
[SM5] DanceDanceRevolution XX -STARLiGHT-

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Post #261 · Posted at 2022-04-09 04:14:44am 2.6 years ago

Offline Inorizushi
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Quote: SeagullsAreEvil
if you're referring to "Combo Cut-Ins," it's definitely enabled but still nothing during 100 combos besides the announcer callout. unless the cut-ins are considered toasties, haven't changed anything in the individual SNCharacters folders either so no idea what is the issue.

They're also coded to not show if there's any BGChanges in the simfile

Post #262 · Posted at 2022-04-09 05:28:40am 2.6 years ago

Offline SeagullsAreEvil
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as far as im aware of, the simfiles i've been playing with don't have BGChanges since their .sm files has it like this #BGCHANGES:;. i also recently just got into stepmania so i might not know what i'm talking about.

Post #263 · Posted at 2022-04-09 06:59:32am 2.6 years ago

BANDITxPGH Avatar Member
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I have a characters folder in the main directory, will the game pull combo cut-ins from the character folder of the specific character on screen at the time of a combo hitting a certain point?

If not, then did you take the cut-in images out of the specific character folder and toss them into the folder than handles toasties?

I'm using this theme in P.Outfox.

Post #264 · Posted at 2022-04-09 12:52:09pm 2.6 years ago

Offline n00b_saib0t
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"F***ing exhausted."
I’m pretty sure you need the SNCharacters folder. If you don’t want to use the videos you don’t have to but this particular theme grabs cut ins from there.
Quote: sharibetsu in The Unwritten Rules of ZIv thread
Any popular thread must have at least one debate between n00b_saib0t and someone else.

Post #265 · Posted at 2022-04-09 09:40:15pm 2.6 years ago

Offline SeagullsAreEvil
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Last updated: 2022-04-09 10:08pm
If not, then did you take the cut-in images out of the specific character folder and toss them into the folder than handles toasties?
the cut-in images are still in the specific character folder and i haven't changed their formatting. the theme is able to pick up the DancerVideos so i'm still confused.

sidenote, i am also having issues turning off DancerVideos? i'm selecting OFF in character select, but when i start the song, it gives me the DancerVideo of the last character i was using.

Post #266 · Posted at 2022-04-10 02:23:23am 2.6 years ago

Offline TranceWarp
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I've used those videos before. The folder in the main directory has to be 'SNCharacters' for it to work.

Also, not all the the character folders have cut-ins attached [i.e. (X2) Rinon has the cut-ins while (X2) Dark Rinon does not].

Post #267 · Posted at 2022-06-26 03:06:43pm 2.4 years ago

Offline gamefun29
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I'm waiting for a theme update for the current Outfox release. The grading is not correct on that version.

Post #268 · Posted at 2022-07-05 10:00:17pm 2.4 years ago

Offline bemaniruler
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Last updated: 2022-07-05 10:04pm
Absolutely loving this theme... trying it out for the first time after a decade-long hiatus from the DDR scene. Smile One question - it seems the new mini scale in twopointzero (I have it set to 50%) doesn't save my preference after each play session. The other modifier settings do, but mini does not. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Post #269 · Posted at 2022-08-27 07:14:23pm 2.2 years ago

Offline vgundam21
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I'm needing some help with this theme. I have genres on each of my songs and when I go to "sort by - genre" it shows all my genres but it has one standard artwork jacket that it uses for each one. Is there a way to do custom artwork jackets for those? I found where the art is kept and put in a jacket named "Dancemania" which matches a lot of my songs but it doesn't show up in game. How do I get this to work?

Post #270 · Posted at 2022-09-04 07:14:04pm 2.2 years ago

Offline Quickman
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"five minute white boy challenge"
For anyone who uses Discord to follow this project but doesn't use Twitter or follow Marten, his Discord account was hacked and the DDR XX server along with it. Would advise not going there until this is all sorted out. I've already been kicked from it by the chode who hacked it. https://twitter.com/DDR_MARTEN/status/1566451136080613376
Quote: Quick Man
Approximately nobody asked for this song to be included. Least popular decision by the Japanese since Nintendo released the Wii U.

Post #271 · Posted at 2022-09-04 07:34:04pm 2.2 years ago

Offline Lunaticboi
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I'm honestly terrified cause ANY SECOND, they can just, take the server down completely, destroying years of work, years of messages back and forth. It's why hackers scare me
killer of threads, consumer of breads

Post #272 · Posted at 2022-09-05 09:51:57am 2.2 years ago

Offline Inorizushi
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It looks like Marten's account is now being used to spread either a session hijacker or a token stealer. Like said before, do not interact with the server until several people can confirm that Marten has his account back and if the server can be salvaged.


I've made a twitter post about it along with a link to google's reporting page and the link being used to spread the malware in the reply.

