
Hash It Out

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Post #21 · Posted at 2016-04-24 07:32:03pm 8.1 years ago

Post #22 · Posted at 2016-04-24 07:32:34pm 8.1 years ago

Offline XmatthewX
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Quote: CuzcoBlocko
Fuck you, you all, you all made fun of me, you all did me wrong, you rubbed me the wrong way

sorry ill rub you in the right way <3

Post #23 · Posted at 2016-04-24 07:34:26pm 8.1 years ago

Offline RevAddict5
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"Bigger avatars when?"

Last updated: 2016-04-24 07:35pm
[Insert really bitchy post here]

Also I don't have a problem with anybody here, but this thread is a really bad idea.

Post #24 · Posted at 2016-04-24 07:36:06pm 8.1 years ago

Offline CuzcoBlocko
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"[Art by LilyBreez]"
Quote: XmatthewX
Quote: CuzcoBlocko
Fuck you, you all, you all made fun of me, you all did me wrong, you rubbed me the wrong way

sorry ill rub you in the right way <3


Post #25 · Posted at 2016-04-24 07:36:53pm 8.1 years ago

Offline XmatthewX
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Quote: CuzcoBlocko
Quote: XmatthewX
Quote: CuzcoBlocko
Fuck you, you all, you all made fun of me, you all did me wrong, you rubbed me the wrong way

sorry ill rub you in the right way <3


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Post #26 · Posted at 2016-04-24 07:38:28pm 8.1 years ago

Offline xXMokou98Xx
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Nintendo Network ID: pinkscones
"meme school"

