
Z-I-v Simfile Shuffle 2015 — thank you for playing!

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Post #1281 · Posted at 2016-02-08 12:37:53am 8.3 years ago

Offline Gameoson
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3DS Friend Code: 3969-4495-2046
Quote: mf32892
Monstrous Turtles - I was present in the chat when you mentioned Challenge. So...ummm...I guess this is even more crazy than Expert, by a lot.

I really wish this was made clear in the contest thread for those of us that weren't in the chat (I'm never in the chat so...) If I had known it was a joke chart I wouldn't have made any comments about it. Confused

Post #1282 · Posted at 2016-02-08 12:41:03am 8.3 years ago

Offline CuzcoBlocko
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"[Art by LilyBreez]"
And even then, not every participant that goes to the chat was present at the time. :/ Had Nezemarth not have given his file a +5, he'd probably end up with 0 points because he did not give any hint the chart wasn't meant to be taken seriously.

Post #1283 · Posted at 2016-02-08 12:43:54am 8.3 years ago

Offline Gameoson
Gameoson Avatar Member
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3DS Friend Code: 3969-4495-2046
Quote: CuzcoBlocko
Did you fucking see if you could pass this chart before releasing?! These 24ths, 32nds, jumps, and crossovers aren't possible at this BPM!

It actually is possible if you're skilled enough. It's just in no way shape or form actually fun to play. Laughing Out Loud

Post #1284 · Posted at 2016-02-08 12:45:53am 8.3 years ago

Offline CuzcoBlocko
CuzcoBlocko Avatar Member
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"[Art by LilyBreez]"

Last updated: 2016-02-08 12:54am
Yeah, that's true. Maybe it's fun for some people, but it doesn't belong in these types of contests. :P

BTW, here's the exact convo that happened for those interested (ZIv supports chat logs);

