
[SM5] DanceDanceRevolution XX -STARLiGHT-

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Post #201 · Posted at 2021-12-04 02:36:51am 2.6 years ago

Offline n00b_saib0t
n00b_saib0t Avatar Member
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Reg. 2007-02-05

Nintendo Network ID: n00bsaib0tNintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-7875-2425-72033DS Friend Code: 4871-6557-4900
"F***ing exhausted."
So I'm not sure why it wasn't working before, 5.3 and the theme were both fresh installs. But I tried again tonight and it works which is great. The only issue I have to report is that using dedicated menu buttons for the DDRA song menu, pressing UP twice or DOWN twice will change the difficulty. In the original STARLiGHT and Curilang's DDRA series themes this does not happen. The menu buttons won't change difficulty, only the gameplay buttons.
Quote: sharibetsu in The Unwritten Rules of ZIv thread
Any popular thread must have at least one debate between n00b_saib0t and someone else.

Post #202 · Posted at 2021-12-04 08:42:38pm 2.6 years ago

Offline Feathers
Feathers Avatar Member
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So I figured out that you have to map menu buttons in order to open the sort menu so that's one problem fixed.

However, everytime I sort by level, while the songs are separated into different folders by level, it seems to display the songs in a random order instead of alphabetically. If anyone knows of any way to fix this then that'd be much appreciated.

(Also I made a previous post about the screen filter not showing up but it was fixed in DDR XX 2.4)

Post #203 · Posted at 2021-12-05 04:43:44am 2.6 years ago

Offline Marten
Marten Avatar Moderator+
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Nintendo Network ID: hypnoticmarten77Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-6804-5156-27043DS Friend Code: 3265-5806-9022Game Center Nickname: HypnoticMarten77
"touch n go ride the flow"
Quote: Feathers
However, everytime I sort by level, while the songs are separated into different folders by level, it seems to display the songs in a random order instead of alphabetically. If anyone knows of any way to fix this then that'd be much appreciated.
I believe this may be a StepMania limitation, but I could be wrong.
ZIv Mod Squad: "Actual Florida Survivor"

Post #204 · Posted at 2021-12-05 03:30:51pm 2.6 years ago

Offline Dancefreak
Dancefreak Avatar Member+
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Quote: hypnoticmarten77
Quote: Feathers
However, everytime I sort by level, while the songs are separated into different folders by level, it seems to display the songs in a random order instead of alphabetically. If anyone knows of any way to fix this then that'd be much appreciated.
I believe this may be a StepMania limitation, but I could be wrong.

If its anything like the course sorting methods, it'll be done via number of steps so least steps earlier in the folder and most steps later?

Post #205 · Posted at 2021-12-05 04:05:46pm 2.6 years ago

Offline n00b_saib0t
n00b_saib0t Avatar Member
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Reg. 2007-02-05

Nintendo Network ID: n00bsaib0tNintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-7875-2425-72033DS Friend Code: 4871-6557-4900
"F***ing exhausted."

Last updated: 2021-12-05 09:51pm
Quote: Saotome2U
Okay, I just happened to fix the issue with jackets not showing up in Preferred sort. Something just randomly dawned on me last night to try and it worked. I still think it's a bit of a workaround as it's a missing thing in all Starlight installs:

1. In \Themes\STARLiGHT\Graphics\_jackets there are different folders for sorting (Group, Title, etc), but the \Preferred folder is missing. So you have to create that folder and put your series jackets in there.

2. Once you put the series jackets in the new \Preferred folder, you have to rename those jackets to their appropriate series so they show up on the MusicWheel correctly (e.g. DDR UNIVERSE2, DDR A20, DDR EXTREME, etc.).

3. In \Themes\STARLiGHT\Other, edit SongManager PreferredSongs.txt file to sort the way you want, but the group titles should match what you named your jackets.

I'd bet this method also works for Starlight v2 as well, as I just looked at it's _jackets folder, and the \Preferred folder is missing there as well.
This does work for v2, I just tried it out. I got the jackets showing up in preferred sort on the song wheel now. The only problem is I can't figure out how to get banners to show up. Did you have any luck with that?

