
ITG Accomplishments Thread

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ポスト #561 · 2012-04-01 08:07:15pmにポスト 12.4年前

Offline Lucie
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I Quadded VerTex²!!!!!!!!!!!!





Well, not really...
I reality I`m failing the Expert Chart at 16%

ポスト #562 · 2012-04-02 12:52:15amにポスト 12.4年前

Offline agentmargo
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"Full Stream Ahead!"
Love your video Lucie! Also thank you skateinmars for the shoutouts.
Thanks so much for the banner Lord Toon! And for the icon Dan!

ポスト #563 · 2012-04-09 07:39:27amにポスト 12.4年前

Offline Lucie
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Last updated: 2012-04-09 07:42am
You`ve seen the letters I wrote with the mines?

EDIT: 1.04.12

Okay, here are my real scores from yesterday Smile

My scores from yesterday:

In the Hall of The mountain King
That`s not a 12, is it? I`m not sure, it was so short, I`m used to stamina stuff...

still a 10
NO BAR! OMG I almost died after this!!!!!

I swear, some day I`ll pass it!!!
Want to play Dragonforce...

Ok, videos:
In the Hall of The mountain King

Fury of the Storm

Big Grin

EDIT 9.04 12:

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMYhn0zzcg4&feature=autoplay&list=UU2S3YDD3yHpia_Ia2KveyFg&lf=plcp&playnext=1


+19% O_O





stupid way offs... HANDS! Bracket edit Big Grin
Video: http://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/s720x720/529711_427669283926676_100000508237708_1699383_901306164_n.jpg

I will get it...
got trough the first stream.... gave up in the 2nd... I was already to tired when I played this.

mmmh... 13? not sure...
gave up again.

24ths run killed me! Sad If I can get trough that run i can pass it.

Big Grin

ポスト #564 · 2012-04-09 09:18:08amにポスト 12.4年前

Offline agentmargo
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"Full Stream Ahead!"
It's Lucie's ITG Accomplishment's Thread! lol jk
For those of you who didn't see my last 3 uploads(all played back to back):

Anyone remember my first pass on this one?
The Shining Polaris(kors k mix) - 13 I think I might be able to FC this

Welcome to Rainbow(Hardstyle Remix) - 12 legit hands, plus I broke 90

Welcome to Rainbow(Xynn's long trance version) - 12 I like the hardstyle remix better

I'm also trying to no bar Stay With Me(Eskimo) which is a 12. I honestly don't know how weathervixen09 does it? Maybe the cobalt flux and the c-mods make it easier, lol.
Thanks so much for the banner Lord Toon! And for the icon Dan!

ポスト #565 · 2012-04-11 06:09:38amにポスト 12.4年前

Offline Lucie
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Last updated: 2012-04-11 06:09am
some new scores Smile


Pad Way-off

close to star...

also close


bad great count...but stared it.

Come Chameleon
wow. on sunday I felt like it would take longer to pass. hehe

okay... after my arms/wrists/hands were hurting to much but I wasn`t done playing ..
NO BAR scores.

2nd no Bar star.....

2 decents WTF? not sure why...

Video coming

all other scores are not worth posting.
Big Grin

here the Just dance no bar video:

Big Grin

ポスト #566 · 2012-04-20 09:07:29pmにポスト 12.4年前

Offline agentmargo
agentmargo Avatar Member
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"Full Stream Ahead!"

Last updated: 2012-04-20 09:16pm
Keepin' da thread alive!

LOL, anyone remember this v
Quote: agentmargo

Stuff I'd like to pass soon:
Heaven long(11) - darn streams
Welcome to Rainbow(12) - I always collapse after I get through that long long run towards the end of the song.
Light Emitting Diode(12) - Blame it on Stepmania
Monotone(12/13) - Need to get back to this one
Flower Forever(12) - ditto
Boss on Parade Japanese Hardcore(14) - would like to pass this for my first 14

Also, I need to re-pass Operation Evolution as well(stupid ending)
I got them all except Flower Forever because I haven't played that in a while(which I should because 12s are starting to become easy for me). Also, I didn't realize but that version of Monotone on there was the Flash's painful version, that I never made a video of because the score was horrible.

I'm now working on some new goals including passing the rest of the Xynn LVTS songs, Battle Train(Hot SOTA Mix), Andromeda II, Mechanical Love, and Infernoplex. I'm also beginning to get good at drills so I might work on a 14 called Ludicrous Speed.
Thanks so much for the banner Lord Toon! And for the icon Dan!

