
DanceDanceRevolution (PS3 & Xbox 360) (International)

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Post #4381 · Posted at 2010-12-10 01:15:24pm 14.2 years ago

Offline ddrencoremyst
ddrencoremyst Avatar Member+
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The only way I foresee either the upcoming X-Box 360 version and the PS3 version to be saved is by DLC from X2 arcade, or at least better Konami Originals. It would be logical to release DLC for past arcade versions, but the problem there that would not be an ultimate money maker due to the fact of past versions with said songs in addition to the fact the songs are easily and freely accessible from multiple sources in Stepmania.
(Dead account - No longer participating)

Post #4382 · Posted at 2010-12-10 01:44:32pm 14.2 years ago

Offline Android
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Quote: ddrencoremyst
The only way I foresee either the upcoming X-Box 360 version and the PS3 version to be saved is by DLC from X2 arcade, or at least better Konami Originals. It would be logical to release DLC for past arcade versions, but the problem there that would not be an ultimate money maker due to the fact of past versions with said songs in addition to the fact the songs are easily and freely accessible from multiple sources in Stepmania.

While that may be true, I think it would be easier to buy your favorite Konami originals and play them there rather than plug in your PS2 and switch between games just to play a couple of song on each title. I think that would at least a little, if not significantly, overpower the feeling of not needing to buy a song because you already own it on a previous release.
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I'm beautiful in my way cause' god makes no mistakes. I'm on the right track. Baby, I was Born This Way.

Post #4383 · Posted at 2010-12-12 02:12:24pm 14.2 years ago

Offline ddrencoremyst
ddrencoremyst Avatar Member+
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Well I tried Move and Step for the first time last night and it was horrible experience. The way the PS Move controller was set up was not well suited for what they wanted you to do. I couldn't get a Shake arrow to save my life, and trying to move from one side of the screen to the other was just as impossible. In fact I looked like a fool and here is why (though I admit I gave up like half way through the song), and please note I can play regular DDR quite well all the way up to Challenge.

(Dead account - No longer participating)

Post #4384 · Posted at 2010-12-13 03:38:54am 14.2 years ago

Offline GoshaDole
GoshaDole Avatar Member
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Both the PS3 and Wii version bundles will be on sale for $49.99 each at best buy between 12/19/10 - 12/25/10. Better then the $69.99 point.

Post #4385 · Posted at 2010-12-13 05:23:20am 14.2 years ago

Offline darknight06
darknight06 Avatar Member
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Looks like the main problem to me is the fact that the mode was meant to use two move controllers and they didn't bother to cut notes when only one controller is used. Definite lack of foresight here on Konami's part, as I don't see how anyone is hitting all that reliably with just one. I played with hand markers almost exclusively on HP2, and a little bit on HP1, could AAA quite a few songs, even the hard ones, and yet I don't even think for one minute I'd touch this mode, at least not with one controller.

Post #4386 · Posted at 2010-12-13 12:04:11pm 14.2 years ago

Offline SSGotenksUFO
SSGotenksUFO Avatar Member
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"May I wash you? @.@"
Here is some further proof of DLC. Here are some images I found within the game.

http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e51/SSGotenksUFO/DLC_jk_pack01.png http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e51/SSGotenksUFO/DLC_jk_pack02.png http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e51/SSGotenksUFO/DLC_jk_pack03.png http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e51/SSGotenksUFO/DLC_jk_pack04.png http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e51/SSGotenksUFO/DLC_jk_pack05.png http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e51/SSGotenksUFO/DLC_jk_pack06.png
http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e51/SSGotenksUFO/DLC_jk_pack07.png http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e51/SSGotenksUFO/DLC_jk_pack08.png http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e51/SSGotenksUFO/DLC_jk_pack09.png http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e51/SSGotenksUFO/DLC_jk_pack10.png http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e51/SSGotenksUFO/DLC_jk_pack11.png http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e51/SSGotenksUFO/DLC_jk_pack12.png
http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e51/SSGotenksUFO/DLC_jk_pack13.png http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e51/SSGotenksUFO/DLC_jk_pack14.png http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e51/SSGotenksUFO/DLC_jk_pack15.png http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e51/SSGotenksUFO/DLC_jk_pack16.png http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e51/SSGotenksUFO/DLC_jk_pack17.png http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e51/SSGotenksUFO/DLC_jk_pack18.png
http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e51/SSGotenksUFO/DLC_jk_pack19.png http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e51/SSGotenksUFO/DLC_jk_pack20.png http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e51/SSGotenksUFO/DLC_jk_pack21.png http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e51/SSGotenksUFO/DLC_jk_pack22.png http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e51/SSGotenksUFO/DLC_jk_pack23.png http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e51/SSGotenksUFO/DLC_jk_pack24.png
Thanks Lord-Toon!

Post #4387 · Posted at 2010-12-13 12:11:47pm 14.2 years ago

Offline justoneuncle
justoneuncle Avatar Member
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It's sad that my greatest hope for the Xbox version is that it doesn't have the giant firework show every time you step on an arrow. Those images really give hope for good DLC.

I will be getting the Wii version when it goes on sale next week at Best Buy. Hopefully I can sell the pad on eBay.

Post #4388 · Posted at 2010-12-13 12:13:59pm 14.2 years ago

Offline Silver Spirit
Silver Spirit Avatar Member
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Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-2249-7707-55923DS Friend Code: 2578-3309-2697
"i was born at a very young age"
Universe crossovers on PS3.
Please excuse me while I fangasm.

