
HotZone BarraShopping


Av. das Américas, 4666 - Barra da Tijuca
Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro , 22640-102

Opening Times



Music GamePriceCondition
Pump It Up XX (International)
Comment: Brand new LX cab, horrible stock pads
R$ 10.00 for 3 songs, stage break 2ndBad
Pump It Up XX (International)
Comment: Brand new LX cab, horrible stock pads
R$ 10.00 for 3 songs, stage break 2ndBad
StepManiaX (Dedicated Cabinet) (International)
Location: Near the party room
Comment: Offline, several patches behind current ones
R$ 9.50 for 2 songsGreat


notchristopher (Regular)


Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA CabinetDance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA Cabinet
Three Galaga and Ms. Pac-Man CabinetsThree Galaga and Ms. Pac-Man Cabinets
StepManiaX at HotZone BarraShoppingStepManiaX at HotZone BarraShopping
Two PIU LX cabs at HotZone BarraShoppingTwo PIU LX cabs at HotZone BarraShopping


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Oraco8 years agoOraco
Prices changed again.
Oraco9 years agoOraco
Now 4.94 reais and 4.10 reais in gold mode i think. Pads are bad. Screen format in wrong.
SilverGhost2010 years agoSilverGhost20
Oraco, i'm brazillian, live in São Paulo, do you know if there is another place that is unlisted where i can play IIDX?
I got crazy when i saw the DistorteD machine on the listing, but it all got away when i saw it was deleted :'(
Oraco13 years agoOraco
4.40 reais and 3.74 reais in gold mode.