ポスト #567 · 2012-04-20 09:39:58pmにポスト 12.4年前

Offline skateinmars
skateinmars Avatar Member
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Good luck on Flower Forever, I'd say it's a hard 12. You may want to try Idol before, a 12 footer with some drills at 180bpm

ポスト #568 · 2012-04-27 03:18:39amにポスト 12.4年前

Offline Lucie
Lucie Avatar Member
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Last updated: 2012-04-27 03:18am
Ok, here I go:

own chart

also, my chart
VIDEO -------> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxShzT9_Qzw
Big Grin

great award, Big Grin


ITG <3

not really a 10, but still nice Smile

Stupid mines.
I think I can star it soon Smile


speedmods do a big difference... played on x4: 83% Then played on x4.25 and got this:

also sightread Big Grin

Big Grin

ポスト #569 · 2012-04-27 03:40:47amにポスト 12.4年前

Offline 8ftmetalhead
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"Oh god what I have dooooone?!"
lucie, you're getting quite stupidly good now. Congratulations on your progress.

ポスト #570 · 2012-04-30 06:19:03amにポスト 12.4年前

Offline Lucie
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Hehe, thank you, trying my best Big Grin

some new scores Big Grin
Didn`t pass any new 12s or got anything else great... but I feel like it was the best ITG session of the month. Big Grin

so close

also close

yay, found out how to do the Crossovers!

gah... +2%

NO BAR, sightread

right after, with bar... got a great attack Sad


My train of thoughts No Bar:

[Queen of Light:

Big Grin
I`ve been sweating so heavily but it was so with it all.
<3 ITG.
I feel great right now!

ポスト #571 · 2012-05-06 03:09:30amにポスト 12.3年前

Offline agentmargo
agentmargo Avatar Member
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"Full Stream Ahead!"
Quote: agentmargo

Stuff I'd like to pass soon:
Heaven long(11) - darn streams
Welcome to Rainbow(12) - I always collapse after I get through that long long run towards the end of the song.
Light Emitting Diode(12) - Blame it on Stepmania
Monotone(12/13) - Need to get back to this one
Flower Forever(12) - ditto
Boss on Parade Japanese Hardcore(14) - would like to pass this for my first 14

Also, I need to re-pass Operation Evolution as well(stupid ending)

Well, this list is now finished. I passed Flower Forever this week, but my score was 67.xx% and I refuse to post anything below 70 unless it's a 14 or harder(I mean, I've made so exceptions before, but still I don't want my channel filled with bad scores).

I passed all the songs in Xynn's LVTS pack, here's Obsession:

And a new 14 passed called Altar(which takes a ton off stamina):

I'm working on a few more 13s including Strike of the Ninja because I can drill now. This will probably be my first Dragonforce song. Also, I really want the file for Ecstasy because that could easily be my 3rd level 14. yep yep
Thanks so much for the banner Lord Toon! And for the icon Dan!

ポスト #572 · 2012-05-08 03:35:52amにポスト 12.3年前

Offline Kyzentun
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"I'm honestly pissed off."
Hey Lucie, that's actually a fairly good score for My Train of Thoughts no bar.
Here's what I get no bar.

I need some encouragement to get back into this. I should be able to do much better.
silenttype01: Kyzentun is never harsh. He says it how it is.

GENERATION 24: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

ポスト #573 · 2012-05-08 03:46:36amにポスト 12.3年前

Offline Lucie
Lucie Avatar Member
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@ Kyzentun:
WOW! cool!
Mmh, for me it was my 4th no Bar 11 pass. So, thanks!

mmh, My accomplishment today:
I`ve passed Bloodrush....
on... 0.5 rate... jup...half speed.
And fuck, yeah, it`s an accomplishment for me. I usually can pass easier 16s on 0.6 rate... but never was able to pass fucking bloodrush on even 0.5...


ポスト #574 · 2012-05-08 04:11:33amにポスト 12.3年前

Offline Kyzentun
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"I'm honestly pissed off."
You should play Zimlord's Ernst if you haven't already. It's a 112 bpm, with long 16th streams. It's in TLoZ 2.