2016-02-05 19:38:10Braeden47: I have several 19's and 20s in my new category
2016-02-05 19:39:00dominatorstrangeman8: Which category is that?
2016-02-05 19:39:09Braeden47: Rigt now there are 3 20's and 3 19's
2016-02-05 19:39:11Braeden47: http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/v5.2/viewsimfilecategory.php?categoryid=914
2016-02-05 19:40:38CuzcoBlocko: Monstrous Turtles should be an 18 and 19 for Heavy and Challenge.
2016-02-05 19:40:58Astroman129: i'm downloading the FL Studio demo and I'll torrent the full thing when I get home
2016-02-05 19:41:02Astroman129: unless it's free
2016-02-05 19:41:40Braeden47: I think heavy 19, Challenge is a joke chart which is a 20
2016-02-05 19:42:02Braeden47: If I upload it to my category, Heavy is being moved to challenge
2016-02-05 19:42:09Braeden47: and I'll insert a new chart
2016-02-05 19:42:32CuzcoBlocko: You're saying that challenge is a joke chart?
2016-02-05 19:42:40CuzcoBlocko: And you're FULLY conscious of this?
2016-02-05 19:42:43Braeden47: Yes
2016-02-05 19:43:07Braeden47: People has submitted joke charts as challenge before
2016-02-05 19:43:08AnonyWolf: uploading a joke chart to a contest
2016-02-05 19:43:18AnonyWolf: :eyes:
2016-02-05 19:43:21Braeden47: The heavy is the real chart
2016-02-05 19:43:33mf32892: @dominatorstrangeman8 Okay so it's very crossovery (Wonderbolt) From the song preview, I wouldn't really expect an 18
2016-02-05 19:43:34Braeden47: I had stepped this song previously
2016-02-05 19:43:44xXMokou98Xx: uploading a joke chart is fine
2016-02-05 19:44:12xXMokou98Xx: just make sure people are aware, otherwise they're gonna grade that chart seriously
2016-02-05 19:44:24Braeden47: I used a veto and got monstrous turtles which I already stepped, but this is a different cut
2016-02-05 19:44:29CuzcoBlocko: I mean... yes, I did the same with Road to G6, but I made it really obvious.
2016-02-05 19:44:51CuzcoBlocko: There was "TROLOLOOLOLOLO FUCK YOU" in the chart, the chart was rated 43...
2016-02-05 19:45:04CuzcoBlocko: I think you're going to get 0 points because of this. ._.
2016-02-05 19:45:08Braeden47: I'm problably going to do like evolved, and have version 1 and 2
2016-02-05 19:45:15xXMokou98Xx: challenge is an optional difficulty anyway, so it can always be used for experimentation if one desires
2016-02-05 19:45:29Astroman129: i'm gonna step this trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKRxDP--e-Y
2016-02-05 19:45:34CuzcoBlocko: The challenge chart is...how do I put this....
2016-02-05 19:45:46CuzcoBlocko: It has a...couple of arrows too many.
2016-02-05 19:45:56Braeden47: The challenge chart is too Hard and crap
2016-02-05 19:46:06CuzcoBlocko: But you really should have clarified it was a joke chart.
2016-02-05 19:46:09chewi: I rarely utilize the challenge difficulty these days but I never really did back then either. I just feel like its not justified most of the time and also I'm lazy. Loo
2016-02-05 19:46:10AnonyWolf: i don't really see the point in expelling time and energy into a chart that i'm not supposed to take seriously
2016-02-05 19:46:11chewi: Lol
2016-02-05 19:46:25AnonyWolf: just seems like the opposite of productive
2016-02-05 19:46:26CuzcoBlocko: Everyone so far has ranked your file at the bottom, and I can't even pass the heavy chart.
2016-02-05 19:46:31Braeden47: I thought everyone would just play haevy
2016-02-05 19:46:33xXMokou98Xx: also it looks like i'm gonna have nothing for this week again
2016-02-05 19:46:33Astroman129: no one should ever submit a joke chart in a comp
2016-02-05 19:46:45AnonyWolf: especially when the other difficulties need some adjusting, but that's neither here nor there
2016-02-05 19:46:52chewi: In my compilation pack I would make boss songs and joke files illegal.
2016-02-05 19:47:09chewi: Ok maybe not boss songs
2016-02-05 19:47:10xXMokou98Xx: 150 is a fine song but the steps just aren't coming out right
2016-02-05 19:47:13Braeden47: Well this weeks song I have -/2/4/7
2016-02-05 19:47:23dominatorstrangeman8: @mf32892 yeah, that was my first "less than 300bpm" 18
2016-02-05 19:47:34AnonyWolf: if it's an unplayable mess, it shouldn't be submitted to a contest. that's just my rotten onion.
2016-02-05 19:47:37chewi: I was gonna write up the rules for my idea today but I actually did homework today
2016-02-05 19:47:45AnonyWolf: *intentionally unplayable
2016-02-05 19:47:49chewi: Disgusting...
2016-02-05 19:47:53CuzcoBlocko: @AnonyWolf And your rotten onion isn't as rotten as you think.
2016-02-05 19:48:10AnonyWolf: axl rotten :(
2016-02-05 19:48:12CuzcoBlocko: I think this might be the reason I almost got 0 points with Road to G6, though I made it obvious.
2016-02-05 19:48:14CuzcoBlocko: But his isn't.
2016-02-05 19:48:21CuzcoBlocko: He gave no clue whatsoever.
2016-02-05 19:48:34AnonyWolf: ngl, i'm gonna be pretty damn bummed about axl rotten and dave mirra for a good while
2016-02-05 19:48:42AnonyWolf: different topic
2016-02-05 19:48:59Astroman129: @AnonyWolf :(

Post #1285 · Posted at 2016-02-08 04:52:41am 8.3 years ago

Offline mf32892
mf32892 Avatar Member
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Last updated: 2016-02-08 04:52am
Suck My Block / SynthWulf
Ratings: Light 4 (6) / Standard 6 (8) / Heavy 8 (11) / Challenge 9 (13)

Sad that this contest is drawing to a close Sad I can't wait until the next contest, tbh. I think I'm ready for TOI, whenever that is.