Also, I was wondering if there were any plans to add clear lamps to the song wheel? The later PS2 games had them, so it would be cool to see them added here.

edit: I'm dumb. Banners for preferred sort go in the Graphics/_banners/Preferred and I was trying different naming conventions for them in the jackets foler.

edit edit: Does anyone know why scores might not be updating properly? I don't know if its a 5.3 issue or a STARLiGHT issue, but its not saving my best scores. Like I just PFC'd un deux trois ESP but the scores on the song select screen are showing my 1 great score and the lamp is still green.
Quote: sharibetsu in The Unwritten Rules of ZIv thread
Any popular thread must have at least one debate between n00b_saib0t and someone else.

Post #206 · Posted at 2021-12-06 10:03:29pm 2.6 years ago

Offline Saotome2U
Saotome2U Avatar Member
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Reg. 2007-01-19

"Makin' my rounds. Happy"

Last updated: 2021-12-06 10:05pm
I have another odd thing happening. I dunno if it's script related, or if it's this version of SM5 (SM 5.0.9) itself crashing, but I hadn't noticed SM5 crashing before I decided to use Starlight as my main theme. But it's crashed quite a few times in the past couple weeks and I'm unsure why. Here's a copy of the crashlog if anyone can weed through to figure out what's the deal. First thing I noticed when I opened it was it said "Access Violation", and majority of the time, it crashes after finishing a song, or when doing a course, during the transition between songs. Or it could just be me, and I should update to SM 5.0.12.

StepMania5.0.9 crash report (build 7, 20150620 @ 02:40:39 FLE Daylight Time)

Crash reason: Access Violation

Thread: Main thread
ScreenGameplay.cpp:2689 HandleScreenMessage(SM_PlayToasty)
Screen.cpp:164 ScreenMessage(SM_NotesEnded)
ScreenGameplay.cpp:2689 HandleScreenMessage(SM_NotesEnded)
ScreenGameplay.cpp:2689 HandleScreenMessage(SM_LeaveGameplay)
RageTextureManager.cpp:145 RageTextureManager::LoadTexture(/Themes/STARLiGHT/BGAnimations/ScreenGameplay overlay/FullCombo/FCGr.png).
Thread: Decode thread
RageSoundDriver_Generic_Software.cpp:204 Processing the sound while buffers are available.
RageSoundDriver_Generic_Software.cpp:204 Processing the sound while buffers are available.
RageSoundDriver_Generic_Software.cpp:204 Processing the sound while buffers are available.
RageSoundDriver_Generic_Software.cpp:204 Processing the sound while buffers are available.
RageSoundDriver_Generic_Software.cpp:204 Processing the sound while buffers are available.
Thread: Mixer thread
Thread: Music thread
RageFileDriverDirectHelpers.cpp:227 C:/Users/saoto/AppData/Roaming/StepMania 5/Announcers/DDRSN/gameplay comment hot/*
RageFileDriverDirectHelpers.cpp:227 C:/Games/DDR/Announcers/DDRSN/gameplay 300 combo/*
RageFileDriverDirectHelpers.cpp:227 C:/Users/saoto/AppData/Roaming/StepMania 5/Announcers/DDRSN/gameplay 300 combo/*
RageFileDriverDirectHelpers.cpp:227 C:/Games/DDR/Announcers/DDRSN/gameplay cleared/*
RageFileDriverDirectHelpers.cpp:227 C:/Users/saoto/AppData/Roaming/StepMania 5/Announcers/DDRSN/gameplay cleared/*
Thread: Worker thread (MemoryCardWorker)
Thread: Worker thread (/@mc1int/)
Thread: Worker thread (/@mc2int/)
Thread: DirectInput thread
Thread: Streaming sound buffering
Thread: Streaming sound buffering

debug resource file 'C:\Games\DDR\Program\StepMania.vdi': CreateFile failed (The system cannot find the file specified.).

