
Z-I-v Summer Contest 2016

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Post #1101 · Posted at 2016-09-03 10:10:25am 8 years ago

Offline Feraligatr
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Last updated: 2016-10-28 07:22am

Post #1102 · Posted at 2016-09-03 10:32:53am 8 years ago

Offline Spirit of Nightmare
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"Focul tău nu ne mai încălzește"
Bad news, I won't be able to participate any longer in this contest. This week I began studying at a college of higher vocational studies, which means that I'll be having a lot to do... preventing me from making files.
Quote: Quickman
hot diggity shit nightmare you cheeky bastard

Post #1103 · Posted at 2016-09-03 08:13:09pm 8 years ago

Offline CuzcoBlocko
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"[Art by LilyBreez]"

Last updated: 2016-09-05 02:18am
I think I'm probably gonna be sitting out YWSTIDDR, I settled on my song choice too late and unless I can get something out within 45 hours, it probably might not happen.

I will still be voting soon, though, so hang tight for that. I initially planned to play all charts and then heavy-challenge with a C-Mod but I think I can tell what charts are using speed changes to cover up a meh chart and what aren't.

Post #1104 · Posted at 2016-09-03 10:32:52pm 8 years ago

Offline chewi
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round.9: You Won't See This in DDR V

Esta Noche / Azealia Banks
BPM: 54-432


Post #1105 · Posted at 2016-09-04 12:04:28am 8 years ago

Offline Gameoson
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3DS Friend Code: 3969-4495-2046
Murder ft. Minx & Chilled / Boyinaband

Beginner 1/1 Light 3/4 Standard 5/7 Heavy 8/11 Challenge Nope/Nada

Not that stepping Boyinaband has ever worked out for me in past simfile contests but hey here we go again.

This song is - you guessed it - a rap song about committing a murder. I'm fairly certain the lyrical contest is just a bit too violent for DDR... Well that and Chilled calls Minx a slut in the second half of the verse, there's that too. Confused

Post #1106 · Posted at 2016-09-04 03:57:25am 8 years ago

Offline Nezemarth
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"Two milkmen go comedy"

Last updated: 2016-09-04 04:09am
Quote: mf32892
Are You GOnna Go My Way
Reallly liked most of the chart/ The gimmick sections didn't really make sense. I think you used stutters in a middle section, but it didn't really make the song gimmicky. I think one section was choreographed incorrectly (rhythms or gimmicks)
Otherwise, really liked it.

There were indeed stutters throughout one section; should they have been obvious, and is it not making to song 'gimmicky' a bad thing? Also, I would like to know what section was choreographed incorrectly.

Quote: mf32892
Heavy That was not nearly as intense as I was expecting it to be.

The lower intensity (accounting for the half BPM and the steps) was actually completely intentional, partially because usaminseijin already stepped it back during the 2015 Simfile Shuffle, so I tried to step it more akin to, say, the normal Scatman. Many of the elements, including the lower difficulty (and also the controversial song/short cut), give the file a trollish feel. I do wonder, though, was there anything else (not just the sync) that would have made this file better (asking anyone who played it)?
Quote: xXMokou98Xx
If I spend an hour or so to make a [..] beautiful standard chart and a fun light chart and it's required for the comp, play it, or at least look it over other wise I don't see the point anymore[.]
~DDR Supernova 3 Stepper~
~Profile Picture from MeriNY~

Post #1107 · Posted at 2016-09-04 04:05:03am 8 years ago

Offline CuzcoBlocko
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"[Art by LilyBreez]"
The problem with that song in particular is...

Quote: Gameoson
To usaminseijin… yeah this song really only lends itself to either Tachyon-style "LOOK MA, 250 BPM 16TH STREAMS!" steps or "Dash Hopes is a joke, stop playing it" dumpfiles. I appreciate you at least not going with either approach, unfortunately whenever the file wasn't busy being a bad file, it was being a very boring file. But it was just going to be a bad or boring file to a terrible song no matter who stepped it, so don't feel bad about it.

So basically the chart you gave it could've theoretically worked if the song had actual musical and melodic value in it, because there's actually nothing wrong with the steps themselves.