Challenge has some intentional doublesteps in the beginning. I hope you don't mind. They shouldn't be too intrusive.

Also be careful with the gimmicks. Hopefully, they shouldn't be too difficult to learn.
Check out my YouTube channel! (Playstyle DDR videos) : http://www.youtube.com/user/barrendon649?feature=watch

Post #1286 · Posted at 2016-02-08 05:22:30am 8.3 years ago

Offline HealingDMax300
HealingDMax300 Avatar Member
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This turned out much better than how the other song I got would have.

Post #1287 · Posted at 2016-02-08 05:30:42am 8.3 years ago

Offline Telperion
Telperion Avatar Member+
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I won't be finishing Winter Games. Busy week, again. Sorry, submitter Dead
+9ms or Null? a simfile unbiasing utilitySimfile Creation Resources
20:20:51 · Blinded_No_More: LOL, I can sum it up like this:     20:20:55 · Blinded_No_More: Eurobeat = Steppable power metal

Post #1288 · Posted at 2016-02-08 06:03:18am 8.3 years ago

Offline The Legendary DJXYZ
The Legendary DJXYZ Avatar Member
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"Elsewhere known as borealis"
Quote: mf32892
Sad that this contest is drawing to a close Sad I can't wait until the next contest, tbh. I think I'm ready for TOI, whenever that is.
I hope it's mid-March. I'm booked up to the 12th. Ink Me Up is probably going to be my last file for a month...
The first half of the contest made me think I wouldn't get past qualifiers for TOI, but now after these past few weeks I think I've got a shot at an alright placement.
Also, a reminder to @Lisek and @usaminseijin, you still have the chance to complete a file for all 12 weeks!
Not around here too often anymore, but I still play DDR & maimai!
My final contest run was in my signature so I guess I'll keep it here for those who wanna play my last few charts:

Post #1289 · Posted at 2016-02-08 06:05:28am 8.3 years ago

Offline CuzcoBlocko
CuzcoBlocko Avatar Member
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"[Art by LilyBreez]"

Last updated: 2016-02-08 06:06am
There's also Nezemarth. However, one of his files was DQ'd, so he's unable to officially qualify for all 12. However, he has technically have finished every song assigned to him as well. He has the maximum number of 12 files in the category. So... Congratulations to him too. :P

Lisek typically submits a few hours before the deadline and usaminseijin submits a few minutes before the deadline. I think they'll make it in too if all goes well.

Post #1290 · Posted at 2016-02-08 06:09:19am 8.3 years ago

Offline mf32892
mf32892 Avatar Member
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Lol, I almost made it to this "submitting all 12 rounds" club. I submitted my [Round B] skeleton at the deadline and I missed the shuffle. My skeleton was already submitted in advance, but I didn't decide to ultimately use it for ROUND B until pretty much at the deadline. (I had the deadline mixed up in my head. I had thought I had one extra hour, but Daylight savings)
Check out my YouTube channel! (Playstyle DDR videos) : http://www.youtube.com/user/barrendon649?feature=watch

Post #1291 · Posted at 2016-02-08 12:52:08pm 8.3 years ago

Offline usaminseijin
usaminseijin Avatar Member+
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All your base are belong to ME


SN2 Rating: Beginner 6 Light 8 Standard 9 Heavy 10
X Rating: Beginner 7 Light 10 Standard 13 Heavy 18

How are you gentlemen!!
All your base are belong to us.

My BOSS tune in this contest. Finally, I uploaded All of my simfiles in ziv shuffles 2015.
"Mimimin! mimimin! u~samin~!♬"
"I'm the singing, dancing, voice acting idol Nana Abe! From the Usamin planet! 17 years old eternally!"