Post #27 · Posted at 2016-04-24 07:39:27pm 8.1 years ago

Offline SM MaxX
SM MaxX Avatar Member+
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Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-1495-0040-1058
"I play too much touhou"
probably late but i just saw that post thats like “don’t bully people for being cishet because there’s a chance that they might be mentally ill!” and honestly speaking as a trans neurodivergent + suicidal minor that’s some next level shit. how much yoga do you have to do to stretch that far. where’s this epidemic of straight folks who are gettin bullied, like where’s this at. if you’re just taking about down with cis, then… oh buddy… do i ever have news 4 u… that’s not bullying, that’s what you call… a joke… and really doesn’t do anything to change the fact that trans folk have extremely justified hatred and disgust towards cis folks, since ya routinely out and endanger and yes, actually murder us. and if any cis person is really and truly offended by that justified hatred, then theyre probably transphobic, dude. like yeah i think there’s a conversation to be had about gentleness, about defending our right to call people out but still keeping in mind that aggression isn’t always the best answer, but frankly that’s an intracommunity issue heavily tied to tone policing so :/ maybe Shove Off on that one. take your concern trolling elsewhere thanks, in not interested
Bullshit like this is why one of my friends tried to overdose and commit suicide. They’re straight, cis and male and you disgusting fucking people’s constant “LOL IT’S A JOKE CHILL” “IF UR A CISSY UR GROSS AND TRANSPHOBIC LOL” is the cause. You’re a fucking disgusting bigot. He’s one of the nicest people I know, he completely supports trans, LGBTQ and disabled folks. But because he’s a straight white male he gets told to kill himself, gets death threats, and gets his suffering reduced to “lol chill it’s just a joke ur priveleged so u shouldn’t be affected by it let me vent lol!!!”
Where’s the straight folks getting bullied? Have you ever used Tumblr before and actually seen what your bullshit hate movement does? Here, let me sum it up for you:
Bullying a fan artist into attempting suicide because she drew a Steven Universe character “too skinny”. Have even more on this. Hell, here’s a whole BUNCH of bullshit pulled by SJWs in that fandom.
Bullying a trans teen and invalidating his identity because he dared to suggest that spreading hatred solves nothing.
Circulating false statistics about rape, and then literally becoming enraged when they find out that womenaren’t being victimized as much as they were led to believe. Wow, that’s a super-healthy attitude towards women. These are definitely the people I want standing up for my rights. NOT.
SJWs send people so many death threats thatthere is an entire blog devoted to compiling them.
Using phishing links to try to obtains others’ IP addresses.
Giving someone’s personal information to a potential rapist. Again - perpetrated by a “feminist”. This has happened at least TWICE now.
Posing as other users, or fabricating replies from other users in an attempt to defame them.
Glorifying unhealthy attitudes and behaviors, such as self-harm, and anorexia.
Glorifying unhealthy attitudes towards obesity (it’s fine to support body positivity, but it’s NOT OKAY to deny that there are health risks associated with obesity).
Romanticizing mental illness, and encouraging self-diagnosis (which is dangerous to one’s health).
Showing people how to LIE to get a diagnosis of autism.
Glorifying murderers and making excuses for women who commit acts of assault.
Routinely threatening and victim-blaming rape victims that don’t hold all men responsible for what happened to them. Have even more from another user regarding the same post.
Admittedly trying to blame GamerGate supporters for a racist Photoshop edit when they KNEW GG had nothing to do with it.
Littering an entire campus with materials that are hazardous to animals (while wasting valuable resources that they could have donated to a homeless shelter) to make a “statement” that’s not even valid.
Spreading an unfounded rumor about the leading organization dedicated to the aid of rape victims being “transphobic” after they found out that said organization discourages the teaching of “rape culture” on college campuses.
CONSTANTLY harassing and belittling women who don’t wish to call themselves feminists. I’ve personally experienced this more times than I can even remember.
Using someone else’s copyrighted characters to sell merchandise promoting ideals that their creator is openly against.
Making up and passing around false stories of sexual assault on children. This, too, has happened at least twice now.
Passing around false information about important historical figures.
Claiming to be “hurt” be people shipping fictional characters.
Bullying someone off of tumblr for not tagging the color blue that is THE DEFAULT COLOR OF TUMBLR.
Telling people that they’re not allowed to represent THEIR OWN CULTURE. The same has happened regarding hijabs as well.
Thinking it’s the least bit okay to record total strangers and post the videos online to demonize them.
Trying to force content creators to cater to THEM instead of creating what they want to.
Actually trying to convince people that air conditioning is sexist. It worries me that there are three separate sources for this.
Calling in false bite reports in order to get someone’s domesticated pet taken away and euthanized, simply because they were against the owners having it for a pet.
Trying to turn a holiday established by a woman into a “patriarchal conspiracy”.
Constantly trying to hijack tragedies, and try to use them as a political step stool, regardless of the feelings of the families and friends of the deceased (includingliterally erasing the fact that there were twice as many male victims as female in the Elliot Rodger case, and even claiming they were “accidental” killings , whenthree of them were his first victims, and were stabbed to death, and despite that Rodger himself expressed a hatred of men, as well as an intent to kill “anyone in sight”). On top of that, his blog was filled with posts about how much he hated full-blooded Asian men.
Someone on here is currently facing jail for pushing razorblades in front of their suicidal sister, and telling her to kill herself for having “straight-passing privilege”.
Here’s someone who not only had a knife sent to their home address with a note reading “Please kill yourself”, but someone also called 911, and gave a false report saying that he was suicidal.
Here’s someone that had a false police report filed on them, and had to stop the SWAT team from entering his house.
Here’s someone who had a syringe sent to their home address.
Here’s someone asking a young mother if her infant child has died yet.
The same people also tried to illegally have said mother’s husband deported.
“Feminists” from this site caused a woman to lose her job, because they decided to harass her boss via email (she has since gotten her job back). Why? For making comics based directly on interactions she witnessed on tumblr, complete with links to those interactions as sources.
Here’s a teenage girl trying to take a little boy’s attempted suicide, and make it all about her. Mind you, she and her followers are people that perpetrate the exact same kind of bullying that this boy tried to end his life over. And they still continue to do it.
Here are her followers threatening people with death and violence over things as pointless as fandom polls.
People on tumblr were the ones who CAUSED the “raid” on tumblr by trying to “#shutdown4chan”. 4chan became bored after a single night, while tumblr continued crying like babies, and making false claims that people on 4chan were “being arrested by the FBI”.
Meanwhile, the sane people of tumblr mocked the shit out of them for intentionally kicking the hornet’s nest, and then whining when they got stung.
People here and on Twitter had enough of a shit fit over The Fine Young Capitalist’s fundraiser to promote women in gaming that they actually hacked the fundraiser page.
Why? Because 4chan contributed over $23k to it.
Here’s a sampling of even more examples of people abusing activism to basically act like entitled bullies.
Yet more examples, but in screencap form.
Even more screencaps.
People even fucking COSPLAY as tumblr. Pretty sure that says a lot about the overall perception people have of this site.
I’m sure all of this doesn’t even come CLOSE to what SJWs have done overall. I could probably spend weeks finding all sorts of bullshit to put on here. I openly invite others to add onto this, as I’m sure there’s a lot that’s been left out.
This is why people are against “social justice warriors”. They are NOT representing social justice. They are NOT supporting equality. They are only giving liberals, activists, and the LGBTA community a bad name.

Your movement is trash. This shit is why Flight Rising shouldn’t be advertised on Tumblr, because it just brings you shitstains crawling out of the woodwork and spewing your vile opinions with no concern for what it might do to other people.