Post #1108 · Posted at 2016-09-04 05:22:52am 8 years ago

Offline Gameoson
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3DS Friend Code: 3969-4495-2046

Last updated: 2016-09-04 05:23am
Pretty much everything Cuzco quoted from me I still stand by. Aside from the fact that splittercore is an ear-grating genre of music (one that some people wouldn't even regard as music), it's usually only good for making really hard simfiles. That being said I think the steps were okay given the song choice. You at least tried to make something reasonable, and I can give you credit for that.

Concerning Are You Gonna Go My Way, on the other hand... I for one thought it was an odd choice of song to make a gimmicky file out of. It's not really a song that's begging for gimmicks, and sure enough none of the gimmicks really fit the song IMO. Sure the stutters were easy to read, but the song wasn't really doing anything that I thought warranted stutters. I remember there also being some really wacky gimmicks that involved 24ths and 48ths and maybe 32nds at one point due to fluctuating BPM, which I thought was pretty rude and not fun to play. I couldn't even figure out the rhythm I was supposed to follow until I played the song again with a cmod (after trying the song a couple more times with an xmod). The chart's fine with a cmod, but I'd be very reluctant to ever play it with an xmod again.

Post #1109 · Posted at 2016-09-04 02:59:30pm 8 years ago

Offline reiji_suzuki
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Last updated: 2016-09-04 03:00pm
Quote: mf32892
Hej sokoly
Heavy Honestly think this went overboard with gimmicks. Even after trying to learn it, some of the double BPM speed-ups don't really make sense. This "seems" forced for the sake of being gimmicky. Also, I don't think the green notes you currently have towards the beginning are accurate.

Usually I don't like to voice my own opinions from others on my simfiles because it's a learning experience, but I'll make an exception for this one. Not gonna go full length so I'll cut to the chase.

I knew after a week or so that I went overboard with the gimmicks, it was me just purely try-harding to the extremes because I was, to be honest, losing motivation to complete the heavy chart and not having the correct mindset, psychologically and with planning the gimmicks.

Additionally, the green notes were a nasty mother to time with the music, so i'm sorry if I didn't quite match it correctly, but I at least tried.

Also, question to Aegis/Pande. Can I reupload all my submissions on my own simfile category when the contest is over?

Lastly, I don't think I'll be able to participate in this week's theme either, lacking the creativity at this very moment.

My own votes for the Gimmick will be up in a few hours. I need rest after my night shift... =__=

Post #1110 · Posted at 2016-09-04 04:16:56pm 8 years ago

Offline Gameoson
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3DS Friend Code: 3969-4495-2046
Quote: reiji_suzuki
Can I reupload all my submissions on my own simfile category when the contest is over?

This is allowed, I actually do this with most of my submissions.

Post #1111 · Posted at 2016-09-04 05:46:54pm 8 years ago

Offline Nezemarth
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"Two milkmen go comedy"

Last updated: 2016-09-04 05:48pm
To those who responded: thank you. I also forgot that the reason I stepped the Scatman Splitter Mix file was because Braeden47 submitted songs that already had appropriately difficult ITG charts (including this and Sigrev), and I assumed he wanted to see easier/ more DDR-esque simfiles; naturally, I took this idea to the extreme and filled Scatman (Short Splitter Mix) with relatively easy steps.

learn "bits of paper" rhyme in interesting way [sic]
Quote: xXMokou98Xx
If I spend an hour or so to make a [..] beautiful standard chart and a fun light chart and it's required for the comp, play it, or at least look it over other wise I don't see the point anymore[.]
~DDR Supernova 3 Stepper~
~Profile Picture from MeriNY~

Post #1112 · Posted at 2016-09-05 01:08:08am 8 years ago

Offline brunobg24
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"i got the eepy 24/7"

Last updated: 2016-09-05 01:10am
[You Won't See This In DDR V]
FUK UR MGMT / Kill The Noise

BPM: 128
Beginner 2/3 Light 4/6 Standard 6/9 Heavy 8/11 Challenge 9/13
SM5 recommended

So I just realized I have this sitting on my WIP folder, so after a few tweaks and my new and forced knowledge about sttuters and wave gimmicks, here you have. Enjoy!

