
DDR CD -Dance Dance Revolution Club Division-

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Post #1 · Posted at 2022-10-15 12:20:47am 1.7 years ago

Offline hamsand210-final
hamsand210-final Avatar Member
1,027 Posts
United States
Reg. 2015-03-29

"that's crazy"

Last updated: 2023-12-12 07:06pm
Hello! I bring to you a song pack I've worked on for a while, with some assistance from Nifara and Air12567. Please keep in mind that this is my first time actually putting effort in stepping simfiles and this is the first song pack (of pad files anyways) I've ever made. Anyways, DDR CD is short for Dance Dance Revolution Club Division. The era of time with the charting style is a range between 2nd mix and SuperNOVA, and I only stepped singles charts. I hope you like it!

Yes, I updated this thread and never bumped it.

You can see the simfile category here. There's a prototype song pack in the description of this video. We're planning to update the simfiles for the better on this site, though. Also, we may or may not completely cut the Dancemania Groove Radar Specials and leave those simfiles exclusively in the prototype pack.
How you doin' Lord Toon? Thanks for the banner.
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