
30 Favourite Games In 30 Days

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Post #81 · Posted at 2016-10-16 03:29:22am 7.6 years ago

Offline midnightclubx
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Last updated: 2016-10-16 03:32am
Oooh boy, I have a bad stomach flu at the moment, but I'm filled with DETERMINATION -shot- to finish this list. Description is gonna be pretty short, but I have an excuse here.



Pinball is one of those things I wish I played more often, but because of where I live, there's not a lot of places where I can play any, let alone the latest and greatest tables. For the other 362 days the Museum of Pinball (https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/v5.2/arcade.php?id=3551#summary) is not open, and when I can't go to Round1 for my pinball fix, I fire this game up. Tons of different tables with the best physics ever for a pinball simulation, and top this with the fact that it's the only legal way to play IRL pinball tables (in digital form), and it's one of the better games to play when you don't have much time, but you have to play something before you leave/go to bed/whatever.

Post #82 · Posted at 2016-10-16 02:24:35pm 7.6 years ago

Offline SomethingRandom
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Game Center Nickname: blearymoos
"bootylicious "

Last updated: 2016-10-16 03:22pm
My personal favorite, I used to dislike it.
But now, I grown on it and it features
some of my favorite songs ever.
I like the gameplay, and I like
the atmosphere. Also the cabinet is

Post #83 · Posted at 2016-10-16 02:30:00pm 7.6 years ago

Offline coffeelover239
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Origin: coffeelover239
"Prestige, legacy, and pride. "
The first golfing game I ever played. The game face feature is pretty cool, the soundtrack rocks, the courses are fun to play on, a lot of game modes, and I love the commentary provided by Gary McCord & David Feherty.
DDR RIVAL CODE - 5140-8277

Post #84 · Posted at 2016-10-16 04:17:11pm 7.6 years ago

Offline -Viper-
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3DS Friend Code: 1091-8797-8693
Posting two today because I forgot to post yesterday



Disgaea 4

A sequel to the game Disgaea which I posted earlier. This game is my favorite in the series (though I have yet to play the fifth one which came out recently). I loved this games characters, music, gameplay, etc.




Pump It Up

Once again, I imagine most people are familiar with this. In many ways I like this game more than DDR, but DDR still ranks higher for me for almost purely nostalgic reasons.

Post #85 · Posted at 2016-10-17 03:40:24am 7.6 years ago

Offline Sigrev2
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"suffering from success"

Last updated: 2016-10-17 03:40am
how many days did i miss?

time for some goddamn catching up, holla jesu christe

23. Katamari Forever
It's the important stuff that gets mislaid first.

While not the first game in the Katamari Damacy series I've played, it's certainly the one I remember the most. The one I've had the most fond memories of. While it doesn't have much in the way of original content (it's basically a compilation of levels and characters from the previous 4 titles with small additions here and there), it more than makes up for it by being an absolute blast. The levels present are all fun and engaging (including the infamous Cowbear level), the storyline is silly but intentionally so, the characters are enjoyable, and there's just enough to unlock and just enough tiny things to find to spend countless hours trying to make sure you nab 100%. I still don't even have 100% and I've clocked in roughly 100 hours on the thing! Probably my favorite in the series, with We ♥ Katamari being dangerously close.

22. LittleBigPlanet 2
Do not take lightly your hopes, your ideas, your fantasies. Let them grow. Nurture them. Then your wildest imaginings will soon trip the dream fantastic, soaring into the Wonderplane, and spreading into something altogether... magnificent.

Speaking of games I've clocked too much time into, this is the quintessential creativity game. Minecraft is cool and all, but nothing beats LittleBigPlanet 2. Everything in this game just feels right and feels perfectly in place. And the best thing is that, despite being a game aimed for a younger audience, it's still challenging enough to hold the attention of people like me. The story introduced in this game is beautifully written and the characters you meet throughout are just great to have around. But you don't play LBP for the story. No, you play for the level creation and the online play. While the servers are (and always have been) buggy, I've still managed to have countless hours of fun with my friends, building dumb shit and making intricate levels (as intricate as our brains would allow). Plus, the developers always made sure to fill the game up to the brim with updates and new content, even several years after the game's original release. Now there's a third game in the series, and I have yet to play it. Don't think I ever will. It won't top the marvelousness that is LBP2.