Please spread the word.

Post #273 · Posted at 2022-09-06 03:50:43am 2.2 years ago

Offline notchristopher
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Quote: Lunaticboi
I'm honestly terrified cause ANY SECOND, they can just, take the server down completely, destroying years of work, years of messages back and forth. It's why hackers scare me
This is kind of why information shouldn't be centralized on an unsearchable platform that has frequent downtime and issues such as the current one

Post #274 · Posted at 2022-09-06 09:57:18am 2.2 years ago

Offline Inorizushi
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Last updated: 2022-09-06 09:58am
Quote: notchristopher
Quote: Lunaticboi
I'm honestly terrified cause ANY SECOND, they can just, take the server down completely, destroying years of work, years of messages back and forth. It's why hackers scare me
This is kind of why information shouldn't be centralized on an unsearchable platform that has frequent downtime and issues such as the current one

Marten was able to re-gain access to his account and was able to give me admin perms to get a bot in to start archiving the server. Discord hasn't gotten back to us on if they can transfer server ownership so we're at an impasse right now. Archival is at about 40% right now. Messages and images are present but images likely won't stay around if the server ends up getting deleted as I'm only able to get everything backed up as HTML but we've been busy looking at our options.

Note that by archiving the server, I am grabbing every single viewable message present from archival time all the way back to the server's creation. As long as I'm able to finish the archival process, most of the history of the server will be backed up. I could also possibly download every single media file as long as the files are still present on discord's end but this will likely take days and several gigabytes of storage that I likely don't have. Not to mention it possibly triggering an alarm on discord's end that a single IP is now suddenly attempting to download probably 10's or 100's of GBs from their servers at once.

Post #275 · Posted at 2022-09-24 10:02:37pm 2.1 years ago

Offline kidboo377
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Gonna need some help here...

I'm setting this theme up for a new place that just opened (smash tournaments and such). They wanted to do a DDR setup and I've set it up the best I've could, but there's something I can't seem to figure out.

Is it possible to enable USB profiles, and if not, is there a way to make it so that people can type in their profile name and have their scores save to that profile? I tried this at first with no machine profile but the score would just save to the machine and apply to every name that was typed in. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Post #276 · Posted at 2022-10-26 05:51:32pm 2.1 years ago

Offline n00b_saib0t
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Nintendo Network ID: n00bsaib0tNintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-7875-2425-72033DS Friend Code: 4871-6557-4900
"F***ing exhausted."
Hey, question. Does this theme have its own life bar rules similar to Simply Love?
Quote: sharibetsu in The Unwritten Rules of ZIv thread
Any popular thread must have at least one debate between n00b_saib0t and someone else.

Post #277 · Posted at 2023-11-04 08:35:21am 1 year ago

Offline AbsurdDive
AbsurdDive Avatar Member
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"EZ2ON/DJMax & chill"
This theme looks amazing! ! ! !

Great job guys Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
Argentinian rhythm gamer

R.I.P. buying all EZ2ON DLCs.

Post #278 · Posted at 2024-02-29 10:36:24am 9.3 months ago

Offline pristinepanda
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Last updated: 2024-02-29 10:53am
Quote: AxelWasHere
Quote: Saotome2U
Love, love the update. It seems to work pretty well in 5.0.12 for now. Like the new cover music wheel option, and a couple of the new menu music options.

3. I dunno if it's me, but I can't change the sort at the music wheel. I've hit left+right at the same time and nothing, and also the up+down+up+down code, but the sort menu doesn't appear. Also, other musicwheel codes don't seem to work -- to open/close info panel, close group, or sort menu.

For this one you have to turn on Dedicated Arcade buttons. I changed it manually in the preference.ini (If using outfox its in your save folder, NOT your theme folder)

sorry to hijack this old post, i cannot get the sorting menu to open in this theme at all. I'm using outfox. doing the above worked but none of my other buttons work now so i cant actually scroll through the sorting options. i'm not sure what i've done wrong but all my buttons are mapped, so i dont understand why left and right or up and down wont work either. i can press enter and open the sorting menu. but if i dont set dedicated menu buttons to 1 then i cant access the sorting menu. is there a different fix for this?

**edit** nevermind i found out i can just use del+pagedown to open the sort menu.

Post #279 · Posted at 2024-11-23 10:28:04pm 1.5 weeks ago

Offline knurd
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Quote: Quickman
For anyone who uses Discord to follow this project but doesn't use Twitter or follow Marten, his Discord account was hacked and the DDR XX server along with it. Would advise not going there until this is all sorted out. I've already been kicked from it by the chode who hacked it. https://twitter.com/DDR_MARTEN/status/1566451136080613376

holy shit

Post #280 · Posted at 2024-11-24 03:17:13pm 1.4 weeks ago

Offline Sigrev2
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2.2 years ago
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