
Dave & Buster's (Nashville)

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2024-05-09 18:07 4 months ago
by fygar939

2012-01-10 09:33 12 years ago
by DuoChan


Establishment runs on a card system. All games half-price on Wednesdays.

Opry Mills has a youth policy (anyone under 18) on Fridays and Saturdays. All minors must be accompanied by an adult 21+. Check https://oprymillsyouthsupervision.splashthat.com/local-spot-1 for details.

Check the website before visiting as the location may be closed at certain days and times for private events (this doesn't happen as often now, maybe once a year if at all).

The mall entrance is closed during Opry's closure hours (typically 8pm). You must use the main outdoor entrance during these hours.

https://twitter.com/TNRhythmGamers for locals, Discord invite is located on the same page.

Contact Number



Opry Mills
540 Opry Mills Drive
Tennessee, 37214

Opening Times

Monday11:00 - 00:00
Tuesday11:00 - 00:00
Wednesday11:00 - 01:00
Thursday11:00 - 01:00
Friday11:00 - 01:00
Saturday10:00 - 02:00
Sunday10:00 - 00:00


Music GamePriceCondition
DanceDanceRevolution A20 PLUS (North America)
Location: From the mall entrance, turn left. Right next to the door.
10.1 Credits / (1 credit) SINGLE or DOUBLE
20.2 Credits / (2 credits) VERSUS
5.0 Credits / (1 credit) Wednesday price
Guitar Hero Arcade (International)
Location: Near Jumpin' Jackpot
Comment: No 2nd credit needed for premium songs.
8.0 Credits / 1 song
4.0 Credits / Wednesday Price
Pac-Man's Arcade Party (International)
Location: At the outside entrance.
Comment: Donation machine for Make-A-Wish foundation. Takes quarters and bills. As of Feb. 2020 the coin slot is jammed so dollar bills is currently the only way to go. There is also screen burn-in.
Cruis'n Blast (International)
Comment: 4 Cabs
GRID (Twin Cab 2P) (International)
Location: Near B-ball machines
MotoGP Arcade (International)
Comment: 2 machines
6.8 chipsUnknown
Rail ShooterPriceCondition
Dark Escape 4D (International)
Location: Near the restrooms
Deadstorm Pirates Special Edition (International)
Location: Next to Gridiron Blitz
Luigi's Mansion Arcade (International)
Location: Around the mall entrance
Terminator Salvation (Unknown Model) (International)
Comment: 2 Cabs
Time Crisis 5 (International)
Location: Next to Mach Storm
Comment: True Mastermind Edition; has all available levels for the game
Deal or No Deal (International)
Location: Near the square bar
Comment: Three machines
Fruit Ninja FX 2 (International)
Location: To the right of the skee-ball machines
Comment: 3 screens
Grand Piano Keys (North America)
Location: Next to restrooms in the Midway
6.4 chipsPerfect
Jumpin' Jackpot (International)
Comment: Difficulty is set to max.
4 creditsPerfect
Spin N Win (International)
Location: Near the Winner's Circle on the wall
Comment: 3 machines
Temple Run Arcade (North America)US$1.00Perfect
Wheel of Fortune (International)
Location: Near mall entrance
Comment: Three machines.
9.9 CreditsPerfect
Shoot 'em upPriceCondition
Batman (International)
Location: Near the B-Ball machines
Comment: 2014 driving game. 2 Cabs
Mach Storm (International)
Location: Near Deadstorm Pirates
Comment: Mach Storm Jet Fighter Simulator
Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games (International)
Location: On the back wall with the redemption games; visible from charging station
Comment: 2 machines.
10 Credits / (1 credit)
5 Credits / (1 credit) Wednesday price


X2 at D&B Nashville (R.I.P.)X2 at D&B Nashville (R.I.P.)
DDR A at D&B NashvilleDDR A at D&B Nashville
Doubles Premium 5-29Doubles Premium 5-29