21. Beat Hazard Ultra



A simple little indie game that uses audio you have stored on your HDD to the best advantage. Your ship flies around space, you shoot the enemies, you collect powerups. But it's all controlled by what song you've chosen. If your song is rip-roaring crazy and dynamic, expect to have an absolute blast. Even the slow paced tracks still provide a challenge. Only thing I don't like about this game are the enemies that act as magnets, either pulling you in or pushing you away. It can be very difficult to get rid of the bastards. But I love it nonetheless.

20. Dance Dance Revolution ULTRAMIX
Pick a song!

The first DDR game I've ever played, and still my absolute favorite home console release to this day. Really, all of the ULTRAMIX titles are amazing, but this one just gets everything right. It's similar to Katamari Forever in that it's more of a compilation title than something focused on originality. But the song selection on this one is almost flawless. It's a real love letter to the DDR series as a whole, with so many classic and iconic songs to pick from. Even some rare (all things considered) songs managed to make their way into this title (HYPNOTIC CRISIS most notably, which never appeared on another DDR game since (save for a remix in UM4)), and the originals that are present are just a blast to behold. The unspoken hero here, however, has to be the DLC. While not available for purchasing these days, if you manage to softmod your Xbox to obtain these songs, you'll find so many hidden gems that it's absolutely unreal. Really wish some of these got revived on AC (seriously, no love for MAD BLAST?).
Also, I won't be including any other DDR games on this list. One and done. But just know that UM2, UM3, MAX2, EX, EX2, SN, UNI, UNI2, and PS3 would've also made this list if I felt like it. I just really like the DDR games. But, life exists out of DDR. Smile

19. Soul Calibur 2
Transcending history and the world, a tale of souls and swords eternally retold...

First things first, I intentionally picked the image that had all 3 covers of this game. When this game was released, each version had an ever so slightly different roster. And while that's something I'd bitch about if it happened in today's market, I can admit that it's a pretty fucking good marketing ploy here. I mean, Spawn for the Xbox version, Heihachi from Tekken for the PS2 version, and goddamn Link for the GCN version. Who doesn't want to play as our favorite Hyrulian hero? (I don't; Spawn's the better character). But anyway, this will likely always be my favorite Arcade style fighting game. The flow of combat is like water, the characters are all unique and take time getting acquainted with, and everything feels like an accomplishment when it's completed. The atmosphere is another thing I adore with this game. It just feels so warm and nostalgic to me, even with the little nostalgic value I have with this one. You can't beat it. Sorry, VF fans or SF fans. SC2's got ya beat, at least in my book.

18. Amplitude
I wish I could see the world the way you do, Sarah...

Note that this game doesn't actually have a physical release so it doesn't actually have a cover art (neither did Beat Hazard Ultra but I at least had the 360 banner to fall back on) so I apologize for that. But I don't apologize for how great this game is. It take everything I loved about FreQuency and the original Amplitude and ramps it up tenfold. Sure, its main focus is original content and not licenses, but the original content is so damn good that I'm willing to accept the lack of Weezer this time around. This is arguably one of the best rhythm games I've played to date, and words cannot do this one justice. Just try it out for yourself; it's on PS3 and PS4 and worth the $20 or so you'd have to pay for it.

17. Donkey Kong 64
I've been waiting a long time for this moment. Soon, Donkey Kong and his pretty little island will be no more!

The game that proves that being a collect-a-thon isn't necessarily a bad thing. People always say that Banjo-Kazooie was Rare's best game, but it will never hold a candle to the behemoth that is DK64. The wide variety of things to do, the level designs all feeling so unique and original, the amount of content to collect and experience, the silly little cutscenes and boss battles, the everything. I like it. I like it even better than Shrek.

16. SmackDown! Shut Your Mouth
I'm going to inject the WWE with a lethal dose of poison. Enough to kill everything. If anyone is going to kill my creation, it's going to be... me... and the n... W... o...

People always point to WWF No Mercy as the quintessential professional wrestling game. I say nay - Shut Your Mouth is arguably the best professional wrestling game to date. I know I'm a broken record with this, but it just gets everything right. The roster doesn't put a focus on Legends (something later WWE titles practically bank on at this point) and focuses on the talent at the time and that alone is something that makes me happy. There's really only so many times you can throw a Legend in a game before it gets old and stale. I want individuality, I want names one won't recognize half a decade later. I don't know why this is a thing I prefer. Maybe because it feels like actual progression. And I've gone on for too long without mentioning that the controls are superb and the story mode is honestly the second best story in any WWE game period (the RTW story from '12, however, will always be #1 for me, even if it was bullshit difficult at points). I wish I had more to say without repeating myself. Just try it out for yourself.