Post #28 · Posted at 2016-04-24 07:39:50pm 8.1 years ago

Offline The Legendary DJXYZ
The Legendary DJXYZ Avatar Member
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Reg. 2014-09-21

"Elsewhere known as borealis"
Quote: Quickman
And the spelling bee goes to...
Not around here too often anymore, but I still play DDR & maimai!
My final contest run was in my signature so I guess I'll keep it here for those who wanna play my last few charts:

Post #29 · Posted at 2016-04-24 07:40:44pm 8.1 years ago

Offline XmatthewX
XmatthewX Avatar Member
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Post #30 · Posted at 2016-04-24 07:40:51pm 8.1 years ago

Offline Quickman
Quickman Avatar Member+
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"five minute white boy challenge"
the person who didn't post that
Quote: Quick Man
Approximately nobody asked for this song to be included. Least popular decision by the Japanese since Nintendo released the Wii U.

Post #31 · Posted at 2016-04-24 07:40:57pm 8.1 years ago

Offline TikalFan9000
TikalFan9000 Avatar Member
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3DS Friend Code: 1134-9915-6680
"c r e b"

Last updated: 2016-04-24 07:41pm

Post #32 · Posted at 2016-04-24 07:41:08pm 8.1 years ago

Offline Quickman
Quickman Avatar Member+
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"five minute white boy challenge"
Quote: The Legendary DJXYZ
Quote: Quickman
And the spelling bee goes to...

the person who didn't post that
Quote: Quick Man
Approximately nobody asked for this song to be included. Least popular decision by the Japanese since Nintendo released the Wii U.

Post #33 · Posted at 2016-04-24 07:41:27pm 8.1 years ago

Post #34 · Posted at 2016-04-24 07:42:20pm 8.1 years ago

Offline RGTM
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"BBCode Not Allowed"
You know, I guess I'll hash some things out as well, not gonna be a party pooper and lock the thead. That's too easy.

I do realize what kind of person I am and come across when I post here, and that I can look immature, crass, "edgy," hypocritical, what have you. I've been given a negative rep because of it, and this was before I even became a mod in the first place. I try my best to be a good person and a consistent contributor here. It just seems like a few people (not pointing names) will point out the smallest mistakes and decisions I make just to remind others and myself that I shouldn't be liked and I am undeserving of my title, even as a member of the site.

However, I'm not even gonna bother trying to fix all this, because it's impossible. All I would do is waste my time and your time trying to make all of these matters resolved, and I'd be digging my own grave even deeper.

Do as you guys wish.
ZIv Mod Squad: "shark jumpscare"

Post #35 · Posted at 2016-04-24 07:42:29pm 8.1 years ago

Offline Aegis
Aegis Avatar Member
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Post #36 · Posted at 2016-04-24 07:42:38pm 8.1 years ago

Offline Loodee
Loodee Avatar Member+
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Post #37 · Posted at 2016-04-24 07:43:32pm 8.1 years ago

Offline Quickman
Quickman Avatar Member+
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Reg. 2013-08-17

"five minute white boy challenge"

Last updated: 2016-04-24 07:43pm
Quote: xRGTMx
You know, I guess I'll hash some things out as well, not gonna be a party pooper and lock the thead. That's too easy.

I do realize what kind of person I am and come across when I post here, and that I can look immature, crass, "edgy," hypocritical, what have you. I've been given a negative rep because of it, and this was before I even became a mod in the first place. I try my best to be a good person and a consistent contributor here. It just seems like a few people (not pointing names) will point out the smallest mistakes and decisions I make just to remind others and myself that I shouldn't be liked and I am undeserving of my title, even as a member of the site.

However, I'm not even gonna bother trying to fix all this, because it's impossible. All I would do is waste my time and your time trying to make all of these matters resolved, and I'd be digging my own grave even deeper.

Do as you guys wish.

Quote: Aegis

i'd fuck him, ngl
Quote: Quick Man
Approximately nobody asked for this song to be included. Least popular decision by the Japanese since Nintendo released the Wii U.

Post #38 · Posted at 2016-04-24 07:44:27pm 8.1 years ago

Offline The Legendary DJXYZ
The Legendary DJXYZ Avatar Member
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Reg. 2014-09-21

"Elsewhere known as borealis"
(That was actually a compliment. I used to spell it "smorgashborg" by pronounciation, and you got it right.)
Not around here too often anymore, but I still play DDR & maimai!
My final contest run was in my signature so I guess I'll keep it here for those who wanna play my last few charts:

Post #39 · Posted at 2016-04-24 07:44:43pm 8.1 years ago

Post #40 · Posted at 2016-04-24 07:45:19pm 8.1 years ago

Offline Aegis
Aegis Avatar Member
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Quote: The Legendary DJXYZ
(That was actually a compliment. I used to spell it "smorgashborg" by pronounciation, and you got it right.)

I wrote it though..
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