Static log:
Compiled 20150620 @ 02:40:39 FLE Daylight Time (build 7)
Log starting 2021-12-05 21:17:03
Loading window: win32
Windows 6.2 (Win8) build 9200 []
Memory: 2047mb total, 4095mb swap (3540mb swap avail)
Video driver: NVIDIA GeForce GPU [NVIDIA], 11-9-2021 [pci\ven_10de&dev_1392&subsys_066a1028]
Drive: "HGST HTS721010A9E630 JB0O" Driver: iaStorA DMA: N/A
Drive: "Seagate BUP Slim BK 0304" Driver: UASPStor DMA: N/A
Sound device 0: SAMSUNG (NVIDIA High Definition, 10.0, MID 1, PID 100
Sound device 1: Realtek Digital Output(Optical), 10.0, MID 1, PID 100
WARNING: Direct3D mode detected. Some visual effects may not work properly.
WARNING: Do not report these problems as bugs, they are limitations of Direct3D mode.
DirectSound Driver: Primary Sound Driver
DirectSound Driver: SAMSUNG (NVIDIA High Definition Audio) {}.{64b5d267-451e-482e-9f74-e7ccd0d38137}
DirectSound Driver: Realtek Digital Output(Optical) (Realtek High Definition Audio) {}.{aae13927-7104-4505-a06d-0c751a7c430b}
DirectSound sample rates: 100..200000 (continuous)
Software mixing at 44100 hz
Sound driver: DirectSound-sw
Lights driver: SystemMessage
Lights driver: Export
WARNING: Video renderer list has been changed from 'opengl,d3d' to 'd3d,opengl'
Video renderers: 'd3d,opengl'
WARNING: RageDisplay_D3D::TryVideoMode( 0, 1920, 1080, 32, 0, 0 )
D3D Fullscreen 1920x1080 32 color 32 texture 60Hz NoVsync SmoothLines
DInput: Enumerating device - Type: 0x00000413 Instance Name: "Keyboard" Product Name: "Keyboard"
DInput: Enumerating device - Type: 0x00010215 Instance Name: "Controller (Fighting Commander ONE)" Product Name: "Controller (Fighting Commander ONE)"
DInput: Enumerating device - Type: 0x00000112 Instance Name: "Mouse" Product Name: "Mouse"
Found 3 DirectInput devices:
0: 'Keyboard' axes: 0, hats: 0, buttons: 256 (buffered)
1: 'Controller (Fighting Commander ONE)' axes: 5, hats: 1, buttons: 10 (buffered)
2: 'Mouse' axes: 3, hats: 0, buttons: 5 (buffered)
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: <type class ActorFrameAutoDeleteChildren> /<type class ActorFrameAutoDeleteChildren> Header's command 'Off' defined twice
WARNING: <type class ActorFrameAutoDeleteChildren> /<type class ActorFrameAutoDeleteChildren> Header's command 'On' defined twice
WARNING: <type class ActorFrameAutoDeleteChildren> /<type class ActorFrameAutoDeleteChildren> Header's command 'Off' defined twice
WARNING: <type class ActorFrameAutoDeleteChildren> /<type class ActorFrameAutoDeleteChildren> Header's command 'On' defined twice
WARNING: <type class ActorFrameAutoDeleteChildren> /<type class ActorFrameAutoDeleteChildren> Header's command 'Off' defined twice
WARNING: <type class ActorFrameAutoDeleteChildren> /<type class ActorFrameAutoDeleteChildren> Header's command 'On' defined twice
WARNING: <type class ActorFrameAutoDeleteChildren> /<type class ActorFrameAutoDeleteChildren> Header's command 'Off' defined twice
WARNING: <type class ActorFrameAutoDeleteChildren> /<type class ActorFrameAutoDeleteChildren> Header's command 'On' defined twice
WARNING: <type class ActorFrameAutoDeleteChildren> /<type class ActorFrameAutoDeleteChildren> Header's command 'Off' defined twice
WARNING: <type class ActorFrameAutoDeleteChildren> /<type class ActorFrameAutoDeleteChildren> Header's command 'On' defined twice
WARNING: <type class ActorFrameAutoDeleteChildren> /<type class ActorFrameAutoDeleteChildren> Header's command 'Off' defined twice
WARNING: <type class ActorFrameAutoDeleteChildren> /<type class ActorFrameAutoDeleteChildren> Header's command 'On' defined twice
WARNING: <type class ActorFrameAutoDeleteChildren> /<type class ActorFrameAutoDeleteChildren> Header's command 'Off' defined twice
WARNING: <type class ActorFrameAutoDeleteChildren> /<type class ActorFrameAutoDeleteChildren> Header's command 'On' defined twice
WARNING: <type class ActorFrameAutoDeleteChildren> /<type class ActorFrameAutoDeleteChildren> Header's command 'Off' defined twice
WARNING: <type class ActorFrameAutoDeleteChildren> /<type class ActorFrameAutoDeleteChildren> Header's command 'On' defined twice
WARNING: <type class ActorFrameAutoDeleteChildren> /<type class ActorFrameAutoDeleteChildren> Header's command 'Off' defined twice
