
Missing a few songs on SN2

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Post #1 · Posted at 2009-04-23 01:16:51am 15.6 years ago

Offline InfiniteSpawn
InfiniteSpawn Avatar Member
3 Posts
United States
Reg. 2009-04-22

I guess I'll introduce myself on this post too.

My name is Cameron (aka InfiniteSpawn). I'm 20 and live in Atlanta Georgia, USA. Been playing DDR since November 07 and I still play as often as I can. The only dancing/beat games that I currently play are DDR and Stepmania (with a metal pad). I want to play ITG, but the closest one is 5 hours away, so unless one opens up closer, I'll just play the songs through SM. I currently have 7 FPC AAAs from DDR (I have a lot from Stepmania too, but I don't know how many). For now I'll only count my HeavyChallenge AAAs. That's all for now. I look forward to becoming part of your community.

Now onto my question...

I noticed that some of the songs for SuperNova 2 are not on the score tracker list at all (for example Dynamite Rave (air special)). I was wondering if you guys plan on adding them in the near future...or if there somewhere else and I just missed them.

...So yea, just noticed after doing some searching that this issue has already been brought up... You can delete this thread if you want.

Post #2 · Posted at 2009-04-30 01:44:31pm 15.6 years ago

Offline DJ Sterf
DJ Sterf Avatar Member
90 Posts
United States
Reg. 2007-06-18

Some of those final unlock songs are under DDR SuperNOVA2:Japan. So when you submit songs, just choose that instead of DDR SuperNOVA2:US.

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