Log in to add your own comments!
fygar9393 years agofygar939
In other words: yes, it's still running A20
fygar9393 years agofygar939
DDR cab is working again after replacing the PC, but staff is still trying to resolve getting it online. Panel is still cracked too, but a new one is being ordered
fygar9396 years agofygar939
Monitor got dimmer after it was rebooted last Saturday. One assumption I've heard is that the monitor may be failing, but it's unconfirmed.
fygar9397 years agofygar939
Power Card reader is having issues. Machine was restarted a few times and the reader wouldn't work. Machine otherwise seems to be fine.
fygar9397 years agofygar939
Machine is disabled again. Awaiting to hear what the issue is.
fygar9397 years agofygar939
Eh, machine was disabled when I went there yesterday. Guessing the pads are still acting up. I'll update whenever I hear about it, but in case it's been a while since I've updated, you can always contact D&B and ask a tech if DDR is playable.
Fresca7 years agoFresca
Thanks for the update, really excited to play tomorrow!
fygar9397 years agofygar939
It's still good. Pads worked when I got in, but the connection dropped out twice and took too long to check. If it starts checking and continues to it for 10+ minutes, get a tech to reboot it.
fygar9397 years agofygar939
Machine is back up again. I'll be there Thursday to make sure it's still good.
Fresca7 years agoFresca
Any word on ddr? I'm staying in Nashville for the next few days and looking to go to DnB on Friday. Hoping for a miracle, it seems.
fygar9397 years agofygar939
DDR A is currently out for now. Hearing that it needs a new wiring harness, but no ETA on when it will be fixed.
fygar9397 years agofygar939
Unresponsive pads have been happening more frequently and restarting it doesn't fix them immediately as we thought. Some efforts have been made by techs to make sure the wiring between the pads and the cab is conductive where needed but even that doesn't seem to completely resolve it.
fygar9397 years agofygar939
Had an incident a few days ago where both pads were unresponsive. If this happens while you're there, ask a tech if he/she could restart it; both pads worked after that.
fygar9397 years agofygar939
Doubles Premium is here!!
fygar9397 years agofygar939
Had a tech open up the 1P down arrow to diagnose the problem. The up sensor (i.e. closest to center of the pad) appears to be dead, and some on other arrows could be but the others won't affect gameplay as much. I also pointed out a loose L-bracket on 1P down's down sensor that didn't register well to the touch, but it was ignored since it registered when stepping on the arrow. I can't remember what the problem seemed to be with the up arrow since that's where most of the pad misses come from when I play, but it may have been the same thing.
vero7 years agovero
1P seems to be working great again.
fygar9398 years agofygar939
Maintenance knows that the 1P right arrow is having issues
fygar9398 years agofygar939
Currently saying 2P pad is better on the new machine. 1P arrows feel a bit stiff.
fygar9398 years agofygar939
Currently saying 2P pad is better on the new machine. 1P arrows feel a bit stiff.
vero8 years agovero
It was confirmed by a tech. He said they should get it tomorrow but won't be playable until the weekend or later.
Chief_Skittles8 years agoChief_Skittles
I hope that happens, it would be extremely exciting.
vero8 years agovero
As of yesterday the 1P right side arrow is consistently sticking, often giving 80% misses. The machine is rumored to be replaced by DDR Ace.
fygar9399 years agofygar939
For the past month I've visited, the pads are mediocre but playable. I can play some 12+ songs and endure pad misses at best, but some (such as Sakura :hea:) yield about 10+ goods.
fygar9399 years agofygar939
Visited Wednesday....P1 down was stuck. P2 worked great but for a moment P2 up was stuck.
fygar93910 years agofygar939
Just played here today. Pads are still great and take the same effort to register steps, but I still think P1 is best (maybe it's my preference...).
Mambru10 years agoMambru
I stop by there and it was awesome, has for USB port there and Still P1 Pad is Super nice was surprise on a AAA there P2 Down arrow still not that sensitive and give problems
I'm probably gonna stop by here tonight while I'm in the area. Is the DDR X2 playable right now? I know the description says so, but that was almost 3 weeks ago, enough time for the pads to go back to shit.