Post #1292 · Posted at 2016-02-08 03:38:30pm 8.3 years ago

Offline brunobg24
brunobg24 Avatar Member
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"hi kids"
I won't be able to finish my file in time, so the contest ends for me. Good luck to everyone for the final round!
Check out my YouTube channel with stuff related to BEMANI and music games!
Check my simfiles in this thread!
Latest simfiles on Z-i-V:
https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/simfiles/Z-I-v%20Summer%20Contest%202020/R.I.P/R.I.P-jacket.png https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/simfiles/Z-I-v%20Summer%20Contest%202020/Dual%20Bladez/Dual%20Bladez-jacket.png https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/simfiles/Z-I-v%20Summer%20Contest%202020/amaterasu/amaterasu-jacket.png https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/simfiles/Z-I-v%20Summer%20Contest%202020/Say%20So/Say%20So-jacket.png https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/simfiles/Z-I-v%20Battle%20Royale%202020/Fin.ArcDeaR/Fin.ArcDeaR-jacket.png

Post #1293 · Posted at 2016-02-08 03:50:03pm 8.3 years ago

Offline Lisek
Lisek Avatar Member
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Reg. 2011-09-08

Kept you waiting, huh?

Challenge 13 should be a little bit easier than Summer. Hopefully, this file will be perfect finish for my run in Simfile Shuffle 2015. A lot of love was put into charting this.

Big thanks to my girlfriend - Nusa - for cheering me on all of those weeks and providing me with pretty artwork for my files. Love you Puppy Face

+5 Regret Breaker [brunobg24]
+5 Poinsettia [mf32892]
+5 Automatic (LA Riots Remix) [Telperion]

Regret Breaker [brunobg24] - 44
Poinsettia [mf32892] - 41
Na Na Na [Lisek] - 28
Automatic (LA Riots Remix) [Telperion] - 21
Go! Go! Sega Rally [The Legendary DJXYZ] - 20
Ignite [Nezemarth] - 18
Stardust Vox [HealingDMax300] - 10
Monstrous Turtles [Braeden47] - 5
裸の裸の裸のKISS [SupremeX] - 5
We Can't Stop [usaminseijin] - 3

Post #1294 · Posted at 2016-02-08 05:01:04pm 8.3 years ago

Offline vincentw
vincentw Avatar Member+
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Last updated: 2016-02-09 09:57am
ROUND K Results
[rank | file by | simfile | steps by | points]

1st place with 44 points, Regret Breaker!
File by SupremeX and steps by brunobg24.

http://i.imgur.com/zSJVfjo.png http://i.imgur.com/jblqdj8.png http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/avatars/5228.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/emAW7nz.png https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/simfiles/Z-I-v%20Simfile%20Shuffle%202015/%5BROUND%20K%5D%20-%20Regret%20Breaker/%5BROUND%20K%5D%20-%20Regret%20Breaker.png?t=1454273206 http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/avatars/13109.gif http://i.imgur.com/jblqdj8.png http://i.imgur.com/JvlXjY2.png

2nd place with 41 points, Poinsettia!
File by Gameoson and steps by mf32892.

http://i.imgur.com/IjWog2K.png http://i.imgur.com/jblqdj8.png http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/avatars/15326.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/CY9BPTI.png https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/simfiles/Z-I-v%20Simfile%20Shuffle%202015/%5BROUND%20K%5D%20-%20Poinsettia/%5BROUND%20K%5D%20-%20Poinsettia.png?t=1454305480 http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/avatars/15060.png http://i.imgur.com/jblqdj8.png http://i.imgur.com/vTftGfO.png

3rd place with 28 points, Na Na Na!
Backup file by [DDRDAIKENKAI] and steps by Lisek.

http://i.imgur.com/dy4HPWP.png http://i.imgur.com/RKpvbWu.png http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/avatars/482.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/rUkZBmZ.png https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/simfiles/Z-I-v%20Simfile%20Shuffle%202015/%5BROUND%20K%5D%20-%20Na%20Na%20Na/%5BROUND%20K%5D%20-%20Na%20Na%20Na.png?t=1454276160 http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/avatars/9738.png http://i.imgur.com/jblqdj8.png http://i.imgur.com/0yVk6mJ.png