WARNING: <type class ActorFrameAutoDeleteChildren> /<type class ActorFrameAutoDeleteChildren> Header's command 'On' defined twice
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Error playing command:/Themes/STARLiGHT/BGAnimations/ScreenSelectPlayCourseMode underlay.lua:3: attempt to call method 'SetPrevScreenName' (a nil value)
WARNING: /Themes/STARLiGHT/BGAnimations/ScreenSelectPlayCourseMode underlay.lua:3: unknown(s = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = ScreenSelectMusic,(*temporary) = attempt to call method 'SetPrevScreenName' (a nil value))
WARNING: Error playing command:/Themes/STARLiGHT/BGAnimations/ScreenSelectCourse decorations/default.lua:5: attempt to call method 'SetPrevScreenName' (a nil value)
WARNING: /Themes/STARLiGHT/BGAnimations/ScreenSelectCourse decorations/default.lua:5: unknown(s = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = ScreenSelectMusic,(*temporary) = attempt to call method 'SetPrevScreenName' (a nil value))
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Error playing command:/Themes/STARLiGHT/BGAnimations/ScreenSelectCourse decorations/default.lua:5: attempt to call method 'SetPrevScreenName' (a nil value)
WARNING: /Themes/STARLiGHT/BGAnimations/ScreenSelectCourse decorations/default.lua:5: unknown(s = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = ScreenSelectMusic,(*temporary) = attempt to call method 'SetPrevScreenName' (a nil value))
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Background missing: f4sh10n-bg.png
WARNING: Error playing command:/Themes/STARLiGHT/BGAnimations/ScreenSelectCourse decorations/default.lua:5: attempt to call method 'SetPrevScreenName' (a nil value)
WARNING: /Themes/STARLiGHT/BGAnimations/ScreenSelectCourse decorations/default.lua:5: unknown(s = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = (null),(*temporary) = ScreenSelectMusic,(*temporary) = attempt to call method 'SetPrevScreenName' (a nil value))
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Background missing: starlight fantasia-bg.png
WARNING: ThemeManager: There is more than one theme element that matches 'STARLiGHT/Graphics/Common fallback background'. Please remove all but one of these matches: /Themes/STARLiGHT/Graphics/Common fallback backgroundORIG.png, /Themes/STARLiGHT/Graphics/Common fallback backgroundORIG.png
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Background missing: share the love-bg.png
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: RageBitmapTexture: Couldn't load /Songs/DDR SuperNOVA2/Moonster/Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA.png: Unknown file format
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: error in StatsEngine module LifeTracker for player P1 (event flags: Judgment), unloading: cannot resume dead coroutine
WARNING: error in StatsEngine module DDRComboState for player P1 (event flags: Judgment), unloading: cannot resume dead coroutine
WARNING: error in StatsEngine module FastSlowRecord for player P1 (event flags: Judgment), unloading: cannot resume dead coroutine
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Background missing: believe-bg.png
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Background missing: chronos-bg.png
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Background missing: chronos-bg.png
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: Get: Unknown preference "JudgmentHeight"
WARNING: avcodec_decode_video2: -1
WARNING: avcodec_decode_video2: -1
WARNING: avcodec_decode_video2: -1
WARNING: avcodec_decode_video2: -1
WARNING: avcodec_decode_video2: -1
WARNING: avcodec_decode_video2: -1
WARNING: avcodec_decode_video2: -1
WARNING: avcodec_decode_video2: -1
WARNING: avcodec_decode_video2: -1
WARNING: avcodec_decode_video2: -1
WARNING: avcodec_decode_video2: -1
WARNING: avcodec_decode_video2: -1
WARNING: avcodec_decode_video2: -1
WARNING: avcodec_decode_video2: -1
WARNING: avcodec_decode_video2: -1
WARNING: avcodec_decode_video2: -1
WARNING: avcodec_decode_video2: -1
WARNING: avcodec_decode_video2: -1
WARNING: avcodec_decode_video2: -1
WARNING: avcodec_decode_video2: -1
WARNING: avcodec_decode_video2: -1
Mixing underruns: 1
Players joined: P1
Top Screen: ScreenGameplay
Language: en
MovieTexture_Generic::Update looping
Current renderer: Direct3D

