
Viewing map under "arcades" broke

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Post #21 · Posted at 2024-02-08 12:58:24pm 10.5 months ago

Offline al2k4
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Quote: S1ckH4nds
Just noticed that adding a new arcade no longer autofills the address. Not a huge deal, but not sure if this was intended or expected behavior.

It's expected - we lost the ability to reverse geocode for now.

Post #22 · Posted at 2024-02-09 06:11:42am 10.5 months ago

Offline sodapone
sodapone Avatar Member
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Last updated: 2024-02-09 06:11am
I like how hovering over a number representing multiple arcades now shows you the general area in which all those arcades are.

Post #23 · Posted at 2024-02-20 04:50:58am 10.1 months ago

Offline Maho
Maho Avatar Member
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Reg. 2022-06-02

Leaflet has an issue with parallel universes. I suppose that gmaps could easily mirror nodes over to the next one if you zoomed in on them? But if someone puts a pin on the next universe over it now stays there.

arcade.js[642] is out on the universe to the left out in Indonesia

"642": {
"id": 8544,
"lat": 1.1321618433391,
"lng": -255.98977088928,
"name": "Hokki Bear"

but coordinates should only go between -90 and 90 on latitude (which is fine) and -180 and 180 on longitude.
adding 360 to the longitude of Hokki Bear brings it back to the expected value of ~104 degrees

Post #24 · Posted at 2024-03-02 08:16:28pm 9.7 months ago

Offline S1ckH4nds
S1ckH4nds Avatar Member
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One more small thing; since switching to the new maps, adding a new arcade or editing an existing arcade's details takes you to the "Submit successful! You will be redirected to the arcade location in one second." page, but it never redirects. Adding new or editing existing games still redirects properly, though.

I'm also noticing that the location search bar above the map isn't 100% accurate all of the time; for example, if I type in "atlantic city nj" in the search bar, the map takes me to a place called "Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company Warehouse" in Newark, NJ, about a hundred miles north of Atlantic City. If I type in just "atlantic city" then it takes me to the City Center Mall on Atlantic Ave in Morris, MN. Not sure what, if anything, can be done about this on your end, it might just be an issue with OSM?

Post #25 · Posted at 2024-03-24 02:11:37am 9 months ago

Offline RhythmGameNate007
RhythmGameNate007 Avatar Member
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And now, it just immediately refreshes back to the add arcade page without successfully adding it to the map. Darn that OpenStreetMap is a bit buggy for the arcades page.

Post #26 · Posted at 2024-05-19 12:49:14am 7.2 months ago

Offline Frankfurt
Frankfurt Avatar Member
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Reg. 2024-03-26

Bit of a necro but the English translations on the arcade map is gone now. Not sure if it was intentional but i can't read addresses now.


Post #27 · Posted at 2024-06-01 06:12:57am 6.7 months ago

Offline Maho
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Quote: Frankfurt
Bit of a necro but the English translations on the arcade map is gone now. Not sure if it was intentional but i can't read addresses now.


Yeah this is intentional, the names are embedded on the tiles provided by OSM's default configuration.
There's plenty of other tile servers that exist with labels that are localised, but some of them are still restricted

you can use a userscript to overwrite the initialisemap function to load the german tileset which localises all the location names to german, it's not perfect but it works.
I say that, but whenever I try to load it on the new arcade form, I would get a leaflet error for asking for infinity tiles Shocked

// ==UserScript==
// @name zenius-i-vanisher openstreetmap DE
// @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts
// @match https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/v5.2/arcades.php
// @version 1.0
// @author -
// @description 01/06/2024, 3:58:23 pm
// ==/UserScript==


function initialiseMap() {
console.log("overriting function")
const mapID = $("#arcade-map-id").val();

const latitude = $("#arcade-latitude").val();
const longitude = $("#arcade-longitude").val();
const zoom = $("#arcade-zoom").val()*1;

map = L.map(mapID, {
fullscreenControl: true,
fullscreenControlOptions: {
position: "topleft"
}).setView([latitude, longitude], zoom);

L.tileLayer('https://tile.openstreetmap.de/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
maxZoom: 19,
attribution: '&copy; <a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a>'

clusterGroup = L.markerClusterGroup();


map.on("zoom", () => updateAddArcadeLink());
map.on("moveend", () => updateAddArcadeLink());


function addJS_Node (text, s_URL, funcToRun, runOnLoad) { // https://stackoverflow.com/a/21274652
const D = document;
const scriptNode = D.createElement ('script');
if (runOnLoad) {
scriptNode.addEventListener ("load", runOnLoad, false);
scriptNode.type = "text/javascript";
if (text) scriptNode.textContent = text;
if (s_URL) scriptNode.src = s_URL;
if (funcToRun) scriptNode.textContent = '(' + funcToRun.toString() + ')()';

const targ = D.getElementsByTagName ('head')[0] || D.body || D.documentElement;
targ.appendChild (scriptNode);
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