
Z-I-v Battle Royale 2017

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Post #501 · Posted at 2017-04-24 05:22:49pm 7.8 years ago

Offline Pandemonium X
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The first ever Battle Royal has ended. Congrats to Oni-91 and Feraligatr, as they will be the hosts for the 2017 Summer Contest!

Thank you everyone for making this new contest a success. We had some growing pains but I think it worked out nicely. I hope to alter a few things after hearing some feedback for Summer Contest and if we decide to do this next year. There should be a thread for SC2017 in the next few days.

Thank you for being apart of the 2017 Z-I-v Battle Royal.

Post #502 · Posted at 2017-04-24 05:43:13pm 7.8 years ago

Offline CuzcoBlocko
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"[Art by LilyBreez]"
Corrected totals:

Glitch Nerds [Oni-91] - 43
Dance with Cannibals [Feraligatr] - 42
Super Game [ROOK] - 41
Backflow [DMAxel] - 32
You Can Walk on Water [Spork!] - 25

(Spork! was one behind starting with Oni's votes while Backflow was one ahead starting with Spork!'s votes.)

Congratulations, Oni and Feraligatr!

Post #503 · Posted at 2017-04-24 06:58:45pm 7.8 years ago

Offline ledgam3r1279
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"now led_light for short"
Well, this contest was a lot more fun than I anticipated. Sure, it could have been better organized or executed, but the overall concept is something we should definitely keep for next year.

Still, we've all made some assumptions about the rules that were either dead wrong or about things that should have been clarified even further, so I decided to take it upon myself to rewrite some of the rules for next year's contest based on the feedback so far (and add some suggestions of my own). I think this is a good baseline to go off of for next year, but I would appreciate more feedback as well.

Each round, members upload and vote for simfiles, but there is a threshold that has to be passed in order to advance to the next round, where only the top 50% of files will advance (exact thresholds will depend how many members enter). This continues until the final round, where the top two will win the Battle Royale and host SC 2018. This contest is planned to go fast, so be prepared.

At the end of each round, the bottom half of votes will be eliminated.

February 26th-March 5th: Contest starts submissions for [Round 1]. (March 6th, deadline to enter ends)
March 5th-12th: Voting for [Round 1].
March 12th-19th Submissions for [Round 2].
March 19th-26th: Voting for Round 2.
March 26th-April 2nd: Submissions for [Round 3].
April 2nd-9th: Voting for [Round 3].
*April 9th-16th: Submissions for [Round 4]. (Final round)
*April 16th-23rd: Voting for [Round 4]. (Top two win)

* - If needed

WEEKLY DEADLINES ARE AT 5PM UTC. If you need help converting the time, go to this link.

1. You are required to vote if you enter a file. Failure to do so will result in elimination from the tournament, regardless of rank. You can still vote even if you are eliminated or not participating the Battle Royale at all.
2. You are not allowed to vote for your own file (of course).
3. Only one file per round, so make it count!
4. Files must be uploaded by the deadline, no exceptions.
5a. Name files accordingly: "[Round 1] - SONG NAME" (yes, that includes the hyphen). This is so files are organized and easy to find.
5b. If two people upload the same song in the same round, put your user name in parentheses next to the file when you upload it, like so: "[Round 1] - SONG NAME (USER NAME)". It is rare, but it has happened before.
6. You must have a user rating of at least 20 pts in order to vote. This should prevent any multiple accounts/voter fraud from happening. The only exception is if you are participating in the Battle Royale yourself, in which case you are only allowed to vote in the round(s) in which you submitted a file.
7a. In the event of the voting threshold being 0 points, all files with 0 points will be eliminated.
7b. If there is a tie between files that go past the round threshold, all members who tie will still advance to the next round. If this happens in the final round, the ranks of the submitters' files in the previous round will break the tie.
7c. If, at any point, the number of submissions or remaining participants fall below the round threshold, all participants will immediately advance to the next round (except under special circumstances below).
7d. In any case, the round threshold is still fixed based on the number of initial entries.