And here's everyone else:
(see spreadsheet for text version. NV: no vote • DQ: disqualified • NS: no steps • VT: vetoed)

http://i.imgur.com/lANgucY.png http://i.imgur.com/jblqdj8.png http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/avatars/13002.jpg http://i.imgur.com/jblqdj8.pnghttps://zenius-i-vanisher.com/simfiles/Z-I-v%20Simfile%20Shuffle%202015/%5BROUND%20K%5D%20-%20Automatic%20%28LA%20Riots%20Remix%29/%5BROUND%20K%5D%20-%20Automatic%20%28LA%20Riots%20Remix%29.png?t=1453876962http://i.imgur.com/jblqdj8.png http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/avatars/4254.jpg http://i.imgur.com/jblqdj8.png http://i.imgur.com/5Zw8suo.png http://i.imgur.com/jblqdj8.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/jblqdj8.png http://i.imgur.com/q9fN0iH.png http://i.imgur.com/jblqdj8.png http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/avatars/16520.png https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/simfiles/Z-I-v%20Simfile%20Shuffle%202015/%5BROUND%20K%5D%20-%20Go%21%20Go%21%20Sega%20Rally/%5BROUND%20K%5D%20-%20Go%21%20Go%21%20Sega%20Rally.png?t=1453853150 http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/avatars/16247.png http://i.imgur.com/jblqdj8.png http://i.imgur.com/gCGQ2hO.png
http://i.imgur.com/R0wqvUc.png http://i.imgur.com/jblqdj8.png http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/avatars/482.png https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/simfiles/Z-I-v%20Simfile%20Shuffle%202015/%5BROUND%20K%5D%20-%20Ignite/%5BROUND%20K%5D%20-%20Ignite.png?t=1454141998 http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/avatars/16520.png http://i.imgur.com/jblqdj8.png http://i.imgur.com/NL080xZ.png http://i.imgur.com/jblqdj8.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/jblqdj8.png http://i.imgur.com/66Ge6ry.png http://i.imgur.com/jblqdj8.png http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/avatars/13109.gif https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/simfiles/Z-I-v%20Simfile%20Shuffle%202015/%5BROUND%20K%5D%20-%20Stardust%20Vox/%5BROUND%20K%5D%20-%20Stardust%20Vox.png?t=1454288714 http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/avatars/13002.jpg http://i.imgur.com/jblqdj8.png http://i.imgur.com/67RJzvI.png
http://i.imgur.com/GWR9GPH.png http://i.imgur.com/jblqdj8.png http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/avatars/2606.png https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/simfiles/Z-I-v%20Simfile%20Shuffle%202015/%5BROUND%20K%5D%20-%20HADAKA%20NO%20HADAKA%20NO%20HADAKA%20NO%20KISS/%5BROUND%20K%5D%20-%20HADAKA%20NO%20HADAKA%20NO%20HADAKA%20NO%20KISS.png?t=1454309626 http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/avatars/5228.png http://i.imgur.com/jblqdj8.png http://i.imgur.com/6BR0JE2.png http://i.imgur.com/jblqdj8.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/jblqdj8.png http://i.imgur.com/z5NYvXM.png http://i.imgur.com/kXDnpRk.png http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/avatars/4699.png http://i.imgur.com/HLVh1GD.png http://zenius-i-vanisher.com//images/noavatar.png http://i.imgur.com/jblqdj8.png http://i.imgur.com/6BR0JE2.png
http://i.imgur.com/Yx6BUJE.png http://i.imgur.com/kXDnpRk.png http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/avatars/2606.png https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/simfiles/Z-I-v%20Simfile%20Shuffle%202015/%5BROUND%20K%5D%20-%20We%20Can%27t%20Stop/%5BROUND%20K%5D%20-%20We%20Can%27t%20Stop.png?t=1454345662 http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/avatars/14928.jpg http://i.imgur.com/jblqdj8.png http://i.imgur.com/ZZBcPFo.png http://i.imgur.com/jblqdj8.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/jblqdj8.png http://i.imgur.com/X6vzQOo.png http://i.imgur.com/jblqdj8.png http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/avatars/16247.png http://i.imgur.com/tEWuntV.png http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/avatars/482.png http://i.imgur.com/jblqdj8.png http://i.imgur.com/X6vzQOo.png
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http://i.imgur.com/XRcdvtr.png http://i.imgur.com/jblqdj8.png http://zenius-i-vanisher.com//images/noavatar.png http://i.imgur.com/Z81bX6K.png http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/avatars/9738.png http://i.imgur.com/jblqdj8.png http://i.imgur.com/XRcdvtr.png http://i.imgur.com/jblqdj8.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/jblqdj8.png http://i.imgur.com/4TVkTSS.png http://i.imgur.com/jblqdj8.png http://i.imgur.com/4TVkTSS.png http://i.imgur.com/rBSmC6K.png http://i.imgur.com/4TVkTSS.png http://i.imgur.com/jblqdj8.png http://i.imgur.com/4TVkTSS.png