Bloodrush is technical bullshit fest. You probably just need better crossover discipline and a cmod. Try playing Boom Boom Dollar KOG3 (3rd mix) without doublestepping in the streams.
silenttype01: Kyzentun is never harsh. He says it how it is.

GENERATION 24: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

ポスト #575 · 2012-05-08 04:14:30amにポスト 12.3年前

Offline Lucie
Lucie Avatar Member
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Cmod would be cheating...
but yeah... crossovers... FUCK THEM!
If I`ll ever pass that song on full speed, the whole town will hear me screaming!

And, thx for the suggestion, I`ll try Smile

ポスト #576 · 2012-05-08 04:38:39amにポスト 12.3年前

Offline Kyzentun
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"I'm honestly pissed off."
If you ever want to get past 7s on doubles, you need to do crossovers. Especially if it's a chart I made.

One more from today:
silenttype01: Kyzentun is never harsh. He says it how it is.

GENERATION 24: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

ポスト #577 · 2012-05-08 05:08:29amにポスト 12.3年前

Offline Lucie
Lucie Avatar Member
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Last updated: 2012-05-08 05:08am
Whaaaat O_O

Yeah, I know that, but as you maybe know: I don`t have 2 Pads so i don`t play doubles...

This is how I do on bloodrush right now...
I know, it`s bad.
Any Ideas how i can do it better?
Want to pass it so badly..


ポスト #578 · 2012-05-08 05:45:52amにポスト 12.3年前

Offline Kyzentun
Kyzentun Avatar Member
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"I'm honestly pissed off."

Last updated: 2012-05-08 05:47am
Quote: Lucie
Yeah, I know that, but as you maybe know: I don`t have 2 Pads so i don`t play doubles...
I thought you had a second pad on the way, or were ordering a second pad. Maybe I'm imagining things again.

Oh, and I hope you noticed that that Uber Rave score is at 0.7x rate. It's easy to miss it when it's not with the other modifiers.
silenttype01: Kyzentun is never harsh. He says it how it is.

GENERATION 24: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

ポスト #579 · 2012-05-08 06:09:35amにポスト 12.3年前

Offline Lucie
Lucie Avatar Member
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Reg. 2010-10-11

Yeah, I`ve seen it. It`s still good.
Was it no bar?

at least SM5 shows the ratemod. my ITG doesn`t it just tells you "disqualified for ranking" and you have to guess why. But I always write the rate above the screenshot when using ratemods Smile

I`m still dreaming of a 2nd Pad.
ordering won`t work. Al metal Pads are sold... there won`t be any new ever again.

ポスト #580 · 2012-05-08 07:28:59amにポスト 12.3年前

Offline NuVirus
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Last updated: 2012-05-08 07:28am
You should probably just gradually work your way up the rate mods, and once you have gotten used to a certain rate, just keep climbing up, until you've eventually reached the true challenge itself.

Me? I'm good at crossovers, and I know what's expected in official charts. All I need is enough stamina. The farthest I've gotten was after the crossover run that comes after the freeze-jack combinations; I was basically at the last 16 measures of the song with the 9-5 16th crossover combinations.

Quote: Lucie
You`ve seen the letters I wrote with the mines?

EDIT: 1.04.12

Okay, here are my real scores from yesterday Smile

My scores from yesterday:

In the Hall of The mountain King
That`s not a 12, is it? I`m not sure, it was so short, I`m used to stamina stuff...

still a 10
NO BAR! OMG I almost died after this!!!!!

I swear, some day I`ll pass it!!!
Want to play Dragonforce...

Ok, videos:
In the Hall of The mountain King

Fury of the Storm

Big Grin

EDIT 9.04 12:

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMYhn0zzcg4&feature=autoplay&list=UU2S3YDD3yHpia_Ia2KveyFg&lf=plcp&playnext=1


+19% O_O





stupid way offs... HANDS! Bracket edit Big Grin
Video: http://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/s720x720/529711_427669283926676_100000508237708_1699383_901306164_n.jpg

I will get it...
got trough the first stream.... gave up in the 2nd... I was already to tired when I played this.

mmmh... 13? not sure...
gave up again.

24ths run killed me! Sad If I can get trough that run i can pass it.

Big Grin

Can you teach me how to display actual photos, instead of just links?
"I never really got better, I just learned to accept that some people aren't meant to be happy in this world. It makes it easier when you're not hoping for something that will never come." -IndependentThinker2
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