Example: If 36 people enter, then the passing thresholds are 18 files for Round 1, 9 in Round 2, 5 in Round 3, and 2 in Round 4, regardless of how many files are submitted or how many members actually advance each round.

1. You must have at least 1 chart on any difficulty. Having Light-Heavy are no longer required but is highly recommended. Doubles and other chart types are also allowed but not required.
2. Charts must be rated in the Classic DDR/ITG scale (1-10/13ish). This way, we don't get a mix bag of songs in classic and X ratings and have a mess between the same level.
3. Songs must be less than 2:30 in length.
4. Pad charts for this contest only; no keyboard charts.
5. Automatically generated steps are not allowed.
6. New simfiles only. You cannot re-release files or re-step songs.
7. Graphics are not required but are HIGHLY recommended. If you cannot make graphics, someone else can make some on request or you can use the generic graphics provided for the contest.

You are given 15 points per round to distribute to up to 7 entries, subject to a maximum of 5 points per entry. You are not required to use must use all 15 points.
*I think this is a good middle ground to go on, since you have to give an average of 2 points per file rather than 3 (more freedom for a thinner distribution, but not too thin to keep it somewhat competitive). Otherwise, I'm fine with going back to SC/SS voting rules as well. The purpose of the second sentence is to discourage strategic voting and avoid a loophole where people could give 0 points and say they voted.

Song A: 5pts
Song B: 3pts
Song C: 2pts
Song D: 1pts
Song E: 4pts


Song A: 5pts
Song B: 5pts
Song C: 5pts

Also, please update the vote tallies when you post your votes.

Special cases for 0~5 files:
0 files: Do-over. No one is eliminated and everyone still gets to submit a file for the current round (basically, the contest schedule would be delayed by one week). If this ever happens again, the two winners (one if the following special case occurs) will be randomly chosen among all remaining participants.
1 file: Do-over, but the one submitter automatically wins the Battle Royale. Everyone else continues to compete for the one remaining spot. If this happens again, the next submitter also wins the Battle Royale.
2 files: The two submitters win the Battle Royale.
3/4/5 files: Everyone gets 3/6/10 points to distribute instead.

You can sign up by saying so clearly in this thread or sending me a PM. If you entered the contest and still can't upload a file, let me know sooner rather than later and I'll try to fix it. Some names get lost in the cracks sometimes.

・ Voting rules and eligibility have been changed and clarified.
・ Special cases for 0-5 files have been added and modified for this contest.
・ Participants will no longer advance to the next round (or win the Battle Royale) if they do not vote.
・ Tiebreaker rules have also changed accordingly.
・ More clarification about how the threshold works.
・ Minor text fixes.

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Post #504 · Posted at 2017-04-24 09:34:35pm 7.8 years ago

Offline Gameoson
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Last updated: 2017-04-24 09:35pm
Congrats Oni and Feraligatr!

Quote: ledgam3r1279
6. You must have a user rating of at least 20 pts in order to vote. This should prevent any multiple accounts/voter fraud from happening. The only exception is if you are participating in the Battle Royale yourself, in which case you are only allowed to vote in the round(s) in which you submitted a file.

I don't see why people with less than 20 points shouldn't be allowed to vote after they've been eliminated. As long as you've submitted one file you should still be allowed to vote in every round.

Quote: ledgam3r1279
3/4/5 files: Everyone gets 3/6/10 points to distribute instead.

In these situations, I think whoever submitted should have less points to distribute based on how many files they can possibly vote on. So for example if there's five files, non-participants get 10 points to distribute and participants get 6 since there's only four files they can vote for. That way you're not forced into giving more points to one file than you may have wanted to give. Kind of a minor issue IMO, it doesn't matter to me that much of it gets implemented or not.

Post #505 · Posted at 2017-04-24 10:24:51pm 7.8 years ago

Offline ledgam3r1279
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"now led_light for short"
Quote: Gameoson
I don't see why people with less than 20 points shouldn't be allowed to vote after they've been eliminated. As long as you've submitted one file you should still be allowed to vote in every round.