fygar9394 months agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A20 PLUS (North America) updated.
• Pricing changed.
fygar9395 months agofygar939
Location name, opening times updated.
fygar9398 months agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A20 PLUS (North America) updated.
• Comment removed.
• Condition changed from Not Working to Moderate.
fygar9398 months agofygar939
Location information updated.
fygar9398 months agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A20 PLUS (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "PC fixed, but pad wiring got damaged. WIP".
fygar93910 months agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A20 PLUS (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "Error before the cab boots (not a network error). Unknown when it will be fixed.".
• Condition changed from Moderate to Not Working.
fygar9391 year agofygar939
Location website, opening times updated.
fygar9391 year agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A20 PLUS (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "P1 up gives pad misses sometimes. P2 left sometimes gives goods too. 2P down arrow replaced with older panel".
• Condition changed from Bad to Moderate.
fygar9391 year agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A20 PLUS (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "P1 up gives pad misses sometimes. P2 left sometimes gives goods too. 2P down arrow cracked".
• Condition changed from Moderate to Bad.
fygar9391 year agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A20 PLUS (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "P1 up gives pad misses sometimes. P2 left sometimes gives goods too".
fygar9392 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A20 PLUS (North America) updated.
• Pricing changed.
fygar9392 years agofygar939
Grand Piano Keys (North America) updated.
• Location changed to "Next to restrooms in the Midway".
fygar9392 years agofygar939
Super Trivia TV (North America) deleted.
vero2 years agovero
Location information updated.
vero2 years agovero
Location information updated.
vero2 years agovero
Location website, information updated.
fygar9392 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A20 PLUS (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "P1 left gives pad misses sometimes. P2 left sometimes gives goods too".
fygar9392 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A20 PLUS (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "P1 down currently experiencing pad misses".
• Condition changed from Great to Moderate.
fygar9392 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A20 PLUS (North America) updated.
• Pricing changed.
fygar9392 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A20 PLUS (North America) updated.
• Pricing changed.
fygar9392 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A20 PLUS (North America) updated.
• Pricing changed.
fygar9393 years agofygar939
Location information updated.
fygar9393 years agofygar939
Location information, opening times updated.
fygar9393 years agofygar939
Location information updated.
fygar9393 years agofygar939
Location information updated.
fygar9393 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A20 PLUS (North America) updated.
• Comment removed.
• Condition changed from Moderate to Great.
fygar9393 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A20 (North America) updated.
• DanceDanceRevolution A20 (North America) is now a DanceDanceRevolution A20 PLUS (North America).
• Comment changed to "Online. 1P down arrow is cracked. ".
fygar9393 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A20 (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "Working but offline. 1P down arrow is cracked. On version 2020031700 as of 2020-09-12.".
• Condition changed from Not Working to Moderate.
fygar9393 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A20 (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "GPU failed and machine is turned off. 1P down arrow is cracked. On version 2020031700 as of 2020-09-12.".
fygar9393 years agofygar939
Guitar Hero Arcade (International) updated.
• Location changed to "Near Jumpin' Jackpot".
fygar9393 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A20 (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "GPU failed and machine is turned off. On version 2020031700 as of 2020-09-12.".
• Condition changed from Moderate to Not Working.
fygar9393 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A20 (North America) updated.
• Pricing changed.
fygar9393 years agofygar939
Location information updated.
fygar9394 years agofygar939
Location information updated.
fygar9394 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A20 (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "Offline. On version 2020031700 as of 2020-09-12.".
DuoChan4 years agoDuoChan
Pac-Man's Arcade Party (International) updated.
• Comment changed to "Donation machine for Make-A-Wish foundation. Takes quarters and bills. As of Feb. 2020 the coin slot is jammed so dollar bills is currently the only way to go. There is also screen burn-in.".
• Pricing changed from $0.25 to $1.00.
• Condition changed from Great to Moderate.
fygar9394 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) is now a DanceDanceRevolution A20 (North America).
fygar9395 years agofygar939
MotoGP Arcade (International) added.
ohaiimian5 years agoohaiimian
Location information updated.
fygar9395 years agofygar939
Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games (International) updated.
• Location changed to "On the back wall with the redemption games; visible from charging station".
DuoChan5 years agoDuoChan
Cruis\'n Blast (International) added.
DuoChan5 years agoDuoChan
Infinity Blade FX (International) deleted.
DuoChan5 years agoDuoChan
Ghost Squad (International) deleted.
DuoChan5 years agoDuoChan
The Fast and the Furious: Super Cars (International) deleted.
DuoChan5 years agoDuoChan
Super Bikes 2 (2P) (International) deleted.
DuoChan5 years agoDuoChan
H2Overdrive (International) deleted.
DuoChan5 years agoDuoChan
Pac-Man Battle Royale (International) deleted.
fygar9395 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• Comment removed.
• Condition changed from Not Working to Moderate.
DuoChan6 years agoDuoChan
Rambo (International) deleted.
fygar9396 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "Monitor died, Out of order.".
• Condition changed from Great to Not Working.
fygar9396 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "Bar cushions have recently been replaced. Monitor is having backlight issues again".
fygar9396 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "Bar cushions have recently been replaced.".
fygar9396 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "Bar cushion on P1 bar is loose and may slide out of place.".
DuoChan6 years agoDuoChan
Location information updated.
DuoChan6 years agoDuoChan
Location information updated.