Post #4389 · Posted at 2010-12-13 12:14:31pm 14.2 years ago

Offline Queen-Zukin
Queen-Zukin Avatar Member
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"cold weather season♪"
ugh.......why is the girl naked on the dcmawct-full version CD art?Confused
Edit : now we know what gold rush -US version- going to be like >.>
Ultramix(all four logos are shown)
Universe (all three logos are shown)

Post #4390 · Posted at 2010-12-13 12:16:46pm 14.2 years ago

Offline zodiak_911
zodiak_911 Avatar Member
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Private Eye full version! Love!

Post #4391 · Posted at 2010-12-13 12:20:19pm 14.2 years ago

Offline SSGotenksUFO
SSGotenksUFO Avatar Member
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"May I wash you? @.@"
It's weird how the CD covers are 192x192 on the higher-def PS3. They're 256x256 on the Wii version.
Thanks Lord-Toon!

Post #4392 · Posted at 2010-12-13 12:30:21pm 14.2 years ago

Offline Arctic Wolves
Arctic Wolves Avatar Member
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Reg. 2008-02-18

Promising DLC, but it's all for naught if the 360 interface is as much a terrible, unplayable shitstorm as the PS3 one.

They'll have to re-rate X/2 content to fit on the 10 point scale and I feel this will end poorly. They'll probably use old ratings too; even though bag is a 13 on X2, they'll probably still call it a 10. Sigh. Why aren't we using the 18 point scale again, KONAMI?

But at the end of the day, if I could get a new interface without crazy note explosions and stupid chaining so I could actually see what I'm doing, I'd be way into a game that has (potentially) so much content as DLC.

Post #4393 · Posted at 2010-12-13 12:34:07pm 14.2 years ago

Offline Pie-kun
Pie-kun Avatar Member+
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"On ZiV I'm like Princess Diana"
An X2 AC port with all that DLC would be so good that it brings tears to my eyes Cry.

Post #4394 · Posted at 2010-12-13 12:36:17pm 14.2 years ago

Offline SSGotenksUFO
SSGotenksUFO Avatar Member
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"May I wash you? @.@"
Quote: Arctic Wolves
Promising DLC, but it's all for naught if the 360 interface is as much a terrible, unplayable shitstorm as the PS3 one..

I know a lot of people don't like the look of this game. I'm sure many are judging based on video and pictures without actually playing the game. You, however, seem to be the one who exaggerates it the most. So there may be a few quirks to hammer out (the rating system not being one of them); it's a hell of a lot better than playing any 360 version. At least the PS3 game and controller aren't laggy pissfests. I like this game a ton more than the Universe series; a TON more.
Thanks Lord-Toon!

Post #4395 · Posted at 2010-12-13 12:42:43pm 14.2 years ago

Offline Arctic Wolves
Arctic Wolves Avatar Member
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Haha, yes, I rail on it a lot, and no, I haven't played it, but I honestly get lost reading the notes due to the flashiness, from following along in videos. I guess I'm just being a prick about it on the off-chance KONAMI really does read here and maybe in the future thinks to offer downloadable, or changeable themes (this was promised on the 2009 360 trailer). Offering a "classic DDR" interface for elitist snobs like me would be a great move to mollify the long-time DDR fans who do have an issue with the look, and I really hope that's something they can hash out sometime.

I have played Universe though, and I do have a lot of issues with it as well, but at the end of the day I could adapt fairly quickly (as long as we turned off background animations because they are seizure-inducing).

Post #4396 · Posted at 2010-12-13 12:50:03pm 14.2 years ago

Offline SSGotenksUFO
SSGotenksUFO Avatar Member
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"May I wash you? @.@"
I also consider myself an elitist snob. For me, the theme is alright and the menu BGM tracks are awesome. My biggest gripes with the game are the kinda bland songwheel (although it does have a nice readable font for the songs) and the chain arrows. Those chain arrows make the arrows shiny and all the same color. There definitely should have been an option to turn those off. Other than that and the pitifully small on-disc songlist, I consider this a strong mix.

And judging from those CD jackets, there is more good stuff to come.
Thanks Lord-Toon!

Post #4397 · Posted at 2010-12-13 01:10:48pm 14.2 years ago

Offline jbean3535
jbean3535 Avatar Member
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Looks like we are just getting DLC that's already been released in the US on other games

Post #4398 · Posted at 2010-12-13 01:14:42pm 14.2 years ago

Offline silenttype01
silenttype01 Avatar Member+
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Quote: jbean3535
Looks like we are just getting DLC that's already been released in the US on other games

That is incorrect. The DLC will reflect upon the songs that the NA region has seen before. Then they'll throw EVERYTHING ELSE into the following folder:



So the other folders will have about 50 or so songs and that one folder will have over 200. Talk about tacky. :B


Post #4399 · Posted at 2010-12-13 01:29:35pm 14.2 years ago

Offline SSGotenksUFO
SSGotenksUFO Avatar Member
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"May I wash you? @.@"

But we aren't 100% sure of the number of DLC songs we'll get yet. :B

Thanks Lord-Toon!

Post #4400 · Posted at 2010-12-13 01:35:50pm 14.2 years ago

Offline neothe0ne
neothe0ne Avatar Member
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Quote: SSGotenksUFO
It's weird how the CD covers are 192x192 on the higher-def PS3. They're 256x256 on the Wii version.

Are they really? because all the files provided here have always been 224x224...
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