Partial log:
190:05.079: WARNING: avcodec_decode_video2: -1
190:05.129: WARNING: avcodec_decode_video2: -1
190:05.163: WARNING: avcodec_decode_video2: -1
190:05.212: WARNING: avcodec_decode_video2: -1
190:05.245: WARNING: avcodec_decode_video2: -1
190:05.335: WARNING: avcodec_decode_video2: -1
190:05.347: WARNING: avcodec_decode_video2: -1
190:05.439: WARNING: avcodec_decode_video2: -1
190:05.452: WARNING: avcodec_decode_video2: -1
190:05.496: WARNING: avcodec_decode_video2: -1

-- End of report

Post #207 · Posted at 2021-12-07 12:16:55am 2.6 years ago

Offline Inorizushi
Inorizushi Avatar Member
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Reg. 2012-10-25

Theme Update! (V2.0.2):

STARLiGHT twopointzero (v2.0.2)

Bug Fixes:

■ Fixes 1st row of a group on Grid Wheel (Thanks sillybear)
■ Fix FirstScreen branch (Fixes Error when exiting Customize Screen)
■ Fix FC and GameOver graphic placement when using Center1Player
■ Disable Support of animated banners over jackets due to bad code.
■ Fix some case sensitivity issues for Linux users.


■ ScreenFilter now turns back to black when a player has died.
■ Re-encode most videos in the theme to shrink size down and to improve performance.
■ New Graphics for the Failed screen.
■ Add code for announcers to say stage number on Stage Info.

GitHub Download
Google Drive Mirror

GitHub Repository

As usual, please remember to delete your previous theme install to prevent potential bugs.

Please note that this theme is made primarily for use with Project Outfox (Previously StepMania 5.3), but does have compatibility with StepMania 5.1 if it is compiled after March 2019 (The release copy on the github WILL NOT work).

Post #208 · Posted at 2021-12-07 01:53:57am 2.6 years ago

Offline n00b_saib0t
n00b_saib0t Avatar Member
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Reg. 2007-02-05

Nintendo Network ID: n00bsaib0tNintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-7875-2425-72033DS Friend Code: 4871-6557-4900
"F***ing exhausted."
The updated theme crashes when it tries to bring up the results screen. I'll ask again, what version of 5.3 are you guys using? I'm using the most recent version on their website, alpha 4.10.0. Is that why its so unstable? And no, there is no log. The game straight up hangs when it tries to bring up the results. I have to kill it from the task manager. I can't even alt+tab, that's how hard it hangs. I have to ctrl+alt+delete to get out of it.
Quote: sharibetsu in The Unwritten Rules of ZIv thread
Any popular thread must have at least one debate between n00b_saib0t and someone else.

Post #209 · Posted at 2021-12-07 02:49:42am 2.6 years ago

Offline Jose_Varela
Jose_Varela Avatar Member
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Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-6249-4794-6493
"Too many themes on my spare time"

Last updated: 2021-12-07 02:58am
Quote: n00b_saib0t
The updated theme crashes when it tries to bring up the results screen. I'll ask again, what version of 5.3 are you guys using? I'm using the most recent version on their website, alpha 4.10.0. Is that why its so unstable? And no, there is no log. The game straight up hangs when it tries to bring up the results. I have to kill it from the task manager. I can't even alt+tab, that's how hard it hangs. I have to ctrl+alt+delete to get out of it.