Final week!
Thanks for everyone that has participated week after week!
Each week, there are always at least 14 participants with at least 10 simfiles produced.

Kudos to Lisek, The Legendary DJXYZ, and usaminseijin for submitting 12 simfiles in a row!
Everyone else: the Summary sheet is currently sorted by the number of simfiles you've done here. Go check it out!

You can now vote for ROUND L simfiles, due 15 February, 17:00 UTC.
Finally, any critiques and/or suggestions for the contest are greatly appreciated!

Post #1295 · Posted at 2016-02-08 06:52:27pm 8.3 years ago

Offline CuzcoBlocko
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"[Art by LilyBreez]"

Last updated: 2016-02-08 06:52pm
Quote: Lisek
Big thanks to my girlfriend - Nusa - for cheering me on all of those weeks and providing me with pretty artwork for my files. Love you Puppy Face

So THAT'S where all of your artwork comes from... or what, who all of your artwork comes from. I wanted to make graphics manually for every song but I wasn't motivated enough to pull that off (one uses its Guitarfreaks graphics, one has one, one has no banner, one had its graphics made by someone, most were modified versions of my DDR Random Movies). Tell her I said hi for making cool and color-vibed graphics for all of your simfiles. :3

Quote: mf32892
Lol, I almost made it to this "submitting all 12 rounds" club. I submitted my [Round B] skeleton at the deadline and I missed the shuffle. My skeleton was already submitted in advance, but I didn't decide to ultimately use it for ROUND B until pretty much at the deadline. (I had the deadline mixed up in my head. I had thought I had one extra hour, but Daylight savings)

If I were you, I would've just brought in and see what would've developed. I made it pretty far without any vetoes whatsoever. Considering you have one veto unused, mostly everything would've played off the same. :P Maybe you would've stepped Carry On for Round B and get a new song for Round C or vice versa.

I wish I could've gotten into the 12 rounds club, but some things aren't ready to happen yet. 10 rounds is a huge improvement from last year, though (I only got into one). I'll be coming back next year (if it happens, hopefully it does). :3

This year, I'm gonna give the summer contest a try. I won't be joining TOI5 because it feels like one false simfile or missed week and you are out, disallowing you the chance to make any more for the contest. Summer Contest and Simfile Shuffle allow you to choose the weeks you can participate in. You can get in all (Lisek, DJXYZ, usamin), you can only get in one (Quickman, CLOUDIO), or you could get in half (Loodee). Maybe 3 weeks (MRace2010, hypnoticmarten77)? Or maybe, indeed, you never participate at all (Oni-91, Scarz). As long as you're comfortable. I will be stocking up on simfiles with the intent of getting them sharpened to the higher end, including files I submitted that never got sent. Once it's time, I'll release them to the contest. Hopefully I do good.