erickkelvin9 months agoerickkelvin
Pump It Up XX (International) updated.
• Condition changed from Moderate to Bad.
erickkelvin9 months agoerickkelvin
Pump It Up XX (International) updated.
• Condition changed from Moderate to Bad.
notchristopher1 year agonotchristopher
Location name, address, website, Facebook, opening times updated.
notchristopher1 year agonotchristopher
Pump It Up XX (International) updated.
• Songs changed from 0 to 3.
notchristopher1 year agonotchristopher
Pump It Up XX (International) updated.
• Songs changed from 0 to 3.
• Pricing changed.
notchristopher1 year agonotchristopher
Pump It Up XX (International) updated.
• Pricing changed.
notchristopher1 year agonotchristopher
StepManiaX (Dedicated Cabinet) (International) updated.
• Location changed to "Near the party room".
• Comment changed to "Offline, several patches behind current ones".
• Condition changed from Perfect to Great.
notchristopher1 year agonotchristopher
StepManiaX (Dedicated Cabinet) (International) deleted.
notchristopher1 year agonotchristopher
Pump It Up XX (International) updated.
• Comment changed to "Brand new LX cab, horrible stock pads".
• Condition changed from Unknown to Moderate.
notchristopher1 year agonotchristopher
Pump It Up XX (International) updated.
• Comment changed to "Brand new LX cab, horrible stock pads".
• Condition changed from Unknown to Moderate.
notchristopher1 year agonotchristopher
Pump It Up Fiesta EX (International) deleted.
notchristopher1 year agonotchristopher
Pump It Up XX (International) updated.
• Condition changed from Perfect to Unknown.
notchristopher1 year agonotchristopher
Pump It Up XX (International) added.
notchristopher1 year agonotchristopher
Pump It Up XX (International) added.
erickkelvin1 year agoerickkelvin
Pump It Up Fiesta EX (International) updated.
• Location changed to "Near the back entrance.".
• Comment changed to "Pad needs some repairing, but it's playable. P2 feels better than P1.".
erickkelvin1 year agoerickkelvin
Pump It Up Fiesta EX (International) updated.
• Comment removed.
• Pricing changed.
erickkelvin1 year agoerickkelvin
StepManiaX (Dedicated Cabinet) (International) updated.
• Location changed to "Near the entrance".
• Pricing changed.
erickkelvin1 year agoerickkelvin
StepManiaX (Dedicated Cabinet) (International) updated.
• Pricing changed.
erickkelvin1 year agoerickkelvin
StepManiaX (Dedicated Cabinet) (International) updated.
• Location changed to "Near the entrance".
erickkelvin1 year agoerickkelvin
DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA (North America) deleted.
LightningXCE2 years agoLightningXCE
StepManiaX (All-In-One) (International) updated.
• StepManiaX (All-In-One) (International) is now a StepManiaX (Dedicated Cabinet) (International).
LightningXCE2 years agoLightningXCE
StepManiaX (All-In-One) (International) updated.
• StepManiaX (All-In-One) (International) is now a StepManiaX (Dedicated Cabinet) (International).
notchristopher2 years agonotchristopher
ReRave (International) deleted.
notchristopher2 years agonotchristopher
Pump It Up Fiesta EX (International) updated.
• Location removed.
• Comment changed to "Haven't visited the location in two years, but pads were decently sensitive for level 20s back then.".
• Pricing changed from R$ 6,80 to .
• Continue price changed from R$ 6,80 to .
• Pricing changed.
notchristopher2 years agonotchristopher
DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA (North America) updated.
• Location removed.
notchristopher2 years agonotchristopher
DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "Haven't visited the location in two years, but the machine was frequently turned off for repairs.".
• Pricing changed from R$ 6,40 to .
• Continue price changed from R$ 6,40 to .
• Condition changed from Moderate to Bad.
• Pricing changed.
notchristopher2 years agonotchristopher
StepManiaX (All-In-One) (International) added.
notchristopher2 years agonotchristopher
StepManiaX (All-In-One) (International) added.
notchristopher6 years agonotchristopher
DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "1P pad is playable (down arrow doesn't work well), 2P pad is almost entirely dead. Screen isn't calibrated, so the health bar isn't visible. Sound volume is very low.".
notchristopher6 years agonotchristopher
Pump It Up Fiesta EX (International) updated.
• Location changed to "Close to the credit cashiers, at the side of the DDR cab.".
• Comment changed to "Pads are not very balanced, and one 1P panel has been currently replaced with wood (?). Other than that, it's well maintained, looks and plays great.".
• Pricing changed from R$ 5,20 to R$ 6,80.
• Songs changed from 2 to 3.
• Continue price changed from R$ 5,20 to R$ 6,80.
• Condition changed from Perfect to Great.
• Pricing changed.
notchristopher6 years agonotchristopher
DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA (North America) updated.
• Location changed to "Close to the credit cashiers.".
• Comment changed to "1P pad is playable (down arrow doesn't work well), 2P pad is almost entirely dead. Screen isn't calibrated, so the health bar isn't visible. Sound volume is very slow.".
• Pricing changed from R$ 5,20 to R$ 6,40.
• Continue price changed from R$ 5,20 to R$ 6,40.
• Pricing changed.
notchristopher7 years agonotchristopher
DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA (North America) updated.
• Pricing changed.
notchristopher7 years agonotchristopher
Pump It Up Fiesta EX (International) updated.
• Pricing changed.
notchristopher7 years agonotchristopher
DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA (North America) updated.
• Pricing changed.
notchristopher7 years agonotchristopher
Pump It Up Fiesta EX (International) updated.
• Pricing changed from R$ 0,00 to R$ 5,20.
• Songs changed from 0 to 2.
• Continue price changed from R$ 0,00 to R$ 5,20.
• Condition changed from Great to Perfect.
• Pricing changed.
notchristopher7 years agonotchristopher
DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA (North America) updated.
• Pricing changed from R$ 0,00 to R$ 5,20.
• Songs changed from 0 to 3.
• Continue price changed from R$ 0,00 to R$ 5,20.
• Condition changed from Bad to Moderate.
• Pricing changed.
Oraco8 years agoOraco
Pump It Up Fiesta EX (International) updated.
• Pricing changed.
Oraco8 years agoOraco
DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA (North America) updated.
• Pricing changed.
Oraco8 years agoOraco
ReRave (International) updated.
• Pricing changed.
Oraco9 years agoOraco
ReRave (International) updated.
• Pricing changed from R$ 4,10 to .
• Condition changed from Perfect to Great.
Oraco9 years agoOraco
ReRave (International) updated.
• Songs changed from 3 to .
• Pricing changed.
Oraco9 years agoOraco
DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA (North America) updated.
• Songs changed from 3 to .
• Pricing changed.
Oraco9 years agoOraco
DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA (North America) updated.
• Pricing changed.
Oraco9 years agoOraco
DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA (North America) updated.
• Pricing changed from R$ 4,94 to .
• Pricing changed.
Oraco9 years agoOraco
ReRave (International) updated.
• Pricing changed from R$ 0,00 to R$ 4,10.
• Songs changed from 0 to 3.
• Pricing changed.
Oraco9 years agoOraco
ReRave (International) added.
Oraco9 years agoOraco
Pump It Up Fiesta EX (International) updated.
• Condition changed from Unknown to Great.
Oraco9 years agoOraco
Pump It Up Fiesta EX (International) added.
Oraco9 years agoOraco
Location opening times, geolocation updated.
Oraco9 years agoOraco
DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA (North America) updated.
• Pricing changed from R$ 4,40 to R$ 4,94.
• Condition changed from Moderate to Bad.
Oraco11 years agoOraco
DanceDanceRevolution SuperNOVA (North America) deleted.
Oraco11 years agoOraco
beatmaniaIIDX13 DistorteD (Japan) deleted.
aguylber201112 years agoaguylber2011
beatmaniaIIDX13 DistorteD (Japan) added.
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