Check out my YouTube channel with stuff related to BEMANI and music games!
Check my simfiles in this thread!
Latest simfiles on Z-i-V:
https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/simfiles/Z-I-v%20Summer%20Contest%202020/R.I.P/R.I.P-jacket.png https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/simfiles/Z-I-v%20Summer%20Contest%202020/Dual%20Bladez/Dual%20Bladez-jacket.png https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/simfiles/Z-I-v%20Summer%20Contest%202020/amaterasu/amaterasu-jacket.png https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/simfiles/Z-I-v%20Summer%20Contest%202020/Say%20So/Say%20So-jacket.png https://zenius-i-vanisher.com/simfiles/Z-I-v%20Battle%20Royale%202020/Fin.ArcDeaR/Fin.ArcDeaR-jacket.png

Post #1113 · Posted at 2016-09-05 01:34:42am 8 years ago

Offline CuzcoBlocko
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"[Art by LilyBreez]"

Last updated: 2016-09-05 01:38am
Hi. Happy

+5 Resurrected (Zhomek Bootleg)
+3 Color
+3 Chururi Chururira
+1 Razor Sharp
+1 Skytoucher
+1 Are You Gonna Go My Way? (GT Remix)
HM Boulafacet
.. Let Me Hit It
.. Scatman (Short Splitter RMX)
?? Little Swing
!! Hej Sokoly (This Is The Rainbowdragoneyes Remix)

Resurrected (Zhomek Bootleg) [Feraligatr] - 24
Color [brunobg24] - 23
Valkyrie [CuzcoBlocko] - 19
Razor Sharp [Gameoson] - 16
HYPER BURST [Benpai] - 15
Skytoucher [mf32892] - 14
ちゅるりちゅるりら [Lisek] - 12

Let Me Hit It [The Legendary DJXYZ] - 8
Seaside Heaven 3000 [CuzcoBlocko] - 7
Little Swing [KevinRocker10] - 5
Boulafacet [Spirit of Nightmare] - 4
Are You Gonna Go My Way? (GT Remix) [Nezemarth] - 3

The comments I have are here.


*Once again, I played every chart in the week, including pseudo-playing the doubles charts in two files.

*I'm probably ruining my chances at getting 1st or even 2nd, but bruno and Feraligatr's submissions are very good and I'd be happy to see them win the week too. (Who knows, a 1st place tie could happen. That would be very happy.)

*Please check your song cuts. There are two in here that are not cut correctly and go off-sync somewhere in the middle of the song.

*Please don't start your charts when the beat does. Give the player some time to grip on so that they don't get a great or even a good on the first arrow.

*Please check your stop values. There is a simfile in here in particular that doesn't even use the thousandths place (for instance, 0.06 instead of 0.059).

*It's in a very rare case that you should have the player read a chart that has either 130, 260, and 520 BPM sections or 65, 130, and 260 BPM sections. Also, try to account for the fact that some of the voters will be using a high speed mod (average m500), try to make sure your charts are readable at that speed.

No simfile for me this week, sorry... Hopefully I can make up for it in week 10.

Post #1114 · Posted at 2016-09-05 01:46:43am 8 years ago

Offline Gameoson
Gameoson Avatar Member
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3DS Friend Code: 3969-4495-2046
Quote: Cuzco's review of Razor Sharp
Gimmicks: Uh... ... I think it gets a tiny bit too out of hand and a little too sharp at times, but they aren’t wrong.
Heh. Sharp.

And yeah, the gimmicks are pretty intense and that was the point. I wanted to go all out and try to embrace Gimmick Week as much as possible. Actually if you think Razor Sharp was crazy, you should see the WIP file I have in my folder that I was originally intending to submit that week as well. It was... uh... well it went completely berserk with scripted mods and such. Even I have a crapton of trouble reading it and I made the damn thing. Annoyed

Second entry for this week coming soon. And I apologize in advance for the song choice.