And one more thing, whoever got my song cuts;

*HealingDMax300; Whoa I'm In Space Cuba
*SupremeX; Metric
*Loodee; With you
*Spork!; Seaside Heaven 3000
*Lisek; For Sure
*chewi; Bingo Super Highway
*chewi; Katamari Dancing

(TAKE A LOOK AROUND will be going to DDRMAX4)

Feel free to do what you want with the simfiles. Include them in your personal big project, I don't mind, as long as I get a little bit of credit. And if you want to improve the audio quality of some of them, go ahead.

Thanks for the wonderful contest, guys!

Post #1296 · Posted at 2016-02-08 08:15:45pm 8.3 years ago

Offline HealingDMax300
HealingDMax300 Avatar Member
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+5 Leviathan
+4 Magic
+2 Suck My Block
+2 Little Star
+1 Lunu Dehi
+1 Cirno's Perfect Math Class PUNK IT!

Leviathan [Gameoson] - 5
Magic [ledgam3r1279] - 4
Suck My Block [mf32892] - 2
Little Star [Lisek] - 2
Lunu Dehi [The Legendary DJXYZ] - 1
Cirno's Perfect Math Class PUNK IT! [Nezemarth] - 1

It's been fun everybody Happy

Post #1297 · Posted at 2016-02-08 08:31:06pm 8.3 years ago

Offline Nezemarth
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"Two milkmen go comedy"
Quote: vincentw
Finally, any critiques and/or suggestions for the contest is greatly appreciated!
I have a suggestion to make: How about allowing participants to submit up to 2 skeletons per week for the Simfile Shuffle, with those who submit 2 being assigned 2 skeletons in return? The Z-i-v Summer Contest has also allowed 2 submissions/week, and I think that it would make this contest more fully fleshed out.
Quote: xXMokou98Xx
If I spend an hour or so to make a [..] beautiful standard chart and a fun light chart and it's required for the comp, play it, or at least look it over other wise I don't see the point anymore[.]
~DDR Supernova 3 Stepper~
~Profile Picture from MeriNY~

Post #1298 · Posted at 2016-02-08 08:32:44pm 8.3 years ago

Offline CuzcoBlocko
CuzcoBlocko Avatar Member
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"[Art by LilyBreez]"
I don't think that's a good idea and it would be having to juggle two songs you aren't familiar with (and might not even like). For me, having to do one song per round is enough. Summer Contest, I'm fine with having two because it allows you to choose the songs you like and you can submit simfiles you never released even if you made then 2 years ago if they fit the theme for the week.

Post #1299 · Posted at 2016-02-08 08:40:02pm 8.3 years ago

Offline Nezemarth
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"Two milkmen go comedy"
Personally, I'm a fan of the idea I proposed since it allows for more participants to flesh out the skeletons that (impersonal) you submit, and it also increases the chance of getting a song you like. I'm thinking of this as a completely optional system, though I could see an issue of doubling the stress placed on those who want 100% participation.
Quote: xXMokou98Xx
If I spend an hour or so to make a [..] beautiful standard chart and a fun light chart and it's required for the comp, play it, or at least look it over other wise I don't see the point anymore[.]
~DDR Supernova 3 Stepper~
~Profile Picture from MeriNY~

Post #1300 · Posted at 2016-02-08 08:44:27pm 8.3 years ago

Offline CuzcoBlocko
CuzcoBlocko Avatar Member
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"[Art by LilyBreez]"

Last updated: 2016-02-08 09:28pm
Well... Yeah, that COULD be added as a feature...

Could be. Doesn't mean it's a good idea.

Actually, there was this scenario I thought of once, where someone uses a veto AFTER they submitted their song and get another song to step. It would be risky, but possible. But then I thought "Nah... One song per participant per round is enough.".

If you want to step 2 songs in a round, cool, but personally, I'd either step one song or none at all for a round. 2 in a week is too much for me. :/
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