRAM.
AC Score Tracker: DDR EXTREME // SN2 (JP)
My username in these games:
StepMania 3.9+ REDUX: VRC
DDR Supernova onwards / IIDX ID: VR0

Post #10 · Posted at 2021-02-08 06:55:49pm 3.6 years ago

Offline GhostSpirit
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" ( 0﹏0)"
Sorry for necrobumping this thread, but I just found out this game came out very recently. Is there any way to play this outside Japan? Is it complicated to pay the montly fee to play the game?

Post #11 · Posted at 2021-02-09 04:07:30am 3.6 years ago

Offline fygar939
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"BEMANI Sound Team ¥"PON¥"
There's no restriction to using it outside of Japan, but there may be a few system settings you need to change to get Japanese text to show up correctly (Lively has this problem, but INFINITAS in SDVX cloud don't). You can download the installer from its game page here.

Thankfully you can use credit cards outside of Japan to pay for the subscription (1628 JPY/mo or ~$15.51 USD), but you may have to contact your financial institution to authorize the transaction if it declines (or it'll get authorized and you'll get an automated fraud call later). You'll likely have to add the card to your account to automatically charge it monthly, which forwards you to a separate KONAMI website to add it.

Post #12 · Posted at 2021-02-09 05:20:03am 3.6 years ago

Offline GhostSpirit
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Thank you for answering! I'm guessing the issue with japanese characters is related to the locale of my system right? It sounds like it's the same issue Lunatic Rave 2 has with non western characters.

Also, does it have to be a credit card? I own a debit card that can do international purchases but I have no access to a credit card at the moment.

Post #13 · Posted at 2021-02-09 01:59:36pm 3.6 years ago

Offline Thunderbird
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If the debit card is usable as a credit card (VISA/Mastercard logo on it) you should be fine. If not, you can try, but I don't know if it'll work.

Note that the game seems to still be able to launch without a subscription, but it clearly launches in a trial mode (only 12 songs, no Expert or Real charts).

Quote: fygar939
There's no restriction to using it outside of Japan, but there may be a few system settings you need to change to get Japanese text to show up correctly (Lively has this problem, but INFINITAS in SDVX cloud don't).

INFINITAS still does in the popups that appear on mode selection (getting BITs, the monthly bonus songs, whatever). Annoys the heck out of me.

Post #14 · Posted at 2021-02-10 05:58:36am 3.6 years ago

Offline fygar939
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"BEMANI Sound Team ¥"PON¥"

Last updated: 2021-02-10 06:02am
Quote: GhostSpirit
I'm guessing the issue with japanese characters is related to the locale of my system right?.
Not the locale, it's the regional format that needs to be changed. It can changed in Windows 10 by typing "Set regional format" from the start menu, or by changing the Format in the Region window (same options window as where you can change locale).

Yeah, it's kind of weird it has the same behavior as if the locale is wrong, but that's all it is.

Post #15 · Posted at 2021-02-12 10:55:02pm 3.6 years ago

Offline GhostSpirit
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Little update and I got the game set up. I'm not sure if it's because I'm not in Japan or something but the launcher took a loot of time to download the latest update (it took me around 2 hours for some reason but oh well).

I'm surprised the trial version lets you play some songs, I thought it was going to be like the one they had in Infinitas. The game is definitely a lot harder with a keyboard, glissandos are harder to hit compared to a midi keyboard and the arcade itself.

Post #16 · Posted at 2021-02-14 02:23:49am 3.6 years ago

Offline Thunderbird
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The trial version of Infinitas 2020 does actually allow playing the Beginner charts of 3 songs, so the trial version here isn't all that different.

Post #17 · Posted at 2021-02-20 06:15:28am 3.6 years ago

Offline Nate148
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Nintendo Network ID: NbisboOrigin: NbisboGame Center Nickname: Nbisbo
what would be a good keyboard for this and keyboard mania

Post #18 · Posted at 2021-02-24 10:34:48pm 3.6 years ago

Offline GhostSpirit
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" ( 0﹏0)"

Last updated: 2021-02-24 10:35pm
Quote: Nate148
what would be a good keyboard for this and keyboard mania

I'm not sure about KBM but for Nostalgia ideally you want a keyboard that lets you press as many keys as possible, otherwise you might miss some notes (there's a Reddit post suggesting a 48-key keyboard but I'm not sure why they said that, the game has around 28 keys)

You can play with a PC keyboard but I think playing Nostalgia with an actual musical keyboard is better. If it helps, this is how the keybinding screen looks like by default.


Post #19 · Posted at 2021-02-25 03:17:00pm 3.6 years ago

Offline fygar939
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"BEMANI Sound Team ¥"PON¥"
Quote: GhostSpirit
(there's a Reddit post suggesting a 48-key keyboard but I'm not sure why they said that, the game has around 28 keys)
As I recall, that's recommended so only the white keys are the inputs.

Post #20 · Posted at 2021-02-25 05:17:40pm 3.6 years ago

Offline GhostSpirit
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Quote: fygar939
As I recall, that's recommended so only the white keys are the inputs.
Is this because of how keyboards work? I've never used one, let alone connect one to a computer, so I'm not really sure how they work in this case
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