fygar9396 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• Comment removed.
vero6 years agovero
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "Monitor is dimmer than usual.".
• Condition changed from Moderate to Great.
fygar9396 years agofygar939
Luigi's Mansion Arcade (International) updated.
• Comment removed.
• Condition changed from Not Working to Perfect.
fygar9396 years agofygar939
Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games (International) updated.
• Location changed to "On the back wall next to Mario GP Arcade".
• Comment changed to "2 machines.".
fygar9396 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "Doubles Premium is on. P2 pad is flawless. P1 up may give pad misses; P1 down doesn't hold freezes well either. Monitor is dimmer than usual.".
• Condition changed from Great to Moderate.
fygar9396 years agofygar939
Luigi's Mansion Arcade (International) updated.
• Comment changed to "Card Reader has been disabled since 11/11.".
• Condition changed from Perfect to Not Working.
fygar9397 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• Condition changed from Not Working to Great.
fygar9397 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• Condition changed from Great to Not Working.
fygar9397 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "Doubles Premium is back on again as of 5-29. P2 pad is flawless. P1 up may give pad misses; P1 down doesn't hold freezes well either. See comments.".
• Condition changed from Not Working to Great.
fygar9397 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "Machine is running but won't accept credits. Doubles Premium is back on again as of 5-29. P2 pad is flawless. P1 up may give pad misses; P1 down doesn't hold freezes well either. See comments.".
• Condition changed from Great to Not Working.
fygar9397 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "Machine is back up again. Doubles Premium is back on again as of 5-29. P2 pad is flawless. P1 up may give pad misses; P1 down doesn't hold freezes well either. See comments.".
• Condition changed from Not Working to Great.
fygar9397 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "Machine is off until wiring harness needs to be replaced. Doubles Premium is back on again as of 5-29. P2 pad is flawless. P1 up may give pad misses; P1 down doesn't hold freezes well either. See comments.".
fygar9397 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "MACHINE IS CURRENTLY TURNED OFF. Doubles Premium is back on again as of 5-29. P2 pad is flawless. P1 up may give pad misses; P1 down doesn't hold freezes well either. See comments.".
fygar9397 years agofygar939
Pac-Man's Arcade Party (International) updated.
• Condition changed from Unknown to Great.
fygar9397 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• Condition changed from Great to Not Working.
DuoChan7 years agoDuoChan
Megatouch (series) (North America) deleted.
DuoChan7 years agoDuoChan
Daytona USA (2P) (International) deleted.
fygar9397 years agofygar939
Location information updated.
fygar9397 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• Pricing changed.
fygar9397 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "Doubles Premium is back on again as of 5-29. P2 pad is flawless. P1 up may give pad misses; P1 down doesn't hold freezes well either. See comments.".
fygar9397 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "Doubles Premium is turned off. P2 pad is flawless. P1 up may give pad misses; P1 down doesn't hold freezes well either. See comments.".
• Pricing changed.
fygar9397 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "NOTE: PREMIUM MODE IS CURRENTLY EXTRA. P2 pad is flawless. P1 up may give pad misses; P1 down doesn't hold freezes well either. See comments.".
• Pricing changed.
fygar9397 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "Now working as of 1/21. P2 pad is flawless. P1 up may give pad misses; P1 down doesn't hold freezes well either. See comments.".
• Condition changed from Broken to Great.
DuoChan7 years agoDuoChan
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "As of 1/18, the CPU has malfunctioned and a tech guy confirmed a new one has been ordered from Japan and should arrive within a week. P2 pad is flawless. P1 up may give pad misses; P1 down doesn't hold freezes well either. See comments.".
• Condition changed from Great to Broken.
fygar9397 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• Pricing changed.
fygar9397 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "P2 pad is flawless. P1 up may give pad misses; P1 down doesn't hold freezes well either. See comments.".
fygar9397 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "Network seems to be OK. P1 up is not as sensitive; may give pad misses".
• Condition changed from Bad to Great.
fygar9397 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "Machine is having network connection issues and may not be playable. Please contact the store for updates before visiting.".
• Condition changed from Great to Bad.
DuoChan7 years agoDuoChan
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "Pads seem to work fine".
fygar9397 years agofygar939
Grand Piano Keys (North America) added.
DuoChan7 years agoDuoChan
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "Pads seem to work great ATM, but on a visit on 11-2, the eAmuse scanner on the 2p side didn't seem to work".
vero7 years agovero
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• Pricing changed.
vero7 years agovero
Location information updated.
vero7 years agovero
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• Pricing changed.
ohnoitschris8 years agoohnoitschris
Luigi's Mansion Arcade (International) deleted.
ohnoitschris8 years agoohnoitschris
Luigi\'s Mansion Arcade (International) added.
fygar9398 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "P1 Up may give pad misses but everything else has no problems. No 2nd Credit needed for Premium play.".
fygar9398 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• Condition changed from Perfect to Great.
fygar9398 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "No 2nd Credit needed for Premium play.".
• Condition changed from Moderate to Perfect.
fygar9398 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• Condition changed from Great to Moderate.
fygar9398 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "1P right is giving pad misses on and off. 2P pad works well. No 2nd Credit needed for Premium play.".
fygar9398 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "1P up arrow reported as malfunctioning. No 2nd Credit needed for Premium play.".
fygar9398 years agofygar939
Location information updated.
fygar9398 years agofygar939
Location information updated.
fygar9398 years agofygar939
DanceDanceRevolution A (North America) updated.
• Comment changed to "1P up arrow reported as malfunctioning.".
• Condition changed from Perfect to Great.
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