Actually, now that I think about it, I do agree, at least for BR. I think voting on a per-round basis would work better in SC/SS since each round is independent of each other.

Quote: Gameoson
In these situations, I think whoever submitted should have less points to distribute based on how many files they can possibly vote on. So for example if there's five files, non-participants get 10 points to distribute and participants get 6 since there's only four files they can vote for. That way you're not forced into giving more points to one file than you may have wanted to give. Kind of a minor issue IMO, it doesn't matter to me that much of it gets implemented or not.

So something like: "Submitters get 1/3/6 points to distribute, while everyone else gets 3/6/10 points to distribute instead." I can see that being a possibility. In that case, we'll also need: "6 files: Submitters get 10 points to distribute instead."
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Post #506 · Posted at 2017-04-25 12:16:43am 7.8 years ago

Offline Gameoson
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Last updated: 2017-04-25 12:17am
I wasn't originally thinking about SC/SS, but now that you mention it I do agree that blocking non-participants with less than 20 points from voting makes a lot more sense there than it does in elimination formats. Although now I wonder how that's gonna work with the whole "Tournament of Immortals = Summer Contest Playoffs" thing that was talked about, does anyone that participated in Summer Contest at least one round get to vote in ToI? At least three rounds? What's the cutoff?

Quote: ledgam3r1279
"6 files: Submitters get 10 points to distribute instead."

I had this in mind as well when I made my last post, not sure why I didn't mention it before to be honest. Tongue

Post #507 · Posted at 2017-04-25 02:16:04am 7.8 years ago

Offline 01angel
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Last updated: 2017-04-25 02:16am
Wooooah, it's over already?! That went by so quickly! Oops
Overall I enjoyed being part of the contest, and voting the one week I actually remembered to vote...and I'm PSYCHED for Summer Contest! Green Grin
Best of luck hosting, Oni and Feraligatr! Happy

See you again next year, Battle Royale! Well...if there is a next year. >v<
Don't forget, I'm angel for yoooooooou(|[*'v'*]|)
~Eternal Ham World Order member~
(●´∪`|♪。o.゚。*・Newest Simfile: Novi plan drugi san / Filip Baloš 。o.゚。*・♪|´∪`●)

Post #508 · Posted at 2017-04-25 04:45:21am 7.8 years ago

Offline mf32892
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The rule revisions suggested so far look good to me!
Only thing I'd add is a clarification of the deadline, since there were many close calls (particularly DDRDAIKENKAI in Round 3). Maybe clarify that the last possible time stamp allowed to meet the deadline is "17:00:59" or "16:59:59" to really emphasize how strict this rule will (should) be enforced.
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Post #509 · Posted at 2017-04-25 11:20:30am 7.8 years ago

Offline 01angel
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"Mostly just lurking."
Pardon me, since I really don't know where else to ask this, but where may I suggest themes for SC2017? I have several ideas for themes I would like to share. Should I wait until the SC2017 thread is made to give my ideas for themes?
Don't forget, I'm angel for yoooooooou(|[*'v'*]|)
~Eternal Ham World Order member~
(●´∪`|♪。o.゚。*・Newest Simfile: Novi plan drugi san / Filip Baloš 。o.゚。*・♪|´∪`●)

Post #510 · Posted at 2017-04-25 11:44:03am 7.8 years ago

Offline Oni-91
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Yeah, in the thread, which will appear when Pandy wants it to. We're planning...things.
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Post #511 · Posted at 2017-04-30 01:46:20am 7.8 years ago

Offline Pandemonium X
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Summer Contest is still on, we're just making some changes to this year's format. We've put a ton of requests people have asked for and we're trying to get out all the possible bugs in this new format. If all goes well, the contest will start Monday. If not it will be next Monday. Just be on the lookout for the thread when it's arrives. Just trying to get everything right the first time. Happy
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