15. Mario Party
Whoa! Amazing! You didn't even get 1 Coin stolen! Well, that means I get to have 15 Coins!
The game that ruined many friendships and made other friendships even stronger. Yes, the original Mario Party is one of my favorite games of all-time. A classic selection of mini-games (including ones that do physical damage to your body if you're dumb enough), a classic selection of boards, a classic soundtrack, a classic "story mode" of sorts. You could say that this game is..... vintage. ;) Anyway, yeah, Mario Party for the N64 is better than the others, including 2 and 3, most people's picks for that spot. I love 2 and 3, but the first cut is the deepest.... I mean, the first time is the most memorable time... Whatever. I'm tired. I've been typing for over an hour playing catch up. Mario Party beats your fav, word up.

Post #86 · Posted at 2016-10-17 04:02:04am 7.6 years ago

Offline midnightclubx
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I remember playing this when it first came out; I had a brother-in-law who worked at the local Blockbuster, and brought the N64 version home all the time. Every time I've played it, I only got as far as Treasure Trove Cove because I didn't know where to go next.

It wasn't until last year when Rare Replay came out that I got to try the definitive XBLA version, and finally beaten the game 100%, AND got all the Stop N' Swop eggs/key.

It's a shame that Rare didn't stay with Nintendo, but at least we now have Playtonic Games, and Yooka-Laylee is coming out. ;)

Post #87 · Posted at 2016-10-17 07:26:53pm 7.6 years ago

Offline coffeelover239
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Origin: coffeelover239
"Prestige, legacy, and pride. "
This is one of the few games I can say that definitely lived up to its hype. 56 Characters, a funky soundtrack, awesome stages to fight in, a good fighting in engine that's fluid and fast, and you have a contender for the best fighting game crossover of all time. Yes, even better than MVC3.
DDR RIVAL CODE - 5140-8277

Post #88 · Posted at 2016-10-18 04:36:17am 7.6 years ago

Offline midnightclubx
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I didn't think this game would get me hooked, but lo and behold, it did. It's a simple game, but has plenty of stuff to unlock, and playing the game with friends is a must. The only complaints I have would be that there's hardly any single player modes besides a very basic Season mode, and the Crate system/random drops can be few and far between.


I still love this game, almost 20 years after this first came out, and to this day, I consider it the best in the series. This game did a lot of stuff that very few others in the genre did; multiple characters where you see different perspectives (with the B scenario being a very different feel compared to the A scenario), plenty of stuff to unlock that had you doing multiple playthroughs, and a difficulty curb that isn't too brutal, but you gotta work for it. Call me old-fashioned, but RE2's idea of horror has a lot more weight than 99% of what's out there today. Resident Outlast Evil VII still isn't the "return to form" I wanted, nor am I expecting Silent Hill to do the same thing anytime soon, but at least the original trilogy is still readily available on PS3's PSN store.

Post #89 · Posted at 2016-10-18 07:05:22pm 7.6 years ago

Offline coffeelover239
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Origin: coffeelover239
"Prestige, legacy, and pride. "
Better the original. Awesome soundtrack, good fighting engine, good cast of characters, and different grooves to choose from make for a unique experience.
DDR RIVAL CODE - 5140-8277

Post #90 · Posted at 2016-10-18 07:19:40pm 7.6 years ago

Offline -Viper-
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Once again forgot to post yesterday so I'll once again post twice (though its fitting for these two to be in the same post anyway)



Final Fantasy VII

This game is vastly overrated and was the point where people started loving Final Fantasy for all the wrong reasons, creating fandoms around characters themselves rather than appreciating the games for their gameplay. Advent Children and all of the spinoff material surrounding this game makes me sick. However despite all that, the game itself is pretty nice. Nobou was also in top form with the music of this particular Final Fantasy, especially with the standard boss music (Still More Fighting) and the final boss music (One Winged Angel). Sephiroth as a villain was alright but didnt do nearly as much for me as it apparently did for everyone else. A good game that is worthy of praise, but probably not the legendary status it's aquired. Also Im not really looking forward to the remake that's coming out because I expect it to be fan service garbage that panders exactly to the type of crowd that I mentioned and I expect it to lose the charm that the original had.