Post #1115 · Posted at 2016-09-05 02:38:30am 8 years ago

Offline The Legendary DJXYZ
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"Elsewhere known as borealis"
How many files are there so far? Maybe it's best if I don't try to make graphics for my 2nd file. It's pretty bad anyway, not expecting it to get any points
Not around here too often anymore, but I still play DDR & maimai!
My final contest run was in my signature so I guess I'll keep it here for those who wanna play my last few charts:

Post #1116 · Posted at 2016-09-05 03:19:03am 8 years ago

Offline HealingDMax300
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Last updated: 2016-09-05 03:39am
The theme song to the TV show iCarly (yeah, I used to watch it wanna fite?). I'm not sure if it qualifies enough, though.

I'm not expecting much point wise if it does qualify. I'm not quite satisfied with Heavy but I revised it and now I can't think of anything to improve. Hopefully you guys find something you like about it.

I was planning on submitting two songs this week for the first time but I lost the motivation to finish the second one.

Post #1117 · Posted at 2016-09-05 03:23:49am 8 years ago

Offline 5l1n65h07
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Last updated: 2016-09-05 04:18am
no one will ever play these files Smile

BPM: 160*
*Actual BPM: 40-640

BPM: 200-400
5l1-STEP Series:

Post #1118 · Posted at 2016-09-05 03:37:57am 8 years ago

Offline Gameoson
Gameoson Avatar Member
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3DS Friend Code: 3969-4495-2046

Last updated: 2016-09-05 03:39am
Quote: Gameoson
Second entry for this week coming soon. And I apologize in advance for the song choice.

Well, Everybody's Fucking In A UFO / Rob Zombie

Beginner 2/3 Light 4/5 Standard 6/8 Heavy 8/11 Challenge 9/14

Song title speaks for itself. Annoyed

I don't know which is worse, the fact that this song exists or the fact that I stepped it. Regardless I apologize for making everyone on ZIv suffer.

Post #1119 · Posted at 2016-09-05 04:36:42am 8 years ago

Offline mf32892
mf32892 Avatar Member
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Chop Suey / System of a Down
Light 5 / Standard 8 / Heavy 10
X-scale: Light 7 / Standard 11 / Heavy 14

I was debating about putting the double and half BPM sections in this chaotic, all-over-the-place song. The singers sing:
"I don't think you trust in my self-righteous suicide" and "When angels deserve to die"
Also I hope this song is synced satisfactorily. This song is nowhere near to being constant BPM. So many minute adjustments had to be made to keep the notes on sync with the song. (I spent many hours just trying to get the sync as accurate as possible). So if any section is slightly off, I apologize.
Graphics are taken mainly from official sources and are cut down to size.

Pursuit of Happiness (Steve Aoki Remix) / Kid Cudi
Light 3 / Standard 5 / Heavy 8
X-scale: Light 5 / Standard 8 / Heavy 11

Yes, I'm pretty sure those 32nds in that one section are accurate...12ths are too late for this song.
Reason for fitting this theme? See the song preview music "I'm screamin' out F*** that" (x3)

Check out my YouTube channel! (Playstyle DDR videos) : http://www.youtube.com/user/barrendon649?feature=watch

Post #1120 · Posted at 2016-09-05 05:47:27am 8 years ago

Offline reiji_suzuki
reiji_suzuki Avatar Member
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Here's my votes. Big thank you for DJXYZ and Gameoson for uploading their songs because it's something I've heard in montages xD

+3 Votes:
Resurrected (Zhomek Bootleg) [Feraligatr]
Valkyrie [CuzcoBlocko]
Razor Sharp [Gameoson]
Let Me Hit It [The Legendary DJXYZ]

Total Votes:
Resurrected (Zhomek Bootleg) [Feraligatr] - 27
Color [brunobg24] - 23
Valkyrie [CuzcoBlocko] - 22
Razor Sharp [Gameoson] - 19
HYPER BURST [Benpai] - 18
Skytoucher [mf32892] - 14
ちゅるりちゅるりら [Lisek] - 12
Let Me Hit It [The Legendary DJXYZ] - 11
Seaside Heaven 3000 [CuzcoBlocko] - 7
Little Swing [KevinRocker10] - 5
Boulafacet [Spirit of Nightmare] - 4
Are You Gonna Go My Way? (GT Remix) [Nezemarth] - 3
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