
[DANGER] Incendios forestales de Chile en 2017

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Post #1 · Posted at 2017-01-26 02:36:50am 7.9 years ago

Offline VR0
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"ムーン ゴーシュス メヂィデーション"
Los incendios forestales en Chile de enero de 2017 son una serie de incendios forestales generados en múltiples focos de las zonas centro y sur de Chile, entre las regiones de Coquimbo y Los Lagos, con mayor intensidad en las de O'Higgins, Maule y Biobío, además de focos en la región de Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena (en la zona austral del país), durante enero de 2017.

Fuente: Wikipedia
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Post #2 · Posted at 2017-01-31 04:28:05am 7.8 years ago

Offline esemaracotenido
esemaracotenido Avatar Member
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Last updated: 2017-01-31 06:09am
I don't know if it's a faux pas to post in Spanish in an English forum or to post in English in a Spanish subforum, but here I am typing info in English.

[rough translation of OP]
In January 2017 there have been a series of forest fires in the central and south regions of Chile, between the Coquimbo and Los Lagos regions and more strongly in O'Higgins, maule, and Bío Bío regions, with isolated fires also in the Magallanes region in the far South. [/bye]

To give perspective, that's pretty much like if the entirety of California was on fire alert. 500,000 hectares have been actually burnt, there are rural towns getting wiped out, roads closed down, fire fighters and police(wo)men dying, and the obvious gloom that comes with the catastrophe.

Why is Chile on fire? Because one of the biggest industries in Chile is cellulose, and normally plantations are of pine trees and eucaliptus, which dry out the ground and burn easily. It's summer: it's hot, dry and windy (30/30/30: generally over 30°C with under 30% humidity and winds of over 30 km/h), so any fire started near these plantations will spread out of control. There have been a bunch of detainments for arson and terrorist groups have been pointed at as instigators, but we still don't know for sure who's to blame. (I'd add "if anybody" but for real though, the way the fires seem to have started north and slowly migrated south with new foci sprouting on the daily, this is obviously arson.)

What can we do? Well, we can gossip about it, compare stories. Look at pictures and those of us who live near any focal points feel scared. Go all political speculating the identity of the arsonists and their intentions. We can also donate money to help rebuild the country: there's a GoFundMe here by some rando, a tilt (??) by some NGO, and a picture with info for money transfers within the country.

For now tho let's mostly just keep Chile in out thoughts. Step harder and drum more rhythmically in the name of this country lmao.

Post #3 · Posted at 2017-02-01 02:33:39pm 7.8 years ago

Offline richoskelter
richoskelter Avatar Member
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Bueno... es terrible lo que pasa en Chile. Cuando estaba en pleno campamento Scout, tuvimos que evacuar porque el humo nos cubrió totalmente y no queríamos arriesgar la vida de nuestros integrantes. Yo, como chileno, sinceramente me avergüenzo de que los políticos no hagan nada, y tengamos que depender de la generosidad de otros países para poder controlar esta situación. No estoy desprestigiando la ayuda extranjera, al contrario, gracias a ellos se ha podido mantener la esperanza ante la población. Pero pienso que los políticos deberían dar más la cara, y no "sacar la vuelta" (evitar) esta situación.

Con mi grupo Scout, hemos podido recolectar muchos materiales que pueden ser beneficiosos para los volutarios que estan en el sur. Es un pequeño grano de arena que podemos entregar. Espero que los incendios se apaguen pronto y salvemos nuestra biodiversidad.


Well ... it's terrible what is happening in Chile. When I was in Scout camp, we had to evacuate because the smoke totally covered us and we did not want to risk the life of our members. I, as a Chilean, I am sincerely ashamed that the politicians do nothing, and we have to depend on the generosity of other countries to be able to control this situation. I am not discrediting the foreign aid, on the contrary, thanks to them it has been possible to maintain the hope in the population. But I think politicians should give more face, not "turn around" (avoid) this situation.

With my Scout group, we have been able to collect many materials that can be beneficial to the volunteers who are in the South. It is a small grain of sand that we can deliver. I hope that fires will going out soon and we can save our biodiversity.
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