Final Fantasy VI

This is my own favorite Final Fantasy game. Kefka is easily my favorite villain in Final Fantasy (followed probably by Chaos in the original one).
The music is also phenomenal, especially Dancing Mad, the music that plays during the last couple final boss fights. The gameplay is the best in this Final Fantasy, more honed and polished than previous games, yet still simple and not needlessly complicated like many later games. While this game gets its fare share of praise, I think this one deserves it more than FFVII. Oh and btw, this game is not called Final Fantasy III. While this game was sold originally as Final Fantasy III for the SNES in the US, the actual Final Fantasy III is a completely different game for the NES in Japan that didn't come to the US until much later in the form of a remake.

Post #91 · Posted at 2016-10-18 07:40:59pm 7.6 years ago

Offline Sigrev2
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"suffering from success"
14. SSX Tricky
Eddie to traffic control. I'm comin' in for a landing.

Better than SSX 3. That is all.

13. Super Monkey Ball 2
I can't breathe! I think I'm going to die!

Cute, fun, challenging puzzle/platformer. The later levels can go fuck themselves. It's a great game, even better than Warbutt.

Post #92 · Posted at 2016-10-19 04:54:26am 7.6 years ago

Offline midnightclubx
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The first Portal, while good, was a fairly short game, but was a perfect addition to The Orange Box when it first came out. Portal 2 essentially fleshed out the story even more, made the graphics better, and also added some fun new mechanics as well. This may not be the last Valve game to end up on the list, but it is one of the better ones. Tongue

Post #93 · Posted at 2016-10-19 07:32:00pm 7.6 years ago

Offline coffeelover239
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Origin: coffeelover239
"Prestige, legacy, and pride. "
This was the 1st Resident Evil game I played personally, and I can say, it was worth it. While this may have been the point where the series jumped the shark by becoming more action oriented, the gameplay is still solid, the story is very interesting, and there are some very creepy moments throughout the game.
DDR RIVAL CODE - 5140-8277

Post #94 · Posted at 2016-10-19 10:05:24pm 7.6 years ago

Offline -Viper-
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Dance Dance Revolution


Post #95 · Posted at 2016-10-20 12:22:05am 7.6 years ago

Offline Sigrev2
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"suffering from success"
Hey! Now we got a race on our hands! I remember this feeling! Excitement!

Post #96 · Posted at 2016-10-20 06:44:22am 7.6 years ago

Offline midnightclubx
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Quote: -Viper-


Dance Dance Revolution



What he said.

Post #97 · Posted at 2016-10-20 09:24:47pm 7.6 years ago

Offline coffeelover239
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Origin: coffeelover239
"Prestige, legacy, and pride. "
I think I like this one more for the lore behind the series, as well as some fan pairings, and less of the actual games, but the games are still solid. Interesting universe, likable characters, and an interesting story arc.
Also, I need to get this off my chest. MAKE NARUMAYO & JUSTICYKES CANNON CAPCOM!
DDR RIVAL CODE - 5140-8277

Post #98 · Posted at 2016-10-20 10:03:32pm 7.6 years ago

Offline SomethingRandom
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Game Center Nickname: blearymoos
"bootylicious "
14. Reflec Beat limelight
Great theme, and great OST, and
great gameplay for me.
Good successor.

13. In the Groove
I actually played this back in the early 2010s.
It's a good substitute for DDR, and has cool shiny metal
theme with a great OST.

12. Groove Coaster
I like the gameplay, and visuals.
It's quite a dazzling game.

11. Maimai
Another game that I like.
Great design, visuals, cute songs and
great gameplay for me.
Try it out!

Post #99 · Posted at 2016-10-20 11:43:37pm 7.6 years ago

Offline -Viper-
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Mass Effect

I love space and science fiction, this game (or rather trilogy of games, though Im mainly talking about the first one) was all of that. Amazing story, a great sense of exploration across the Milky Way in the far future, many creative alien races. The gameplay is great too, being a third person shooter that utilizes some RPG elements. Its too bad the end of the third game sort of botched up the storyline. Still, prior to that it had amazing story and I'm looking forward to trying out Mass Effect Andromeda.

Post #100 · Posted at 2016-10-21 12:15:28am 7.6 years ago

Offline midnightclubx
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The first HD Mario Kart Game is also one of my personal favorites (and arguably the best in the series). Loads of tracks and characters (especially if you get the DLC), pretty stable online connectivity, and plenty of parts to unlock for your kart/motorcycle. I eagerly await what enhancements Nintendo is making for the Switch port (that's gonna be weird to say... XD).
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