I've been able to play it just fine on 4.10, using the default autogenerated settings. I even did a run with the texture resolution maxed out (8192) to see if it could possibly be a GL_OutOfMemory situation, but it kept going fine.


What song were you playing that triggered the crash?

Post #210 · Posted at 2021-12-07 03:11:41am 2.6 years ago

Offline n00b_saib0t
n00b_saib0t Avatar Member
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Reg. 2007-02-05

Nintendo Network ID: n00bsaib0tNintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-7875-2425-72033DS Friend Code: 4871-6557-4900
"F***ing exhausted."

Last updated: 2021-12-07 03:40am
I don’t want to make too broad of a statement and say all of them trigger it but every song I try triggers the crash.

Edit: Okay it was my announcer. I honestly don't have a strong enough vocabulary to properly convey just how much I really fucking hate 5.3.
Quote: sharibetsu in The Unwritten Rules of ZIv thread
Any popular thread must have at least one debate between n00b_saib0t and someone else.

Post #211 · Posted at 2021-12-07 04:28:30am 2.6 years ago

Offline Inorizushi
Inorizushi Avatar Member
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Reg. 2012-10-25


Last updated: 2021-12-07 04:33am
Quote: n00b_saib0t
I don’t want to make too broad of a statement and say all of them trigger it but every song I try triggers the crash.

Edit: Okay it was my announcer. I honestly don't have a strong enough vocabulary to properly convey just how much I really fucking hate 5.3.

The issue isn't outfox per-say but rather due to the resampler being replaced in OutFox to improve performance if I understand correctly. Don't blame outfox or Team Outfox for this please as they didn't intend for this issue to happen. Starlight v1 actually experienced this for a bit before it was brought to my attention.

You could get around the issue by going through the announcer files and re-encoding any that have bad sample rates or by going into your Preferences.ini file and changing SoundUseOldResampler to 1

Post #212 · Posted at 2021-12-13 06:19:18pm 2.6 years ago

Offline blood4fame
blood4fame Avatar Member
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Reg. 2021-10-05

is it normal that v2 on 5.3 doesnt have the sorting options v1 on 5.1 did? i used to be able to sort by level, genre, alpha, etc... now its just by music sections with no options

Post #213 · Posted at 2021-12-13 07:19:50pm 2.6 years ago

Offline Feathers
Feathers Avatar Member
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Reg. 2021-10-26

Quote: blood4fame
is it normal that v2 on 5.3 doesnt have the sorting options v1 on 5.1 did? i used to be able to sort by level, genre, alpha, etc... now its just by music sections with no options

You have to map menu buttons in order to open the sort menu. I'm not sure why thats the case but thats the only way i got it to open.

Post #214 · Posted at 2021-12-14 09:11:19pm 2.6 years ago

Offline blood4fame
blood4fame Avatar Member
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Reg. 2021-10-05

Quote: Feathers
Quote: blood4fame
is it normal that v2 on 5.3 doesnt have the sorting options v1 on 5.1 did? i used to be able to sort by level, genre, alpha, etc... now its just by music sections with no options

You have to map menu buttons in order to open the sort menu. I'm not sure why thats the case but thats the only way i got it to open.

OH! youre right - TYSM! I was so annoyed that i couldnt access that when i went thru all 1000s of my songs to customize their genres for my casual friends for party nights! TYTYTYTY

Post #215 · Posted at 2022-01-04 08:30:34pm 2.5 years ago

Offline n00b_saib0t
n00b_saib0t Avatar Member
2,347 Posts
United States
Reg. 2007-02-05

Nintendo Network ID: n00bsaib0tNintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-7875-2425-72033DS Friend Code: 4871-6557-4900
"F***ing exhausted."

Last updated: 2022-01-04 08:30pm
So I have a request, would it be possible to add the fix for the DDRA song select to the older STARLiGHT? I know I can’t be the only one that can’t get any respectable performance out of 5.3, so it would be awesome to see that fix added to the old version. I’m not asking for any of the other STARLiGHT v2 features or anything, just that one thing please.

