
The Middle east Thread.

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Post #1 · Posted at 2019-09-05 07:26:20am 5.3 years ago

Offline gianthero
gianthero Avatar Member
1 Post
Reg. 2018-03-30

Hello people in the middle east or use to be in the middle east. I making this Thread to gather as much information as I can about rhythm base arcade games in the middle east. So far I had updated and added a few cabs that are in Kuwait. I am still looking around for more in Kuwait there are a few hidden arcades I didn't visit yet. I am hoping this thread could lead me to other arcades that are either in Kuwait or in other countries around me.

Post #2 · Posted at 2020-01-17 11:19:59am 5 years ago

Offline mageman17
mageman17 Avatar Member
2,102 Posts
Reg. 2008-06-15

Hello there, gianthero!

For almost five years, I worked in Qatar. From there, I was able to at least create some arcade locations that had rhythm games. Qatar doesn't have a shortage of arcades per se, but locations that have rhythm games (mostly Pump, but one location has a 7th Mix and had a Euromix 2) and are not marked as "Family Areas" (no bachelors allowed) are rare. Also taxis are rare and gypsy/illegal taxi prices are very expensive so getting around on my day offs was hard before Uber and Careem came along.

It's likely gone by now, but a Facebook friend of mine stumbled upon a European DDR X cabinet in Dubai a few years back, although I don't know if the machine still exists there. We just need a few more people who can scope out arcades and we will have more arcade entries for the Middle East.

Thank you so much, Lord Toon!
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