Edit: razorblade hooked me up with the newest 5.1-new so I'm able to use twopointzero again and I noticed the default background isn't looping properly. I didn't notice it on 5.3 when I had it installed. The other backgrounds all loop properly. Also using the dedicated menu buttons (which enable up and down scrolling on the DDRA wheel) you can change song difficulty by pressing up or down twice. This shouldn't work (and didn't work in the previous STARLiGHT versions), only the gameplay buttons should change the difficulty.
Quote: sharibetsu in The Unwritten Rules of ZIv thread
Any popular thread must have at least one debate between n00b_saib0t and someone else.

Post #216 · Posted at 2022-01-04 09:21:02pm 2.5 years ago

Offline Inorizushi
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Quote: n00b_saib0t
So I have a request, would it be possible to add the fix for the DDRA song select to the older STARLiGHT? I know I can’t be the only one that can’t get any respectable performance out of 5.3, so it would be awesome to see that fix added to the old version. I’m not asking for any of the other STARLiGHT v2 features or anything, just that one thing please.

Edit: razorblade hooked me up with the newest 5.1-new so I'm able to use twopointzero again and I noticed the default background isn't looping properly. I didn't notice it on 5.3 when I had it installed. The other backgrounds all loop properly. Also using the dedicated menu buttons (which enable up and down scrolling on the DDRA wheel) you can change song difficulty by pressing up or down twice. This shouldn't work (and didn't work in the previous STARLiGHT versions), only the gameplay buttons should change the difficulty.

The looping issue is due to 5.1 still using an old version of FFMPEG that doesn't loop mp4's properly. renaming the video file to have the .avi extension may work as the original video on release was just that.

As for the difficulty changing on the DDR A wheel, this has been fixed on the repository version but I haven't made another release as that's really the only thing that's changed since the last release.

Post #217 · Posted at 2022-01-04 11:03:39pm 2.5 years ago

Offline n00b_saib0t
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Nintendo Network ID: n00bsaib0tNintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-7875-2425-72033DS Friend Code: 4871-6557-4900
"F***ing exhausted."
Quote: Inorizushi
The looping issue is due to 5.1 still using an old version of FFMPEG that doesn't loop mp4's properly. renaming the video file to have the .avi extension may work as the original video on release was just that.

As for the difficulty changing on the DDR A wheel, this has been fixed on the repository version but I haven't made another release as that's really the only thing that's changed since the last release.
Renaming didn't work but downloading the initial twopointzero release and replacing the .mp4 file with the .avi file works perfectly.

Downloading the repository version fixes the difficulty change issue, but then applying Encisso's dancer/stages patch breaks it again. But I kinda expected that when I saw the notes under metrics.ini mentioned fixing the difficulty change. Hopefully he makes a new patch to reflect your changes from the repository, obviously the problem isn't on your end.

Another thing I just noticed, Korean fonts don't seem to work with twopointzero. I found the Korean fonts in a thread here and added them to my fallback theme and they work great in every other theme but this one. In this theme I get the little ? in a circle icon that shows up when a font isn't present.
Quote: sharibetsu in The Unwritten Rules of ZIv thread
Any popular thread must have at least one debate between n00b_saib0t and someone else.

Post #218 · Posted at 2022-01-06 10:41:18pm 2.5 years ago

Offline Monty_Usui
Monty_Usui Avatar Member
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By clearing a song the program crashes im getting this throubleshoot i hope in any future updates can be resolved

"My version of Project Outfox is the date 2021-12-31 (Alpha) and i using the latest version of Starlight two point zero theme"

Post #219 · Posted at 2022-01-26 03:02:43am 2.5 years ago

Offline Biku
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I had a problem with the audio sync in the version for outfox, i try to correct it and save it but dosen't work.

please if someone knows how to fix it tell me i try everything but nothing works OopsOopsOops

Post #220 · Posted at 2022-01-27 07:27:20am 2.4 years ago

Offline fluffy
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Last updated: 2022-01-27 07:27am
Hi, I love this theme, but I can't figure out any way to set a C mod on it for those songs with obnoxious tempo gimmicks. Am I missing something obvious, or is it just not supported by this theme for some reason?

I'm running 5.0.12, if that makes a difference.
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